documenting PLYed parsers


Maurice LING


I am using PLY (Python-Lex-Yacc) to write my parsers. However, it seems
to me that PLY is using comments (especially multiline comments) in the
Yacc component such as

def p_expression(p):
'''expression : term PLUS term'''

So I was thinking about how can I document my codes, which can be
processed by epydoc or happydoc? Will my comments, enclosed by ''',
interferes with PLY?

Any comments?


Diez B. Roggisch

Maurice said:

I am using PLY (Python-Lex-Yacc) to write my parsers. However, it seems
to me that PLY is using comments (especially multiline comments) in the
Yacc component such as

def p_expression(p):
'''expression : term PLUS term'''

So I was thinking about how can I document my codes, which can be
processed by epydoc or happydoc? Will my comments, enclosed by ''',
interferes with PLY?

Any comments?

How about trying it? I use spark, which utilizes comment strings, too - but
as it simply loops over the comment lines and tries to use them as grammar
rules without bailing out if a line isn't a grammar rule, I can happily put
comments in there.

And after all, you don't need to comment using the doc-string, you can use
#. And I personally believe that a parser doesn't need to be
api-documented on every grammar rule, so you don't lose anything here.

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