Hash Encode Password



I'm using the standard ASP Membership provider, and I want to create users
from VBA.
Does this sound OK? I can append all the user data into the database, but I
need to hash encode the password before I store it. My VBA application then
sends the clear password to an ASP.Net web service that does all the hashing
and sends it back.

My web service uses the code I found at
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6tc47t75.aspx. It gets stuck
because...... If machineKey.ValidationKey.Contains("AutoGenerate") Then _
Throw New ProviderException("Hashed or Encrypted passwords " & _
"are not supported with auto-generated keys.").
I'm using a 3rd party web host, so I guess they've locked the machine key
section. There must be another way. - How does the website administration
tool do it? How does the New User Wizard do it?

Thanks for your help you clever clever people.

Steven Cheng


The membership link you provides is a custom membership provider
implementation. Are you wantting to use a custom membership provider?


Also, the code you quoted is to detect whether the PasswordFormat is set to
Clear mode and if not, it throw an exception. For ASP.NET membership
provider, you can let it store password as hash encoded format without
implementing your own provider. You can just configure the provider's
"PasswordFormat" to "Hashed" e.g.,

<membership defaultProvider="SqlProvider" userIsOnlineTimeWindow="15">
<clear />
passwordFormat="Hashed" />

#How To: Use Membership in ASP.NET 2.0

Thus, whenever, you call Membership API to create a new user(and supply
password), the actual password will be stored in membership database in
hashed format instead of clear text one.

As for the calling membership API from VBA code, do you mean office VBA
code? If so, since VBA code cannot directly use .NET managed
class/components, I think it is reasonable that you develope a XML
webservice (http based) to expose the membership operations(such as create
user, validate ...). And your VBA client can use script component such as
XMLhttp or some service Monikor to consume the webservice.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead



Thanks Steven. It works now.

In my Web Service I used the Membership.CreateUser function.

However, this creates a big security hole, becasue anyone can hook up to my
web service and create a user for themselves.

I really wanted the webservice to be just a Password Hasher, and let my
MSAccess application manage the creation of the user.

How's this for a solution? MSAccess sends the password to the web service,
and the the webserice creates a dummy user. It looks up the hashed password
in the ASP_Membership table and returns it to Access, then it deletes the
dummy user.

Does this sound secure?

Steven Cheng

Thanks for your reply TMF,

If you do want to send hashed value as password when creating user(due to
security consideration). I think you can adopt the following approach:

*Configure the membership provider to accept clear text password (set
PasswordFormat to "Clear") so that the membership provider will not
automatically hashed the password.

* In your webservice API, you manually hash the password (accept from
webservice client) and pass it to the membership API

Thus, ASP.NET membershp provider doesn't take care of the password hash and
just store and return whatever password value you pass to it

In addition, for ASP.NET webservice deployed in IIS, you can also consider
using HTTPS/SSL to secure it at transport layer:

#HTTP Security and ASP.NET Web Services

#Consuming Webservices over HTTPS (SSL)


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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Thanks for your reply Steven,

By 'manually' I suppose you mean 'not using the machine key' because, as I
said, the machine key is set to AutoGenerate/IsolateApps.

If I set the password format to 'Clear', the ASP.net application will also
expect clear passwords because it uses the same Web.config. Should I have a
seperate Web.config for my web service?

I think I'm going to use the CreateDummyUser>FindPassword>DeleteDummyUser
approach, if you can't see any risk with that.

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function GetHashedPwdAndSalt(ByVal strClearPWD As String) As
Dim Usr As MembershipUser
Dim strArray As String()

Usr = Membership.CreateUser("dummy", strPWD, "(e-mail address removed)")

'Get the Password and PasswordSalt
strArray = basGetDummyPWDAndSalt()

'Now delete the dummy user

Return strArray

End Functio
Private Function basGetDummyPWDAndSalt() As String()
Dim DR As SqlDataReader
Dim Cnn As New SqlConnection()
Dim Rtn As String()

Cnn.ConnectionString =
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand

If Cnn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then Cnn.Open()

myCommand.Connection = Cnn
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
myCommand.CommandText = _
"SELECT Password, PasswordSalt FROM aspnet_Membership WHERE (Email =
N'(e-mail address removed)')"
DR = myCommand.ExecuteReader()
ReDim Rtn(2)
Rtn(0) = DR("Password")
Rtn(1) = DR("PasswordSalt")

Return Rtn

End Functio
Private Function basDeleteDummyUser() As String
Dim DR As SqlDataReader
Dim Cnn As New SqlConnection()
Dim Rtn As String
Dim strSQL As String
Cnn.ConnectionString =
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand

If Cnn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then Cnn.Open()

myCommand.Connection = Cnn
myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
strSQL = "DELETE FROM aspnet_Membership "
strSQL = strSQL & "FROM aspnet_Membership INNER JOIN "
strSQL = strSQL & "aspnet_Users ON aspnet_Membership.UserId =
aspnet_Users.UserId "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (aspnet_Users.LoweredUserName = N'dummy')"

myCommand.CommandText = strSQL
DR = myCommand.ExecuteReader()


If Cnn.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then Cnn.Open()

strSQL = "DELETE FROM aspnet_Users "
strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (LoweredUserName = N'dummy')"

myCommand.CommandText = strSQL
DR = myCommand.ExecuteReader()


Rtn = "User: dummy has been deleted"
Return Rtn

End Function
This could go wrong if 2 people ran it at the same time, but it's not a
problem to me


Steven Cheng

Thanks for reply TMF,

If the webservice and the asp.net web application is deployed together
(within the same IIS application virtual directory), there is no need to
use separate web.config file, they just share the same web.config.

As for the worry about "2 people ran the membership management api" at the
same time, I think you can just add some concurrency protection code(such
as lock) around the user creation/editing webservice method to as to ensure
only a single request can access it at the same time thought that might
impact the performance a bit.


Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead


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