Mail sent through IIS virtual SMTP server not arriving



As a follow-up, I did Start>Run>eventvwr.msc, and clicked System.

I got a whole bunch of Warnings from source SMTPSVC like so:

Type Date Time Source Category Event User Computer
Warning 3/3/2006 3:02:13PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp
Warning 3/3/2006 1:40:23PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp
Warning 3/3/2006 1:25:51PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp
Warning 3/3/2006 1:12:17PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp

I right-clicked on one of them and viewed the properties. This is what
I saw:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: smtpsvc
Event Category: None
Event ID: 4000
Date: 3/3/2006
Time: 3:02:13 PM
User: N/A
Computer: JZGWXP

Message delivery to the remote domain '' failed for the
following reason: The remote server did not respond to a connection

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: d2 02 04 c0 Ò..À

So, it looks like that remote servers do not accept my mail.

Juan T. Llibre

So, it looks like that remote servers do not accept my mail.

If you are using as your smtp name,
mail servers will usually reject mail sent from it.

They will also reject mail originating at single-name ( machinename ) sources.

The best thing to do is register a domain name ( it's quite cheap )
and assign it to your fixed IP.

If you don't have a fixed IP, there's services like
which can provide you with a free dns pointer to your domain,
even if you only have a dynamic IP address instead of a fixed IP.

Zoneedit will also give you a free domain MX, so that you can receive
mail addressed to or

As a follow-up, I did Start>Run>eventvwr.msc, and clicked System.

I got a whole bunch of Warnings from source SMTPSVC like so:

Type Date Time Source Category Event User Computer
Warning 3/3/2006 3:02:13PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp
Warning 3/3/2006 1:40:23PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp
Warning 3/3/2006 1:25:51PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp
Warning 3/3/2006 1:12:17PM SMTPSVC None 4000 N/A jzgwxp

I right-clicked on one of them and viewed the properties. This is what
I saw:

Event Type: Warning
Event Source: smtpsvc
Event Category: None
Event ID: 4000
Date: 3/3/2006
Time: 3:02:13 PM
User: N/A
Computer: JZGWXP

Message delivery to the remote domain '' failed for the
following reason: The remote server did not respond to a connection

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: d2 02 04 c0 Ò..À

So, it looks like that remote servers do not accept my mail.

Gabriel Magaña

The best thing to do is register a domain name ( it's quite cheap )
and assign it to your fixed IP.

Dont; forget, though that some of the more anal ISPs (ie, AOL), require not
only that the fully-qualified domain name (ie, map back
to the sending server via NS lookups, but also that the reverse DNS resolve
back to the mail server, which many ISPs refuse to do.


Hi, Juan,

As a matter of fact, I do have a domain name from

I tried allowing relay for my own IP, the dynamic one (which changes
once every long while) assigned by my ISP.

And then I would use

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""

But then, I would get the typical "Could not access 'CDO.Message'
object" exception. It looks like that I won't get this exception only
if I use "".

Not sure how to go about this. It's getting really really frustrating.

Gabriel Magaña

That's why and similar dynamic dns services are a life saver.

Yeh, but my point is that they do not do reverse-DNS lookups. For example,
do a nslookup for Then do an nslookup for the IP
returned (the reverse-DNS lookup).... They will not match. ISPs like AOL
require these two to match.

Juan T. Llibre

As a matter of fact, I do have a domain name from
Not sure how to go about this.

If you have a domain name, you should setup a virtual domain
for the smtp server, and use your domain name as an alias.

You can also, as suggested before, create a virtual domain for your
machinename and map, in the hosts file, to your machinename.

For example, I have an smtp virtual domain for
and another virtual domain for my machine's name, and both work fine.

Use the IIS Manager to create your virtual domains for your smtp server.

Hi, Juan,

As a matter of fact, I do have a domain name from

I tried allowing relay for my own IP, the dynamic one (which changes
once every long while) assigned by my ISP.

And then I would use

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""

But then, I would get the typical "Could not access 'CDO.Message'
object" exception. It looks like that I won't get this exception only
if I use "".

Not sure how to go about this. It's getting really really frustrating.

Juan T. Llibre

Right. Some ISP's don't delegate reverse DNS.

If they do, zoneedit, and most other dynamic dns services
allow you to configure reverse dns.

I must admit, though, that I've never needed reverse dns services,
and all mail sent via my server's smtp service gets where it should go.


Hmm, but I really don't know how to setup a virtual domain for my smtp
server. I googled, but could not a good tutorial.

Juan T. Llibre

It's real simple.

Open the IIS Manager; scroll down to "Default SMTP Server";
click the "+" sign; select "Domains"; right-click "Domains"
and select "New" and then "Domain".

Select "alias", click "Next" and then write in
your domain name in the next dialog.

That's it!

Hmm, but I really don't know how to setup a virtual domain for my smtp
server. I googled, but could not a good tutorial.


Hi, Juan,

I tried like you instructed, but I still cannot get it to work.

I also have

in the hosts file under system32\drivers\etc\

In the code, I still have to say

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""

If I don't, I get the typical "Cannot access CDO.Message" error.

The event viewer warning message still says that the destination domain
does not respond to a connection attempt from my smtp virtual server.

Juan T. Llibre

Hi, Antony.

If what you are getting is a "Cannot access CDO.Message" error,
these FAQs have a few suggestions.

They are very specific to the "Cannot access CDO.Message" error.

Try them and let us know how you do.
One of them should turn the trick for you.

Hi, Juan,

I tried like you instructed, but I still cannot get it to work.

I also have

in the hosts file under system32\drivers\etc\

In the code, I still have to say

SmtpMail.SmtpServer = ""

If I don't, I get the typical "Cannot access CDO.Message" error.

The event viewer warning message still says that the destination domain
does not respond to a connection attempt from my smtp virtual server.

Juan T. Llibre

In that case, you shouldn't be fiddling with this.
Stay with the easy stuff, although you'll never amount to anything that way.

Hi, Juan,

Thanks, but I think those are way too complicated.


Hey, Juan,

As a matter of fact, I am still curious about it. But I am only doing
this for fun.

However, I have a few school projects due pretty soon, so I will have
to continue with the annoying SMTP virtual server thing some time


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