applet signing library



Hi i posted a while agoabout signing java applets. With the help of you guys
my applet now works and is signed. Now i wish to write a java application
with a gui front end that can jar, sign and verify signed jars. are there
jar and signing libraries or will my front end have to shell the command
line commands, keytool, jar and jarsigner?



Darren said:
Hi i posted a while agoabout signing java applets. With the help of you guys
my applet now works and is signed. Now i wish to write a java application
with a gui front end that can jar, sign and verify signed jars. are there
jar and signing libraries or will my front end have to shell the command
line commands, keytool, jar and jarsigner?


well Darrent I dont recommed to use java at all. It is been a foe to
many, just look at the amount of problems we get. as for you problem,
just use your regular signature, one you use in a bank or something.

well start using C++, it is more signature friendly

Andrew Thompson

puzzlecracker said: for you problem,
just use your regular signature, one you use in a bank or something.

Are you taking medication for your problem(s)?

Roedy Green

Hi i posted a while agoabout signing java applets. With the help of you guys
my applet now works and is signed. Now i wish to write a java application
with a gui front end that can jar, sign and verify signed jars. are there
jar and signing libraries or will my front end have to shell the command
line commands, keytool, jar and jarsigner?

Since the volumes are so low, I think you would find spawning tools to
be an easier technique even if you did know how to recreate what they
do with standard libraries.

If you want to pursue that approach check out:

You also might like to look into ANT for doing this.

Here is an ant script to compile, jar, and sign an applet. It also
builds a zip and copies files all over the place. You might tackle
instead a tool to generate and run an ant script for ant newbies.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Compile and jar wassup using ant -->
<!-- Invoke with [ant clean] to erase class files and start over. -->
<!-- Invoke with [ant compile] to just compile. -->
<!-- Invoke with [ant jar] to compile and create jar files. -->
<!-- Invoke with [ant jet] to create jet executables. -->
<!-- Invoke with [ant post] to post jar files to website. -->
<!-- Invoke with [ant zip] to create source code zip files and post
them to the website. -->
<!-- For details of ant use, see
<project name="wassup" basedir="c:/" default="jar">

<!-- D E F I N I T I O N S -->

<!-- is com.mindprod.wassup -->
<property name="" value="com.mindprod.${}"

<!-- package.dir is com/mindprod/wassup -->
<property name="package.dir" value="com/mindprod/${}"

<!-- main.class is com.mindprod.wassup.Wassup -->
<property name="main.class" value="${}.Wassup" />

<!-- is wassup.jar -->
<property name="" value="${}.jar" />

<!-- jar.file is com/mindprod/wassup/wassup.jar -->
<property name="jar.file" value="${package.dir}/${}" />

<!-- jar.dir is e:/mindprod/applets -->
<property name="jar.dir" value="e:/mindprod/applets" />

<!-- exe.file is com/mindprod/wassup/wassup.exe -->
<property name="exe.file"
value="${package.dir}/${}.exe" />

<!-- is -->
<property name="" value="" />

<!-- zip.file is com/mindprod/wassup/ -->
<property name="zip.file" value="${package.dir}/${}" />

<!-- zip.dir is e:/mindprod/zips -->
<property name="zip.dir" value="e:/mindprod/zips" />

<!-- is e:/mindprod/zips/ -->
<property name="" value="${zip.dir}/" />

<!-- icon.dir is e:/mindprod/icon -->
<property name="icon.dir" value="e:/mindprod/icon" />

<!-- pad.dir is e:/mindprod/pads -->
<property name="pad.dir" value="e:/mindprod/pads" />

<!-- screenshot.dir is e:/mindprod/screenshots -->
<property name="screenshot.dir" value="e:/mindprod/screenshots" />

<!-- precis.dir is e:/mindprod/precis -->
<property name="precis.dir" value="e:/mindprod/precis" />

<!-- extensions we distribute -->
<property name="distributable.exts"

<!-- C L E A N -->
<target name="clean">
<echo message="deleting all class, jar and zip files in ${package.dir}
tree" />
<fileset dir="${package.dir}" includes="**/*.class"/>
<fileset dir="${package.dir}" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${package.dir}" includes="${}"/>

<!-- C O M P I L E -->
<target name="compile">
<echo message="compiling ${package.dir} tree." />
<javac source="1.2" target="1.1" srcdir="${package.dir}"
sourcepath="${basedir}" debug="on">

<!-- J A V A H -->
<target name="javah" depends="compile">
<!-- nothing to do -->

<!-- J A R -->
<!-- Make genjar known to ant -->
<!-- See for details -->
<taskdef resource="" />

