Comparing 2 sorted vectors



This is more or less a follow up of the previous question I posed yday
I have vectors V1 and V2 and a functor (less_than) for sorting the
The vectors hold object pointers (CPerson*,and not objects).
struct Less
bool operator()(const CPerson* x, const CPerson* y) const


I call sort(V1.begin(),V1.end(),Less()) and sort works OK.No issues
I can also sort V2 similiarly
Now I want to compare V1 and V2 - both are now sorted -
What is the best way to do this-given that I already have the logic to
compare individual elements in the vector encoded in the functor?
Of course I can iterate over the elements of V1 and V2 and call a
function that encapsulates the functor logic to compare elements (and
call thatin the functor)
Any inputs will be useful

John Harrison

Suma said:
This is more or less a follow up of the previous question I posed yday
I have vectors V1 and V2 and a functor (less_than) for sorting the
The vectors hold object pointers (CPerson*,and not objects).
struct Less
bool operator()(const CPerson* x, const CPerson* y) const


I call sort(V1.begin(),V1.end(),Less()) and sort works OK.No issues
I can also sort V2 similiarly
Now I want to compare V1 and V2 - both are now sorted -
What is the best way to do this-given that I already have the logic to
compare individual elements in the vector encoded in the functor?
Of course I can iterate over the elements of V1 and V2 and call a
function that encapsulates the functor logic to compare elements (and
call thatin the functor)
Any inputs will be useful

std::lexicographical_compare(V1.begin() V1.end(), V2.begin(), V2.end(),


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