DirectorySearcher - SearchResult - User Groups


George Durzi

I'm having trouble fetching the AD groups a user belongs to after
authenticating them against Active Directory. My code is based on the How To
for using Forms Authentication to authenticate against AD

LDAP ConnectString:
Domain Name:

Initially, when I use the DirectorySearcher to find cn=gdurzi, the path of
the results is:

My code does the following to get the users groups does the following:

DirectorySearcher oDS = new
oDS.Filter ="(cn=gdurzi)";
try {
SearchResult oSR = oDS.FindOne();

I get an Exception on the call to FindOne. "The specified domain either does
not exist or could not be contacted"

After binding to the domain in ldp.exe, I can
do a search for cn=gdurzi successfully by using a Base DN of:

ldap_search_s(ld, "CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com", 1, "CN=gdurzi",
attrList, 0, &msg)
Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:4> objectClass: top; person; organizationalPerson; user;
1> cn: gdurzi;
1> distinguishedName: CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
1> name: gdurzi;
1> canonicalName:;

If I open the enterprise tree in ldp.exe and find my cn, here's what I get:

Expanding base 'CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com'...
Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:4> objectClass: top; person; organizationalPerson; user;
1> cn: gdurzi;
1> sn: Durzi;
1> givenName: George;
1> distinguishedName: CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
1> instanceType: 4;
1> whenCreated: 11/24/2004 22:38:51 US Mountain Standard Time US Mountain
Standard Time;
1> whenChanged: 12/16/2004 7:58:12 US Mountain Standard Time US Mountain
Standard Time;
1> displayName: George Durzi;
1> uSNCreated: 8471;
2> memberOf: CN=FrameworkAdmins,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
CN=Remote Desktop Users,CN=Builtin,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
1> uSNChanged: 349743;
1> name: gdurzi;
1> objectGUID: 2975a92e-fb4b-4141-a0de-482dca83d95b;
1> userAccountControl: 0x10200;
1> badPwdCount: 0;
1> codePage: 0;
1> countryCode: 0;
1> badPasswordTime: <ldp error <0x0>: cannot format time field;
1> lastLogon: <ldp error <0x0>: cannot format time field;
1> logonHours: <ldp: Binary blob>;
1> pwdLastSet: <ldp error <0x0>: cannot format time field;
1> primaryGroupID: 513;
1> userParameters: m: d ;
1> objectSid: S-1-5-21-1561616353-131408304-1539857752-1612;
1> accountExpires: 0;
1> logonCount: 12;
1> sAMAccountName: gdurzi;
1> sAMAccountType: 805306368;
1> userPrincipalName: gdurzi;
1> objectCategory:
1> msNPAllowDialin: TRUE;

You can see that the memberOf property properly pulls the groups my cn is a
member of:

memberOf: CN=FrameworkAdmins,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com; CN=Remote
Desktop Users,CN=Builtin,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;

Any idea why my code is error'ing at the call to FindOne?

Joe Kaplan \(MVP - ADSI\)

You probably want the DN for your search root to be the domain root, which
is likely to be:

The search below uses the actual user's DN (making the search not really
necessary at all), so it would need to be base-level if you were going to do

That said, I don't recommend the approach suggested by that article for
getting group membership. I think you should consider using tokenGroups
instead to discover security group membership. If you do some Google groups
searches on tokenGroups, you should see some samples.

Joe K.

George Durzi

I looked up tokenGroups, and they definitely look like a better way to
determine group membership. In the meantime, I've gotten my othercode to

I consolidated the authentication, and the membership checking into the same
function. Because, as you mentioned, the second search isn't really
necessary at all.

Here's my function:

public string IsAuthenticatedGetGroups (string Domain, string UserName,
string Password)
string sGroups = string.Empty;
string DomainUserName = string.Concat(Domain, @"\", UserName);
DirectoryEntry oDE = new DirectoryEntry(
_path, // LDAP Connect String
DomainUserName, // User
Password, // Password
AuthenticationTypes.Secure); // Authentication Type

Object oNativeObject = oDE.NativeObject;
DirectorySearcher oDS = new DirectorySearcher(oDE);

oDS.Filter = string.Concat("(&(objectClass=user)(SAMAccountName=",
UserName, "))");

