Form change based upon criteria selected?



Is it possible (and if so, how?) to have an asp form page that based
upon a user's selection on a field, would generate a input field b that
the user selects?

For example:

User selects "name" in a select statement which would list the possible
names to select from or if the user selects "telephone" in the same
select statement then it would list the possible telephone numbers to
select from.

Or simpler:

If user selects A then show P to select from or
if user selects B then show Z to select from.

Thanks in advance

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Steven Burn

You'd need to either;

1. Use If/Then or Select Case, combined with a querystring
2. Use client side code

For the latter, you'd need to post to a client side group, such as;




Steven Burn
Ur I.T. Mate Group

Keeping it FREE!


I tried using If..Then, but I couldn't get it to work. Once I select a
value in the first field, does the fieldname receive that value as soon
as I select it, or is it still null until I hit the submit button on the

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Here's something I put together about having pages post back to
themselves that hopefully might give you some ideas.

ASP Design Tips - Post Back Page

Perhaps have most Web pages "post back" to themselves and then handle
further processing from there. This can often cut down on the number of
pages that need to be developed and the related back-and-forth involved
with many pages.

To make the form post back to the same page:
<form id="frmMain" name="frmMain" action="<%=
Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") %>" method="post">

And here are some buttons:
<% ' *** btnClose %>
<input type="submit" name="btnClose" value="Close">
<% ' *** btnSave %>
<input type="submit" name="btnSave" value="Save">
<% ' *** btnNew %>
<input type="submit" name="btnNew" value="New">
<% ' *** btnDel %>
<input type="submit" name="btnDel" value="Delete" onclick="return
confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this record?');">

To handle processing toward the top of the page:
If Request.Form("btnClose") <> "" Then ' Close btn.
' Close.
Call ClosePg()
Elseif Request.Form("btnSave") <> "" Then ' Save btn.
' Set var.
Call SetVar("frompost")

' Save rec.
Call SaveRec()
Elseif Request.Form("btnNew") <> "" Then ' New btn from this pg.
' Set var.
Call SetVar("new")
Elseif Request.Form("btnDel") <> "" Then ' Del btn.
' Set var.
Call SetVar("frompost")

' Del rec.
Call DelRec()

' Set var.
Call SetVar("new")
Elseif Request.QueryString("CustID") <> "" Then ' CustID from Many pg.
' Set var.
Call SetVar("fromdb")
Elseif Request.QueryString("CustID") = "" Then ' Add btn from MainMenu
' Set var.
Call SetVar("new")
End If

And the ClosePg(), DelRec(), SaveRec(), and SetVar() functions above are
custom functions that would still need to be developed.

Best regards,
J. Paul Schmidt, Freelance ASP Web Designer
ASP Designer Tips, ASP Web Database Demo, Free ASP Bar Chart Tool...

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