ghdl problem


David Ashley


If anyone does respond, post to this newsgroup please.

I'm trying to use ghdl to model the pacman vhdl source which can be found
easily by web searches...

The source uses xilinx' unisim library. There are ROM's that are
instantiated. Type "RAMB16_S4". There are a bunch of generated vhdl source
files -- take a binary image, and you get vhdl source that is supposed
to instantiate a ROM with predefined values.

It's not working. I use ghdl to model the whole thing for a while, and
I use gtkwave to view signals. I'm looking for the z80 accessing memory.
Its address pointer looks fine, it's trying to fetch opcodes + execute code.
But the ROMs are just returning FF's -- nothing's driving the data lines.

I'm at my wits end. I get error messages with vhdl. Here is an example:

T80_RegX.vhd:114:16:warning: component instance "reg1h" is not bound
T80_RegX.vhd:85:14:warning: (in default configuration of t80_reg(rtl))
T80_RegX.vhd:129:16:warning: component instance "reg1l" is not bound
T80_RegX.vhd:85:14:warning: (in default configuration of t80_reg(rtl))
T80_RegX.vhd:144:16:warning: component instance "reg2h" is not bound
T80_RegX.vhd:85:14:warning: (in default configuration of t80_reg(rtl))
T80_RegX.vhd:159:16:warning: component instance "reg2l" is not bound
T80_RegX.vhd:85:14:warning: (in default configuration of t80_reg(rtl))
pacrom_6e.vhd:269:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6e.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6e(rtl))
pacrom_6e.vhd:414:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6e.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6e(rtl))
pacrom_6f.vhd:269:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6f.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6f(rtl))
pacrom_6f.vhd:414:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6f.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6f(rtl))
pacrom_6h.vhd:269:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6h.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6h(rtl))
pacrom_6h.vhd:414:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6h.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6h(rtl))
pacrom_6j.vhd:269:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6j.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6j(rtl))
pacrom_6j.vhd:414:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound

WTF!!! This code is generated by a utility included with the pacman source,
how can there be problems? I'm new to VHDL. I have no clue what step to
take next.

Below is one of the generated files -- pacrom_6e.vhd.

Thanks for any ideas on what to do.


-- generated with romgen v3.0 by MikeJ #### THIS IS LINE #1 in the file
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

library UNISIM;
use UNISIM.Vcomponents.all;

entity PACROM_6E is
port (
CLK : in std_logic;
ENA : in std_logic;
ADDR : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
DATA : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0)

architecture RTL of PACROM_6E is

function romgen_str2bv (str : string) return bit_vector is
variable result : bit_vector (str'length*4-1 downto 0);
for i in 0 to str'length-1 loop
case str(str'high-i) is
when '0' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"0";
when '1' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"1";
when '2' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"2";
when '3' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"3";
when '4' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"4";
when '5' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"5";
when '6' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"6";
when '7' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"7";
when '8' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"8";
when '9' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"9";
when 'A' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"A";
when 'B' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"B";
when 'C' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"C";
when 'D' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"D";
when 'E' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"E";
when 'F' => result(i*4+3 downto i*4) := x"F";
when others => null;
end case;
end loop;
return result;
end romgen_str2bv;

attribute INIT_00 : string;
attribute INIT_01 : string;
attribute INIT_02 : string;
attribute INIT_03 : string;
attribute INIT_04 : string;
attribute INIT_05 : string;
attribute INIT_06 : string;
attribute INIT_07 : string;
attribute INIT_08 : string;
attribute INIT_09 : string;
attribute INIT_0A : string;
attribute INIT_0B : string;
attribute INIT_0C : string;
attribute INIT_0D : string;
attribute INIT_0E : string;
attribute INIT_0F : string;
attribute INIT_10 : string;
attribute INIT_11 : string;
attribute INIT_12 : string;
attribute INIT_13 : string;
attribute INIT_14 : string;
attribute INIT_15 : string;
attribute INIT_16 : string;
attribute INIT_17 : string;
attribute INIT_18 : string;
attribute INIT_19 : string;
attribute INIT_1A : string;
attribute INIT_1B : string;
attribute INIT_1C : string;
attribute INIT_1D : string;
attribute INIT_1E : string;
attribute INIT_1F : string;
attribute INIT_20 : string;
attribute INIT_21 : string;
attribute INIT_22 : string;
attribute INIT_23 : string;
attribute INIT_24 : string;
attribute INIT_25 : string;
attribute INIT_26 : string;
attribute INIT_27 : string;
attribute INIT_28 : string;
attribute INIT_29 : string;
attribute INIT_2A : string;
attribute INIT_2B : string;
attribute INIT_2C : string;
attribute INIT_2D : string;
attribute INIT_2E : string;
attribute INIT_2F : string;
attribute INIT_30 : string;
attribute INIT_31 : string;
attribute INIT_32 : string;
attribute INIT_33 : string;
attribute INIT_34 : string;
attribute INIT_35 : string;
attribute INIT_36 : string;
attribute INIT_37 : string;
attribute INIT_38 : string;
attribute INIT_39 : string;
attribute INIT_3A : string;
attribute INIT_3B : string;
attribute INIT_3C : string;
attribute INIT_3D : string;
attribute INIT_3E : string;
attribute INIT_3F : string;