SearchResult oSR = oDS.FindOne();
if (null == oSR)
return string.Empty;
if (oSR.Properties["memberOf"] == null)
return string.Empty;
int iPropertyCount = oSR.Properties["memberOf"].Count;
StringBuilder sbGroupNames = new StringBuilder();

string dn;
int equalsIndex, commaIndex;

for (int i = 0; i < iPropertyCount; i++)
dn = (string)oSR.Properties["memberOf"];
equalsIndex = dn.IndexOf("=", 1);
commaIndex = dn.IndexOf(",", 1);

if (-1 == equalsIndex) return string.Empty;

sbGroupNames.Append(dn.Substring((equalsIndex + 1), (commaIndex -
equalsIndex) - 1));
sGroups = sbGroupNames.ToString();

catch (Exception)
return string.Empty;
return sGroups;

Joe Kaplan \(MVP - ADSI\)

Sounds good. One thing to be careful about is that your code looks like it
tries to parse the CN out of the distinguished name of the group and return
that. Be aware that AD can have duplicate CNs (as long as the objects are
in different containers in the hierarchy), so you can get into a lot of
trouble using that for security decisions. Also, I don't think you code
will handle "," characters that are escaped with a \ in the CN which, could
cause your parsing to fail.

That's another reason I hate that sample from kbase. The security practices
it suggests are not very sound at all.

Joe K.

George Durzi said:
I looked up tokenGroups, and they definitely look like a better way to
determine group membership. In the meantime, I've gotten my othercode to

I consolidated the authentication, and the membership checking into the
same function. Because, as you mentioned, the second search isn't really
necessary at all.

Here's my function:

public string IsAuthenticatedGetGroups (string Domain, string UserName,
string Password)
string sGroups = string.Empty;
string DomainUserName = string.Concat(Domain, @"\", UserName);
DirectoryEntry oDE = new DirectoryEntry(
_path, // LDAP Connect String
DomainUserName, // User
Password, // Password
AuthenticationTypes.Secure); // Authentication Type

Object oNativeObject = oDE.NativeObject;
DirectorySearcher oDS = new DirectorySearcher(oDE);

oDS.Filter = string.Concat("(&(objectClass=user)(SAMAccountName=",
UserName, "))");

SearchResult oSR = oDS.FindOne();
if (null == oSR)
return string.Empty;
if (oSR.Properties["memberOf"] == null)
return string.Empty;
int iPropertyCount = oSR.Properties["memberOf"].Count;
StringBuilder sbGroupNames = new StringBuilder();

string dn;
int equalsIndex, commaIndex;

for (int i = 0; i < iPropertyCount; i++)
dn = (string)oSR.Properties["memberOf"];
equalsIndex = dn.IndexOf("=", 1);
commaIndex = dn.IndexOf(",", 1);

if (-1 == equalsIndex) return string.Empty;

sbGroupNames.Append(dn.Substring((equalsIndex + 1), (commaIndex -
equalsIndex) - 1));
sGroups = sbGroupNames.ToString();

catch (Exception)
return string.Empty;
return sGroups;

Joe Kaplan (MVP - ADSI) said:
You probably want the DN for your search root to be the domain root,
which is likely to be:

The search below uses the actual user's DN (making the search not really
necessary at all), so it would need to be base-level if you were going to
do that.

That said, I don't recommend the approach suggested by that article for
getting group membership. I think you should consider using tokenGroups
instead to discover security group membership. If you do some Google
groups searches on tokenGroups, you should see some samples.

Joe K.

George Durzi

Thanks for all the tips and help Joe. I'll definitely incorporate those
suggestions to close those gaps in the code.

Thank You

Joe Kaplan (MVP - ADSI) said:
Sounds good. One thing to be careful about is that your code looks like
it tries to parse the CN out of the distinguished name of the group and
return that. Be aware that AD can have duplicate CNs (as long as the
objects are in different containers in the hierarchy), so you can get into
a lot of trouble using that for security decisions. Also, I don't think
you code will handle "," characters that are escaped with a \ in the CN
which, could cause your parsing to fail.

That's another reason I hate that sample from kbase. The security
practices it suggests are not very sound at all.

Joe K.

George Durzi said:
I looked up tokenGroups, and they definitely look like a better way to
determine group membership. In the meantime, I've gotten my othercode to

I consolidated the authentication, and the membership checking into the
same function. Because, as you mentioned, the second search isn't really
necessary at all.

