JarFile/ZipFile from byte array without temp file


Karsten Wutzke

Hi all!

Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??

Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):


File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);

System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");

JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);

boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");

//now do something with the JarFile instance....


I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...

Can anyone help what to do here?

Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.

If there's a different way, I'm all ears...

I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...


PS: Using a 3rd library here is out of the question since the code is
the 3rd party library class loader's code itself...

Nigel Wade

Karsten said:
Hi all!

Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??

Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):


File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),

FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);

System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");

JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);

boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");

//now do something with the JarFile instance....


I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...

Can anyone help what to do here?

Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.

If there's a different way, I'm all ears...

I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...

Probably because those classes are specific to reading from FileInputStreams?
Try looking for other classes related to Jar and Zip streams...

I would try wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream with a JarInputStream. Something
along the lines of:

byte[] byteArr;
ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
JarInputStream jarIS = new JarInputStream(byteIS);


Karsten said:
Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??
Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):

File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);
System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");
JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);
boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");
//now do something with the JarFile instance....

I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...
Can anyone help what to do here?
Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.
If there's a different way, I'm all ears...
I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...

Probably because those classes are specific to reading from FileInputStreams?
Try looking for other classes related to Jar and Zip streams...

I would try wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream with a JarInputStream. Something
along the lines of:

byte[] byteArr;
ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
JarInputStream jarIS = new JarInputStream(byteIS);

Nigel Wade, System Administrator, Space Plasma Physics Group,
University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
E-mail : (e-mail address removed)
Phone : +44 (0)116 2523548, Fax : +44 (0)116 2523555

I happen to have done this before, let me hunt you down the source

package com.plink.dolphinnet.assignments;

import com.plink.dolphinnet.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.util.zip.*;

import java.io.*;


This assignment is passed an assignment as a constructor and zips it.

Used for distributing large assignments more efficiently.


public class ZippedAssignment extends Assignment implements


// Data.

private byte file[]=null;


// Constructor.

public ZippedAssignment(int id,Assignment ZAssignment){





// Getters.

public Assignment getAssignment(){


ByteArrayOutputStream Buffer=new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ZipInputStream in=new ZipInputStream(new

ZipEntry data=data=in.getNextEntry();



int i=0;

byte buffer[]=new byte[512];



ObjectInputStream oin=new ObjectInputStream(new


}catch(Exception e){





private void loadFile(Assignment ZAssignment){


ByteArrayOutputStream bout=new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ByteArrayOutputStream bout2=new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ZipOutputStream zout=new ZipOutputStream(bout);


ObjectOutputStream oout=new ObjectOutputStream(bout2);


ByteArrayInputStream bin=new

zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("Assignment"));

byte buffer[]=new byte[512];

int index;






}catch(Exception e){




/** Run the assignments implemented task. */

public Object execute(DataHandler DH){





That code is from my DolphinNet API, it zips something into a
ByteArray on the fly, sends it and has methods for un-zipping it.

Karsten Wutzke

Karsten said:
Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??
Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):

File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);
System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");
JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);
boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");
//now do something with the JarFile instance....

I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...
Can anyone help what to do here?
Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.
If there's a different way, I'm all ears...
I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...

Probably because those classes are specific to reading from FileInputStreams?
Try looking for other classes related to Jar and Zip streams...

I would try wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream with a JarInputStream. Something
along the lines of:

byte[] byteArr;
ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
JarInputStream jarIS = new JarInputStream(byteIS);

Hmmm I tried to go via JarInputStream now instead of JarFile. My loop
now goes something like this:

JarInputStream jis = ...; //valid JarInputStream

while ( true )
JarEntry je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

if ( je == null )
//no more entries

String strName = je.getName();
int size = (int)je.getSize(); //<- RETURNS -1 *always*

System.out.println(strName + " has " + size + " bytes

byte[] uncompressedBytes = new byte[size]; //CAUSES

//"jar" was an instance to the JarFile, JarInputStream doesn't
have equivalent method!
//DataInputStream dis = new
DataInputStream dis = new
DataInputStream(jis.getInputStream(je)); //UNKNOWN METHOD
dis.readFully(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedBytes.length);

hmBytes.put(strClassName, uncompressedBytes);

How do I get the uncompressed bytes of a JarEntry?? Hmmm I looked at
the code too many hours now, maybe I'm just blind...