component RAMB16_S4
--pragma translate_off
generic (
INIT_00 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_01 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_02 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_03 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_04 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_05 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_06 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_07 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_08 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_09 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_0A : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_0B : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_0C : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_0D : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_0E : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_0F : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_10 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_11 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_12 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_13 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_14 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_15 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_16 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_17 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_18 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_19 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_1A : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_1B : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_1C : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_1D : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_1E : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_1F : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_20 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_21 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_22 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_23 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_24 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_25 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_26 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_27 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_28 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_29 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_2A : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_2B : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_2C : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_2D : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_2E : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_2F : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_30 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_31 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_32 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_33 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_34 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_35 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_36 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_37 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_38 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_39 : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_3A : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_3B : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_3C : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_3D : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_3E : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
INIT_3F : bit_vector (255 downto 0) :=
--pragma translate_on
port (
DO : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
ADDR : in std_logic_vector (11 downto 0);
CLK : in std_logic;
DI : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
EN : in std_logic;
SSR : in std_logic;
WE : in std_logic
end component;

signal rom_addr : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);


p_addr : process(ADDR)
rom_addr <= (others => '0');
rom_addr(11 downto 0) <= ADDR;
end process;

rom0 : if true generate
attribute INIT_00 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_01 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_02 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_03 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_04 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_05 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_06 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_07 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_08 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_09 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0F of inst : label is
attribute INIT_10 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_11 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_12 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_13 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_14 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_15 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_16 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_17 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_18 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_19 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1F of inst : label is
attribute INIT_20 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_21 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_22 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_23 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_24 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_25 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_26 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_27 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_28 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_29 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2F of inst : label is
attribute INIT_30 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_31 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_32 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_33 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_34 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_35 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_36 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_37 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_38 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_39 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3F of inst : label is
inst : RAMB16_S4
--pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT_00 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_00),
INIT_01 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_01),
INIT_02 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_02),
INIT_03 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_03),
INIT_04 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_04),
INIT_05 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_05),
INIT_06 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_06),
INIT_07 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_07),
INIT_08 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_08),
INIT_09 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_09),
INIT_0A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0A),
INIT_0B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0B),
INIT_0C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0C),
INIT_0D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0D),
INIT_0E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0E),
INIT_0F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0F),
INIT_10 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_10),
INIT_11 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_11),
INIT_12 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_12),
INIT_13 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_13),
INIT_14 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_14),
INIT_15 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_15),
INIT_16 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_16),
INIT_17 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_17),
INIT_18 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_18),
INIT_19 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_19),
INIT_1A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1A),
INIT_1B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1B),
INIT_1C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1C),
INIT_1D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1D),
INIT_1E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1E),
INIT_1F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1F),
INIT_20 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_20),
INIT_21 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_21),
INIT_22 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_22),
INIT_23 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_23),
INIT_24 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_24),
INIT_25 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_25),
INIT_26 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_26),
INIT_27 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_27),
INIT_28 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_28),
INIT_29 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_29),
INIT_2A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2A),
INIT_2B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2B),
INIT_2C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2C),
INIT_2D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2D),
INIT_2E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2E),
INIT_2F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2F),
INIT_30 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_30),
INIT_31 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_31),
INIT_32 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_32),
INIT_33 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_33),
INIT_34 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_34),
INIT_35 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_35),
INIT_36 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_36),
INIT_37 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_37),
INIT_38 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_38),
INIT_39 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_39),
INIT_3A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3A),
INIT_3B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3B),
INIT_3C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3C),
INIT_3D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3D),
INIT_3E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3E),
INIT_3F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3F)
--pragma translate_on
port map (
DO => DATA(3 downto 0),
ADDR => rom_addr,
DI => "0000",
EN => ENA,
SSR => '0',
WE => '0'
end generate;
rom1 : if true generate
attribute INIT_00 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_01 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_02 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_03 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_04 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_05 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_06 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_07 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_08 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_09 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_0F of inst : label is
attribute INIT_10 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_11 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_12 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_13 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_14 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_15 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_16 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_17 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_18 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_19 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_1F of inst : label is
attribute INIT_20 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_21 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_22 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_23 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_24 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_25 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_26 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_27 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_28 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_29 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_2F of inst : label is
attribute INIT_30 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_31 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_32 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_33 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_34 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_35 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_36 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_37 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_38 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_39 of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3A of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3B of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3C of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3D of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3F of inst : label is
inst : RAMB16_S4
--pragma translate_off
generic map (
INIT_00 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_00),
INIT_01 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_01),
INIT_02 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_02),
INIT_03 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_03),
INIT_04 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_04),
INIT_05 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_05),
INIT_06 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_06),
INIT_07 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_07),
INIT_08 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_08),
INIT_09 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_09),
INIT_0A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0A),
INIT_0B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0B),
INIT_0C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0C),
INIT_0D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0D),
INIT_0E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0E),
INIT_0F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_0F),
INIT_10 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_10),
INIT_11 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_11),
INIT_12 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_12),
INIT_13 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_13),
INIT_14 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_14),
INIT_15 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_15),
INIT_16 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_16),
INIT_17 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_17),
INIT_18 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_18),
INIT_19 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_19),
INIT_1A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1A),
INIT_1B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1B),
INIT_1C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1C),
INIT_1D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1D),
INIT_1E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1E),
INIT_1F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_1F),
INIT_20 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_20),
INIT_21 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_21),
INIT_22 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_22),
INIT_23 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_23),
INIT_24 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_24),
INIT_25 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_25),
INIT_26 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_26),
INIT_27 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_27),
INIT_28 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_28),
INIT_29 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_29),
INIT_2A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2A),
INIT_2B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2B),
INIT_2C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2C),
INIT_2D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2D),
INIT_2E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2E),
INIT_2F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_2F),
INIT_30 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_30),
INIT_31 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_31),
INIT_32 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_32),
INIT_33 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_33),
INIT_34 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_34),
INIT_35 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_35),
INIT_36 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_36),
INIT_37 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_37),
INIT_38 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_38),
INIT_39 => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_39),
INIT_3A => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3A),
INIT_3B => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3B),
INIT_3C => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3C),
INIT_3D => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3D),
INIT_3E => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3E),
INIT_3F => romgen_str2bv(inst'INIT_3F)
--pragma translate_on
port map (
DO => DATA(7 downto 4),
ADDR => rom_addr,
DI => "0000",
EN => ENA,
SSR => '0',
WE => '0'
end generate;
end RTL;

