ANN: Wykobi C++ Geometry Library


Arash Partow

Hi all,

I'd like to announce that the Wykobi C++ Geometry
Library is now available and awaiting your download.

What is it?

Wykobi is an efficient, robust and simple to use
multi-platform 2D/3D computational geometry library.
Wykobi provides a concise, predictable, and
deterministic interface for geometric primitives
and complex geometric routines using and conforming
to the ISO/IEC 14882:2003 C++ language specification.

The design and structure of Wykobi lends itself to
easy and seamless integration into projects of any
scale that require a robust yet efficient 2D/3D
computational geometry back-end.


Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

Mark P

Arash said:
Hi all,

I'd like to announce that the Wykobi C++ Geometry
Library is now available and awaiting your download.

What is it?

Wykobi is an efficient, robust and simple to use
multi-platform 2D/3D computational geometry library.
Wykobi provides a concise, predictable, and
deterministic interface for geometric primitives
and complex geometric routines using and conforming
to the ISO/IEC 14882:2003 C++ language specification.

The design and structure of Wykobi lends itself to
easy and seamless integration into projects of any
scale that require a robust yet efficient 2D/3D
computational geometry back-end.


Is there any more detailed information about what specifically the
library provides?

Arash Partow

Hi Mark,

It mainly just a library that deals with 2D and 3D
geometry routines and algorithms related to 2D and
3D geometric primitives. Feel free to download and
review the header, its all pretty self explanatory.

Arash Partow
Be one who knows what they don't know,
Instead of being one who knows not what they don't know,
Thinking they know everything about all things.

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