Karsten said:
Hi all!
Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??
Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):
File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);
System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");
JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);
boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");
//now do something with the JarFile instance....
I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...
Can anyone help what to do here?
Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.
If there's a different way, I'm all ears...
I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...
Probably because those classes are specific to reading from FileInputStreams?
Try looking for other classes related to Jar and Zip streams...
I would try wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream with a JarInputStream. Something
along the lines of:
byte[] byteArr;
ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
JarInputStream jarIS = new JarInputStream(byteIS);

Hmmm I tried to go via JarInputStream now instead of JarFile. My loop
now goes something like this:

JarInputStream jis = ...; //valid JarInputStream

while ( true )
JarEntry je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

if ( je == null )
//no more entries

String strName = je.getName();
int size = (int)je.getSize(); //<- RETURNS -1 *always*

System.out.println(strName + " has " + size + " bytes

byte[] uncompressedBytes = new byte[size]; //CAUSES

//"jar" was an instance to the JarFile, JarInputStream doesn't
have equivalent method!
//DataInputStream dis = new
DataInputStream dis = new
DataInputStream(jis.getInputStream(je)); //UNKNOWN METHOD
dis.readFully(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedBytes.length);

hmBytes.put(strClassName, uncompressedBytes);


How do I get the uncompressed bytes of a JarEntry?? Hmmm I looked at
the code too many hours now, maybe I'm just blind...


Look at the source I posted, except for dealing with a zip instead of
a jar, I think it does exactly what you want, ignore the ObjectInput
and ObjectOutput streams.

Karsten Wutzke

Karsten said:
Hi all!
Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??
Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):
File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);
System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");
JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);
boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");
//now do something with the JarFile instance....
I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...
Can anyone help what to do here?
Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.
If there's a different way, I'm all ears...
I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...
Probably because those classes are specific to reading from FileInputStreams?
Try looking for other classes related to Jar and Zip streams...
I would try wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream with a JarInputStream. Something
along the lines of:
byte[] byteArr;
ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
JarInputStream jarIS = new JarInputStream(byteIS);
Nigel Wade, System Administrator, Space Plasma Physics Group,
University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
E-mail : (e-mail address removed)
Phone : +44 (0)116 2523548, Fax : +44 (0)116 2523555

I happen to have done this before, let me hunt you down the source

package com.plink.dolphinnet.assignments;

import com.plink.dolphinnet.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.util.zip.*;

import java.io.*;


This assignment is passed an assignment as a constructor and zips it.

Used for distributing large assignments more efficiently.


public class ZippedAssignment extends Assignment implements


// Data.

private byte file[]=null;


// Constructor.

public ZippedAssignment(int id,Assignment ZAssignment){





// Getters.

public Assignment getAssignment(){


ByteArrayOutputStream Buffer=new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ZipInputStream in=new ZipInputStream(new

ZipEntry data=data=in.getNextEntry();



int i=0;

byte buffer[]=new byte[512];



ObjectInputStream oin=new ObjectInputStream(new


}catch(Exception e){





private void loadFile(Assignment ZAssignment){


ByteArrayOutputStream bout=new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ByteArrayOutputStream bout2=new ByteArrayOutputStream();

ZipOutputStream zout=new ZipOutputStream(bout);


ObjectOutputStream oout=new ObjectOutputStream(bout2);


ByteArrayInputStream bin=new

zout.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("Assignment"));

byte buffer[]=new byte[512];

int index;






}catch(Exception e){




/** Run the assignments implemented task. */

public Object execute(DataHandler DH){





That code is from my DolphinNet API, it zips something into a
ByteArray on the fly, sends it and has methods for un-zipping it.

Hmm a tried a similar approach...

As far as I understood, the trick here was to write a Serializable
object to an output stream being backed by a ByteArrayOutputStream,
and then retrieving the raw bytes from the ByteArrayOutputStream...