Arnim Laeuger

Hi David,
It's not working. I use ghdl to model the whole thing for a while,
and I use gtkwave to view signals. I'm looking for the z80 accessing
memory. Its address pointer looks fine, it's trying to fetch opcodes
+ execute code. But the ROMs are just returning FF's -- nothing's
driving the data lines.

I'm at my wits end. I get error messages with vhdl. Here is an

T80_RegX.vhd:114:16:warning: component instance "reg1h" is not bound
T80_RegX.vhd:85:14:warning: (in default configuration of

Seems that the default binding rules fail so the component for "reg1h"
(and others) isn't attached automatically.

Refer to

for a discussion about "Component Instantiation and Default Component
Binding". Basically, you will either have to build configuration
specifications or check the default binding rules at the failing instances.

Hope this helps


David Ashley

Arnim said:
Hi David,

Seems that the default binding rules fail so the component for "reg1h"
(and others) isn't attached automatically.

Refer to

for a discussion about "Component Instantiation and Default Component
Binding". Basically, you will either have to build configuration
specifications or check the default binding rules at the failing instances.

Hope this helps



[Simpson's moment follows]

Cat Burgler: The treasure is under a big W.
Mob in jail: Whoopee! Let's go get it!
[Mob finds big W's all over the place, after a while it's hopeless]
Mob in jail to Cat Burgler: We need more information.
Cat Burgler [ irritated]: Ok, go to J street, make a left, A LEFT, ...

I spun trying to act on your advice for over an hour. I read the passage you
mentioned in that manual. Their syntax doesn't match the pacrom_6e syntax
at all. In fact I can't even unravel the pacrom_6e syntax. Intuitively I
it's trying to instantiate a couple of 4 bit static rams. How it's
supposed to
do it...

I tried inserting various stuff from the manual into the source file.
I try results in syntax/parse error.

I'm lost. Can you maybe provide some code snippet I can insert? I can
type and
build and report the results.


David Ashley

David said:
I tried inserting various stuff from the manual into the source file.
I try results in syntax/parse error.

I'm lost. Can you maybe provide some code snippet I can insert? I can
type and
build and report the results.



For those interested, I managed to get the ghdl to do the correct
binding by adding one line. Here is a snipped of pacrom_6e.vhd
before the change:

attribute INIT_3E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3F of inst : label is
inst : RAMB16_S4
--pragma translate_off
generic map (

And here is a snippet after the change:

attribute INIT_3E of inst : label is
attribute INIT_3F of inst : label is
for all : RAMB16_S4 use entity unisim.RAMB16_S4; -- this line added
inst : RAMB16_S4
--pragma translate_off
generic map (

Evidently the simulator used for writing the original code would
automatically choose the unisim version, but GHDL doesn't make
this association.

Off and on this has plagued me for something like 2 months.
Hope this helps other people...

Note the error I was getting was this:

pacrom_6f.vhd:269:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6f.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6f(rtl))
pacrom_6f.vhd:414:3:warning: component instance "inst" is not bound
pacrom_6f.vhd:19:14:warning: (in default configuration of pacrom_6f(rtl))


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