Javasccript/HTML Problem

  • Thread starter Jonathan (Pickles) Sklan-Willis
  • Start date

Jonathan (Pickles) Sklan-Willis

I need several things in HTML or Javascript. It canNOT be a server side
script, it is for a standalone project in HTML ONLY!

PAGE 1 is a simple blank page where there will be an so that if
the screen is clicked it goes to PAGE 2. There will be a delay of 3
seconds while it says PLEASE WAIT.

PAGE 2 has a one line form (the form has a validation scheme and the OK
button will only be able to be pressed once a certain amount of digits -
11 for a phone number are inserted, only then will it work) with OK
button that goes to the next page. I need capabilities of invisible
(that means that the OK button will be invisible). The password is a
phone number which needs to show up as stars (*). A delay of 3 seconds
will route it to PAGE 3. The data entered in here has to add to any
existing data on a separate line in a plain text file, located in the
same directory.

PAGE 3 is done.

I am willing to do all the work, so need help and scripts to start off
with. Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes.

Randy Webb

Jonathan said:
I need several things in HTML or Javascript. It canNOT be a server side
script, it is for a standalone project in HTML ONLY!

HTML only? Then why are you asking/posting in a Javascript Newsgroup?
PAGE 1 is a simple blank page where there will be an so that if
the screen is clicked it goes to PAGE 2. There will be a delay of 3
seconds while it says PLEASE WAIT.

Well, since you want "HTML ONLY", that is impossible since HTML has no
way to process an onclick.
PAGE 2 has a one line form (the form has a validation scheme and the OK
button will only be able to be pressed once a certain amount of digits -
11 for a phone number are inserted, only then will it work) with OK
button that goes to the next page. I need capabilities of invisible
(that means that the OK button will be invisible). The password is a
phone number which needs to show up as stars (*). A delay of 3 seconds
will route it to PAGE 3. The data entered in here has to add to any
existing data on a separate line in a plain text file, located in the
same directory.

That can't be done in "HTML ONLY" either.
PAGE 3 is done.

Nah, you never made it past Page 1.
I am willing to do all the work, so need help and scripts to start off
with. Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes.

I gave you the start, you should be able to post back in no "more than
20 minutes", right?

Jonathan (Pickles) Sklan-Willis

Randy said:
HTML only? Then why are you asking/posting in a Javascript Newsgroup?

Well, since you want "HTML ONLY", that is impossible since HTML has no
way to process an onclick.

That can't be done in "HTML ONLY" either.

Nah, you never made it past Page 1.

I gave you the start, you should be able to post back in no "more than
20 minutes", right?

Nice scarcasm. OK, I meant HTML & Javascript, i.e. no server-side
scripts and you know that so stop picking on the semantics or go out and
get laid!

Randy Webb

Jonathan said:
Nice scarcasm. OK, I meant HTML & Javascript, i.e. no server-side
scripts and you know that so stop picking on the semantics or go out and
get laid!

Actually, I did. Twice.

Page 1, you add an onclick to a div tag that is 100% wide, 100% high.

Page 2, you have an onchange event handler on the input that when the
length of the input's value exceeds 11, you show the submit button.

Page 3, you are done.

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