Here's my function:

public string IsAuthenticatedGetGroups (string Domain, string UserName,
string Password)
string sGroups = string.Empty;
string DomainUserName = string.Concat(Domain, @"\", UserName);
DirectoryEntry oDE = new DirectoryEntry(
_path, // LDAP Connect String
DomainUserName, // User
Password, // Password
AuthenticationTypes.Secure); // Authentication Type

Object oNativeObject = oDE.NativeObject;
DirectorySearcher oDS = new DirectorySearcher(oDE);

oDS.Filter = string.Concat("(&(objectClass=user)(SAMAccountName=",
UserName, "))");

SearchResult oSR = oDS.FindOne();
if (null == oSR)
return string.Empty;
if (oSR.Properties["memberOf"] == null)
return string.Empty;
int iPropertyCount = oSR.Properties["memberOf"].Count;
StringBuilder sbGroupNames = new StringBuilder();

string dn;
int equalsIndex, commaIndex;

for (int i = 0; i < iPropertyCount; i++)
dn = (string)oSR.Properties["memberOf"];
equalsIndex = dn.IndexOf("=", 1);
commaIndex = dn.IndexOf(",", 1);

if (-1 == equalsIndex) return string.Empty;

sbGroupNames.Append(dn.Substring((equalsIndex + 1), (commaIndex -
equalsIndex) - 1));
sGroups = sbGroupNames.ToString();

catch (Exception)
return string.Empty;
return sGroups;

Joe Kaplan (MVP - ADSI) said:
You probably want the DN for your search root to be the domain root,
which is likely to be:

The search below uses the actual user's DN (making the search not really
necessary at all), so it would need to be base-level if you were going
to do that.

That said, I don't recommend the approach suggested by that article for
getting group membership. I think you should consider using tokenGroups
instead to discover security group membership. If you do some Google
groups searches on tokenGroups, you should see some samples.

Joe K.

I'm having trouble fetching the AD groups a user belongs to after
authenticating them against Active Directory. My code is based on the
How To for using Forms Authentication to authenticate against AD

LDAP ConnectString:
Domain Name:

Initially, when I use the DirectorySearcher to find cn=gdurzi, the path
of the results is:

My code does the following to get the users groups does the following:

DirectorySearcher oDS = new
oDS.Filter ="(cn=gdurzi)";
try {
SearchResult oSR = oDS.FindOne();

I get an Exception on the call to FindOne. "The specified domain either
does not exist or could not be contacted"

After binding to the domain in ldp.exe, I
can do a search for cn=gdurzi successfully by using a Base DN of:

ldap_search_s(ld, "CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com", 1, "CN=gdurzi",
attrList, 0, &msg)
Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:
Dn: CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com
4> objectClass: top; person; organizationalPerson; user;
1> cn: gdurzi;
1> distinguishedName: CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
1> name: gdurzi;
1> canonicalName:;

If I open the enterprise tree in ldp.exe and find my cn, here's what I

Expanding base 'CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com'...
Result <0>: (null)
Matched DNs:
Getting 1 entries:
Dn: CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com
4> objectClass: top; person; organizationalPerson; user;
1> cn: gdurzi;
1> sn: Durzi;
1> givenName: George;
1> distinguishedName: CN=gdurzi,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
1> instanceType: 4;
1> whenCreated: 11/24/2004 22:38:51 US Mountain Standard Time US
Mountain Standard Time;
1> whenChanged: 12/16/2004 7:58:12 US Mountain Standard Time US
Mountain Standard Time;
1> displayName: George Durzi;
1> uSNCreated: 8471;
2> memberOf: CN=FrameworkAdmins,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
CN=Remote Desktop Users,CN=Builtin,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
1> uSNChanged: 349743;
1> name: gdurzi;
1> objectGUID: 2975a92e-fb4b-4141-a0de-482dca83d95b;
1> userAccountControl: 0x10200;
1> badPwdCount: 0;
1> codePage: 0;
1> countryCode: 0;
1> badPasswordTime: <ldp error <0x0>: cannot format time field;
1> lastLogon: <ldp error <0x0>: cannot format time field;
1> logonHours: <ldp: Binary blob>;
1> pwdLastSet: <ldp error <0x0>: cannot format time field;
1> primaryGroupID: 513;
1> userParameters: m: d ;
1> objectSid: S-1-5-21-1561616353-131408304-1539857752-1612;
1> accountExpires: 0;
1> logonCount: 12;
1> sAMAccountName: gdurzi;
1> sAMAccountType: 805306368;
1> userPrincipalName: gdurzi;
1> objectCategory:
1> msNPAllowDialin: TRUE;

You can see that the memberOf property properly pulls the groups my cn
is a member of:

memberOf: CN=FrameworkAdmins,CN=Users,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;
CN=Remote Desktop Users,CN=Builtin,DC=corp,DC=isacorp,DC=com;

Any idea why my code is error'ing at the call to FindOne?


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