java sax parser + XERCES + dtd



hi, i'm working with that 3 things i mentioned, so my first question is
- what are all these 3 things for (java sax - Xerces - dtd)?, i know
what is SAX but how do i use xcerces and a dtd for parsing?, let me
explain myself, i'm doing a parser to read a file called for example:
out.xml this could use a dtd archive called: out.dtd, and i have to
recover all the information (plain text to put the info into a java
BEAN object) from out.xml, i don't know how to use the DTD file or if i
need to use it in my project, and i would be apreciate a lot if
somebody post me a link to find an example of how to parse a xml

Joe Kesselman

- what are all these 3 things for (java sax - Xerces - dtd)

Any good XML introduction should answer most of these questions.
Standard pointer to the tutorials and articles on

SAX is a Java API for parsing XML. See

Xerces is the Apache XML parser. It's available in Java and C++
versions, and an older version ships with most JVMs these days. It
supports the SAX, DOM, JAXP, and TrAX APIs. See

DTD -- Document Type Definition -- is a meta-language that lets you
describe what documents are and aren't valid. DTDs are slowly being
phased out in favor of XML Schemas, which are a more powerful way of
doing the same thing. If you don't know what you need a DTD or schema
for, you probably don't need one yet.

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