I can't say anything about the size of my JarEntry, its getSize()
method always returns -1, whyever it does so. So analogously I create
a JarOutputStream backed by a ByteArrayOutputStream, write the
JarEntry to the JarOutputStream and retrieve the bytes then.

while ( true )
JarEntry je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

if ( je == null )

//can grow!
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
JarOutputStream jos = new JarOutputStream(baos);

jos.setLevel(9); //0 - 9 but which one is no compression?

//write JarEntry, now baos should contain the raw bytes only?

int size = baos.size();

byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();



Technically it works, however ALL of my entries are only ~60 - 100
bytes long and their sizes correllate with the length of their entry
names plus a few bytes. So consequently, it didn't and doesn't work.

Input anyone?

Hmm I'll have to look at my input stream more closely, maybe something
is not quite right there...

I create the JarInputStream like:

//just a resource file in the relative path
URL url = getClass().getResource("/lib/bcel-5.2.jar");
URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
FileURLConnection fuc = (FileURLConnection)uc;
JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(fuc.getInputStream());

When reading from that jis like

byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

int numTotal = 0;

while ( true )
int numRead = jis.read(buffer, 0, 8192);

if ( numRead <= 0 )

numTotal += numRead;

numTotal *ALWAYS* is zero! Either now I'm completely off off
everything or I must have forgotton to initialize something. No bytes
read from the stream at all times.

Please help I'm really starting to get nuts on this. All I want to do
is read a JAR file from "lib/bcel-5.2.jar" resource, whether it's
currently found in that local dir or another JAR file and read the
entries (class files) to decompressed byte arrays.


PS: Going home now, 22:22 PM sucks

Roedy Green

Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??

Here is a piece of code from The Replicator. Full code is posted at

There is a lot of irrelevancy for you, but the key is zip.write.

* Add one element to a newly created zip file.
* @param zip ZipOutputStream to tack this element on the end.
* @param zd descriptor of the zip file
* @param fd descriptor of file to be added.
* @throws IOException
public static void addOneElement( ZipOutputStream zip,
MaxiZD zd,
MaxiFD fd ) throws IOException
String elementName = fd.getFilename( MaxiFD.INSIDE_ZIP );
System.out.println( "packing " + elementName );
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry( elementName );
entry.setTime( fd.getTimestamp() );
int oldFileLength = (int) fd.getFileLength();
int fileLength;
int shrinkage;
File elementFile = new File( fd.getFilename( MaxiFD.ON_SOURCE
) );
// strings all interned so == compare is safe,
// but use equals for safety. Interning speeds things up.
String extension = fd.getExtension();
boolean isHtml =
extension.equals( "html" ) || extension.equals( "htm"

if ( isHtml && ConfigForSender.COMPACT_HTML.equals( "original"
) )
if ( !elementFile.canWrite() )
.fatal( "Read-only original files cannot be
compacted: "
+ fd.getFilename( MaxiFD.ON_SOURCE )
// compact the original
compactor.compactFile( elementFile, true/* quiet */ );

// no need to refresh elementFile even though it is now a
// directory entry.
fileLength = (int) elementFile.length();
shrinkage = oldFileLength - fileLength;
if ( shrinkage != 0 )
// set file back to its original date so it will be in
// proper zip.
elementFile.setLastModified( fd.getTimestamp() );
if ( ConfigForSender.DEBUGGING )
.println( "original file compacted from "
+ oldFileLength
+ " to "
+ fileLength
+ " bytes." );
// record the new size so we will recognize it.
zd.livewood -= shrinkage;
fd.setFileLength( fileLength );
// did not compact the original. It should not have
fileLength = (int) elementFile.length();
if ( oldFileLength != fileLength )
System.err.println( fd );

.fatal( "file "
+ elementName
+ " has unexpectedly changed length
from "
+ oldFileLength
+ " to "
+ fileLength
+ " bytes."
+ "\n"
+ "Please don't update distribution
files while the Replicator is running." );