<target name="jar" depends="compile">
<genjar jarfile="${jar.file}">
<!-- include main class and all its dependencies -->
<class name="${main.class}" />
<!-- define the manifest -->
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main.class}" />
<!-- S I G N -->
<!-- get password from set jarsignerpassword=sesame -->
<property environment="env" />
<signjar jar="${jar.file}"
alias="mindprodcert2005dsa" storepass="${env.jarsignerpassword}"/>

<!-- P R E J E T -->
<target name="prejet">
<uptodate property="jet.uptodate" srcfile="${jar.file}"
targetfile="${exe.file}" />

<!-- J E T -->
<!-- Requires Excelsior Jet native Java compiler -->
<!-- See for details -->
<target name="jet" depends="prejet" unless="jet.uptodate">
<exec executable="jc.exe" dir="${package.dir}">
<arg value="${}" />
<!-- copy exe to c:/sys -->
<copy file="${exe.file}" todir="c:/sys" />

<!-- P O S T -->
<target name="post" depends="jar">
<!-- copy jar to website -->
<copy file="${jar.file}" todir="${jar.dir}" />

<!-- Z I P -->
<target name="zip" depends="post">
<!-- copy run html from website to project dir, if it exists -->
<available property=""
file="${jar.dir}/${}.html" />
<antcall target="" />
<!-- copy manual html from website to project dir, if it exists -->
<available property="has.manual"
file="${jar.dir}/${}manual.html" />
<antcall target="copy.manual" />
<!-- copy icon png from website to project dir, if it exists -->
<available property="has.icon"
file="${icon.dir}/${}.png" />
<antcall target="copy.icon" />
<!-- copy screenshot png from website to project dir, if it exists
<available property="has.icon"
file="${screenshot.dir}/${}screenshot.png" />
<antcall target="copy.screenshot" />
<!-- copy PAD xml from website to project dir, if it exists -->
<available property="has.pad.xml"
file="${pad.dir}/${}.xml" />
<antcall target="copy.pad.xml" />
<!-- copy PAD htm from website to project dir, if it exists -->
<available property="has.pad.htm"
file="${pad.dir}/${}.htm" />
<antcall target="copy.pad.htm" />
<zip destfile="${zip.file}" duplicate="preserve" filesonly="true">
<zipfileset dir="${package.dir}" prefix="${package.dir}"
includes="${distributable.exts}" />
<zipfileset dir="com/mindprod/common11"
prefix="com/mindprod/common11" includes="${distributable.exts}" />
<!-- copy precis to website -->
<copy file="${package.dir}/${}.use"
tofile="${precis.dir}/${}.txt" overwrite="true" />
<!-- copy zip to website -->
<copy file="${zip.file}" todir="${zip.dir}" overwrite="true" />
<!-- delete old zip distributable from website -->
<delete file="${}" failonerror="false" />

<!-- copy run from website to project dir, if there is one. -->
<target name="" if="">
<copy file="${jar.dir}/${}.html"
todir="${package.dir}" failonerror="false" overwrite="true" />

<!-- copy manual from website to project dir, if there is one. -->
<target name="copy.manual" if="has.manual">
<copy file="${jar.dir}/${}manual.html"
todir="${package.dir}" failonerror="false" overwrite="true" />

<!-- copy icon from website to project dir, if there is one. -->
<target name="copy.icon" if="has.icon">
<copy file="${icon.dir}/${}.png"
todir="${package.dir}" failonerror="false" overwrite="true" />

<!-- copy screenshot from website to project dir, if there is one. -->
<target name="copy.screenshot" if="has.screenshot">
<copy file="${screenshot.dir}/${}screenshot.png"
todir="${package.dir}" failonerror="false" overwrite="true" />

<!-- copy pad xml from website to project dir, if there is one. -->
<target name="copy.pad.xml" if="has.pad.xml">
<copy file="${pad.dir}/${}.xml"
todir="${package.dir}" failonerror="false" overwrite="true" />

<!-- copy pad htm from website to project dir, if there is one. -->
<target name="copy.pad.htm" if="has.pad.htm">
<copy file="${pad.dir}/${}.htm"
todir="${package.dir}" failonerror="false" overwrite="true" />


Roedy Green

well Darrent I dont recommed to use java at all. It is been a foe to
many, just look at the amount of problems we get. as for you problem,
just use your regular signature, one you use in a bank or something.

Who has the don't feed the troll picture?

Dag Sunde

Darren said:
Hi i posted a while agoabout signing java applets. With the help of you
my applet now works and is signed. Now i wish to write a java application
with a gui front end that can jar, sign and verify signed jars. are there
jar and signing libraries or will my front end have to shell the command
line commands, keytool, jar and jarsigner?

Don't bother!

* Install Ant (Or don't, for that sake)
* Create a template for jaring and singning applets
(Or a batch-file template if no Ant)
* The only thing you have to change after copying
your template to your new procject is the path
to the class files and the name of the jar file.

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