[ANN] codeforpeople's rubyforge 0.2.0 released


Ryan Davis

I'm proud to announce that codeforpeople's rubyforge 0.2.0 has been
released! This release marks a massive revamp to rubyforge splitting
the previous command-line script into a script and library with unit
tests. Makeing the system now able to be used directly from Rakefiles
and other deployment scripts!

We've extended the command set and added semi-automatic configuration
of groups, projects, and releases. We've also added the ability to
add files to a release.

We have a lot of plans for this library. Next on the list is to be
able to specify multiple files to release all at once, error
checking, and a much more powerful configuration system.

Bil Kleb

Ryan said:
We have a lot of plans for this library. Next on the list is to be able
to specify multiple files to release all at once, error checking, and a
much more powerful configuration system.

Can someone compare/contrast this library with Aslak
and Austin's MetaProject (http://xforge.rubyforge.org/)?

Both are on my list of "to investigate one day".



There's a certain power that comes over one when
you type,

sudo gem install rubyforge

indeed. my favourite in the past has been releasing rubyforge with rubyforge
- a little package manager quine... ;-)

thanks bil. and thanks ryan and eric. those guys just dropped this new
release in my lap the other night and i really appreciate it! the previous
version had this in the TODO section:


- scrape rubyforge to auto-configure group_id and package_ids.

- objectify the script. it's procedural butchery attm.

and that's exactly what they did - and more. yay open source!



Bil Kleb


Lyle Johnson

I'm proud to announce that codeforpeople's rubyforge 0.2.0 has been
released! ...

OK, I'm having trouble installing the gem. Probably has nothing to do
with the rubyforge project itself, but at any rate, when I do:

sudo gem install rubyforge

I get this:

Attempting local installation of 'rubyforge'
Local gem file not found: rubyforge*.gem
Attempting remote installation of 'rubyforge'
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOENT)
No such file or directory -

I can see that the gem file has at least been downloaded into my
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache directory, so it doesn't seem to be
a network problem or anything like that.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Ryan Davis

OK, I'm having trouble installing the gem. Probably has nothing to do
with the rubyforge project itself, but at any rate, when I do:

sudo gem install rubyforge

I get this:

Attempting local installation of 'rubyforge'
Local gem file not found: rubyforge*.gem
Attempting remote installation of 'rubyforge'
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOENT)
No such file or directory -

HAHA! I knew I should have switched the gem over to a manifest based
system! SORRY. I'll get that fixed and released today. ** is EVIL.

Ryan Davis

Can someone compare/contrast this library with Aslak
and Austin's MetaProject (http://xforge.rubyforge.org/)?

metaproject is big to the point of obfuscation and intimidation (to
me). I wanted to automate deployment. That is it. Ara's code shines
with clarity of thought and we glommed onto it immediately. It was
relatively tiny, did one thing, and did it rather well. Now it does
it better. :)

Ryan Davis

OK, I'm having trouble installing the gem. Probably has nothing to do
with the rubyforge project itself, but at any rate, when I do:

sudo gem install rubyforge

I get this:

Attempting local installation of 'rubyforge'
Local gem file not found: rubyforge*.gem
Attempting remote installation of 'rubyforge'
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::ENOENT)
No such file or directory -


Joel VanderWerf

Ryan said:

Something's still not working for me:

$ gem install rubyforge
ERROR: While executing gem ... (OpenURI::HTTPError)
300 Multiple Choices

Ryan Davis

Something's still not working for me:

$ gem install rubyforge
ERROR: While executing gem ... (OpenURI::HTTPError)
300 Multiple Choices

Hrm. I'm getting a 404, which I believe to just be the mirrors not
being fully synced up.

As far as the multiple choinces... hrm. I did nuke the release and do
it again to test the newer level of deployment automation... so maybe
I did that mid sync and they're a bit confused.

Joel VanderWerf

Ryan said:
Hrm. I'm getting a 404, which I believe to just be the mirrors not being
fully synced up.

Now I'm getting the 404 too. I guess that'll go away soon.

Out of curiosity, is there a way to force gem ops to use a particular
repository (in this case, the main rubyforge), to avoid mirroring issues?

I tried this:

$ gem install rubyforge --source rubyforge.org
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteSourceException)
HTTP Response 404

Am I specifying the source correctly?

(This might not even be a correct workaround, because rubyforge might
redirect the request to a mirror anyway, as it does when you click on
the links on the download page.)

Tom Copeland

Out of curiosity, is there a way to force gem ops to use a particular
repository (in this case, the main rubyforge), to avoid mirroring issues?

Actually, RubyForge doesn't serve any gems itself when they're requested
by the RubyGems client app; all those requests get redirected to the
mirrors. Although, really, you just can hit


if you just want to fetch a gem or two.

Anyhow, I'm running a manual file sync now; something must have gotten
hung up because those new rubyforge files/gems still aren't sync'd out.
Should make it out there soon...



Ryan Davis

Actually, RubyForge doesn't serve any gems itself when they're
by the RubyGems client app; all those requests get redirected to the
mirrors. Although, really, you just can hit


if you just want to fetch a gem or two.

Anyhow, I'm running a manual file sync now; something must have gotten
hung up because those new rubyforge files/gems still aren't sync'd
Should make it out there soon...

Thanks. I tried to find you earlier but you weren't online.

I think the thing was that I released the gem, deleted it about 3-5
minutes later, and released again shortly after that.

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