Linkbutton does not look like a linkbutton



OK, I almost got my problem solved. Zen is almost there! Just that a
LinkButton control inside a column in my datagrid doesn't show like a
link button. It does not have an underlining. My client side JavaScript
is enabled. How do I make the button underlined and appear and act like
a linkbutton? Currently, it just displays the text like a normal
label/table cell that has a label.


It looks like the LinkButton cannot be databound. If it is, it just
disappears. As a test, I tried this:

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="Full Name">
<asp:LinkButton OnClick="dg_ItemCommand">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Full Name")%>

The column displays the correct full name value but no underlining. I
am guessing that the grid replaced the linkbutton with a literal
control. I did this and found out.

lblMessage.Text = dg.Items(1).Cells(0).Controls(0).GetType.ToString

in a button_click.

Then, I tried this:

<asp:LinkButton id="lnk" style="Z-INDEX: 104; LEFT: 432px; POSITION:
absolute; TOP: 80px" runat="server">The date and time is: <%#
System.DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString %></asp:LinkButton>

And it only showed the link button with the text

The date and time is:

How do I have a control in a grid that:

(1) Is DataBound
(2) Appears and acts like a linkbutton
(3) Does not behave like the ItemTemplate's EditItem where you have
those edit textboxes inside the grid itself.

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