// no need to setCRC, setSize, computed automatically.
zip.putNextEntry( entry );

if ( isHtml && ConfigForSender.COMPACT_HTML.equals(
"distributed" ) )
// compact just the distribution, leaving original intact.
// read entire file, compact and append as element.
String wholeFile = HunkIO.readEntireFile( elementFile );
String compacted = compactor.compactString( wholeFile );
byte[] octets = compacted.getBytes( /* default encoding */
fileLength = octets.length;
shrinkage = oldFileLength - fileLength;
if ( shrinkage != 0 )
if ( ConfigForSender.DEBUGGING )
.println( "distributed file compacted from
+ oldFileLength
+ " to "
+ fileLength
+ " bytes." );
// We don't adjust livewood or fd.
// We need to recognise the file in future in its
fluffy form
// with its fluffy length. Its old date is just fine.
zip.write( octets );
// no compacting
ft.copy( elementFile, zip, false/* don't close target */

Nigel Wade

Karsten said:
Karsten said:
Subject says it all... how do I create a JarFile/ZipFile instance from
a byte array without outputting the byte[] to a temporary file and
reading it back via the JarFile/ZipFile constructors??
Currently I do it via temp file (which sucks):

File flTempJar = new File(RuntimeConfig.getIoTempDir(),
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(flTempJar);
System.out.println("Saving extracted library temporarily as file '" +
flTempJar + "' - it sucks......");
JarFile jar = new JarFile(flTempJar);
boolean wasSuccessful = flTempJar.delete();
catch ( Exception e )
System.err.println("Temporary JAR file '" + flTempJar + "'
couldn't be deleted!");
//now do something with the JarFile instance....

I can't and don't want anyone using this code to require disk access.
When a SecurityManager prohibits this, this code becomes useless.
Furthermore, since this is CLASSLOADER code, all classes to be found
and loaded by this class loader will never be available...
Can anyone help what to do here?
Looks like I have to create my own JarFile subclass to provide the
byte[] constructor.
If there's a different way, I'm all ears...
I wonder who wrote the ZipFile and JarFile classes... how could they
forget byte[] and/or stream constructors? beats me...

Probably because those classes are specific to reading from FileInputStreams?
Try looking for other classes related to Jar and Zip streams...

I would try wrapping a ByteArrayInputStream with a JarInputStream. Something
along the lines of:

byte[] byteArr;
ByteArrayInputStream byteIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArr);
JarInputStream jarIS = new JarInputStream(byteIS);

Hmmm I tried to go via JarInputStream now instead of JarFile. My loop
now goes something like this:

JarInputStream jis = ...; //valid JarInputStream

while ( true )
JarEntry je = jis.getNextJarEntry();

if ( je == null )
//no more entries

String strName = je.getName();
int size = (int)je.getSize(); //<- RETURNS -1 *always*

System.out.println(strName + " has " + size + " bytes

byte[] uncompressedBytes = new byte[size]; //CAUSES

//"jar" was an instance to the JarFile, JarInputStream doesn't
have equivalent method!
//DataInputStream dis = new
DataInputStream dis = new
DataInputStream(jis.getInputStream(je)); //UNKNOWN METHOD
dis.readFully(uncompressedBytes, 0, uncompressedBytes.length);

hmBytes.put(strClassName, uncompressedBytes);

How do I get the uncompressed bytes of a JarEntry?? Hmmm I looked at
the code too many hours now, maybe I'm just blind...


I think you have hit one of the problems of streamed ZIP, that size isn't set. I
think I came across this problem when using streamed ZIPs. I don't really
remember, but I have a recollection that getSize() returned -1 when the ZIP
wasn't created from an actual file. Presumably when the compression is
performed on-the-fly, and the ZipEntry is written to the stream, the size of
the uncompressed data is unknown.

I think you just need to modify your code so that it doesn't rely on the
getSize(). Read until read() returns -1, appending to, and resizing, the
buffer as necessary. As I understand it ZipInputStream.read() reads from a
single ZIP entry until the end of that entry, then returns -1.
ZipInputStream.getNextEntry() can then be used to position the stream to the
next ZIP entry.

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