Am I dreaming

May 7, 2021
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Hi to all, I am looking to change occupations and almost signed straight up for a UWA coding bootcamp.

Knowing exactly zero about coding other than the history of coding I was surprised that I could gain entry to a intense 26 week coding course. entry =13k - knowledge.

I can solve problems and I can be disciplined and at 50 know I can wake up early and try hard to be at work and do my best, my question to the forum is: discounting bootcamps ran by Trilogy under the banner of reputable Unis what advice could you give me for self learning, the sources of , and what realistic measurement of mathematical understanding or plain aptitude is a minimum for even attempting to get involved in this area.
Nov 13, 2020
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I am a retired American and know little about the hiring practices in Australia; I did look up some things up on google. Programmers are the 11th most sought after job and Python is the most sought after language. Python is used for data collection -> statistics. That sounds extremely boring to me so I wouldn't spend 13K to sit around and do something akin to accounting. What I'd suggest would be to ask someone in HR at different companies what they're looking for and if you had a chance to be hired by them at fifty before committing yourself to such high expense.
I do not think boot camps are great at teaching someone with no back ground in the field. I think they are better at adding to a skill set. I'd use the internet to self teach the basics. Python is a good language to start with.
Some sites from google (No recommendation from me):
  • CodeCademy. It's interactive learning
  • Google's Python Class. ...
  • Microsoft's Free Python Course. ...
  • Coursera.
May 7, 2021
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Really appreciate your reply. Its slightly different in Australia than the US as you have 400million and we have 25million in a country that is very slightly bigger. so the phrase "skills shortage" gets thrown about a lot and its more a case of bums on seats.

TBH the thought of sitting in front of a computer isn't that appealing, unfortunately with lyme disease and other physical issues i have given up on really working (been working at heights for years) and need to be useful from this sitting position...

Sound advice and I will try another type of intro into learning a code and see if its within my capabilities.
Jan 24, 2024
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It's great that you're considering a career change and exploring coding as a potential path. Self-learning can be a rewarding journey, but it requires dedication and the right resources. Here are some tips and advice:

1. Foundational Understanding:

  • Mathematical Aptitude: While not every programming job requires advanced mathematics, having a solid understanding of basic math concepts like algebra and logic can be helpful. Many coding problems involve logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  • Logic and Analytical Thinking: Coding is about breaking down problems into smaller, manageable parts. Developing logical thinking is crucial.

2. Choose a Programming Language:

  • Start with a Beginner-Friendly Language: Python is often recommended for beginners due to its simplicity and readability. Other good choices include JavaScript, Ruby, or Java. Your choice may depend on the type of applications you're interested in.

3. Online Resources:

  • Interactive Platforms: Websites like Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and Khan Academy provide interactive coding exercises for beginners.
  • Tutorial Websites: Platforms like W3Schools, Mozilla Developer Network (MDN), and GeeksforGeeks offer tutorials and documentation for various programming languages.

4. Books and Courses:

  • Books for Beginners: "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart and "Eloquent JavaScript" by Marijn Haverbeke are excellent resources.
  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy offer courses for various skill levels.

5. Projects and Hands-On Practice:

  • Build Real Projects: Apply your learning by working on real-world projects. This not only reinforces your skills but also provides a portfolio for future job applications.
  • GitHub: Contribute to open-source projects or upload your own projects on GitHub to showcase your work.

6. Problem-Solving Practice:

  • Coding Challenges: Websites like HackerRank, LeetCode, and CodeSignal offer coding challenges that improve problem-solving skills.

7. Join Coding Communities:

  • Forums and Meetups: Engage with the coding community through forums like Stack Overflow. Attend local meetups or join online communities for support and networking.

8. Stay Updated:

  • Follow Industry Trends: The tech industry evolves rapidly. Stay informed about the latest technologies and trends.

9. Discipline and Consistency:

  • Set a Schedule: Treat learning like a job. Set aside dedicated time each day or week for learning and practice.
  • Consistency is Key: Regular, consistent practice is more effective than sporadic, intense study sessions.

10. Consider Bootcamps or Formal Education:

  • Self-learning is Great, but...: Bootcamps and formal education programs can provide structured learning paths, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Consider them if you prefer a more guided approach.

11. Seek Feedback:

  • Code Reviews: Share your code with others and seek feedback. Learning from others' perspectives can enhance your skills.

12. Stay Patient and Persistent:

  • Learning Takes Time: Coding is a skill that takes time to develop. Don't get discouraged if you encounter challenges.
Remember, the journey of learning to code is unique for everyone. Start small, be patient, and celebrate your progress along the way. Good luck!

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