optimsed HashMap


Roedy Green

Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

Arne Vajhøj

Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

HashMap get is already O(1). There is very little
room for optimization.



Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say there. You want the case where
you do not find something in a hash map to be optimized? "Optimized" how?

What do you mean "add to the list of words" and "freeze"?
I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

Google for "search engine." Wikipedia has an entry for it.

Roedy Green

I'm not sure what you are trying to say there. You want the case where
you do not find something in a hash map to be optimized? "Optimized" how?
What do you mean "add to the list of words" and "freeze"?

The following is not the real problem, but it might more simply
illustrate what I am asking.

Think of an ordinary HashMap<String,String>

What it does is translate a few English words with French derivation,
putting the French accents on them. e.g. naive -> na&iuml;ve Napoleon
-> Napol&acute;on

Let us say you have 100 such words you want to transform. (In my
actual problem I have about 1500 words).

You go through the files for a website looking at each word of text
(avoiding HTML markup) in the HashMap. If you find it you replace it.

Most of the time word you look up is not in the list.

This is a time-consuming process. I would like to speed it up.

My lookup has two properties that might be exploited in some variant

1. nearly always the lookup fails. The code should be optimised for
this case. If it has some fast way of knowing the elt is not there,
it should do that first.

2. the list of words to lookup does not change after initial
preparation. I can afford to do some special calculation to prime the
lookup. For example, I once heard of some tweaking to avoid long
collision chains for a C implementation of HashMap.

My question had two purposes. To see if there was something available
off the shelf, and to stimulate thought on some new algorithm that
could have wider application that just my problem.

Another way of looking at the problem is it would be nice to have a
HashSet implementation that was considerably faster than a HashMap.
IIRC, currently HashSet is implemented as a HashMap.

Such an algorithm could be used to fix your most common spelling
mistakes, to add links to magic words, to add markup to magic words
to find and report the presence of certain words, or in my case find
acronyms and replace them with a macro for that acronym that displays
the meaning of the acronym the first time it is used on a page.

Volker Borchert

Roedy said:
Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

Unless said web site is www.archive.org, just create a HashMap
and use a Collections.unmodifiableMap() wrapper for lookup. I'd
expect memory to become a problem way earlier than processor.

Depending on how often each String is looked up, and how long the
Strings are, a data structure that does not need String.hashCode()
might be faster.

I'd consider a tree along the following lines:

Characters not in [a-zA-Z] are expressed as `nnnn - the ASCII value of
'`' is 'a' - 1. Characters in [A-Z] are lowercased. Nodes contain a
boolean and a Node[27]. The tree contains a word if there is a path
from the root to a Node whose boolean is true and that is reached via
Node[String.charAt(l)] at level l.

For example, a tree containing exactly
"a", "at", "and", "no", "nil", "not"
would be

N0 = { false, [ null, N1, 12*null, N2, 12*null ] } // ""
N1 = { true, [ null, 13*null, N3, 5*null, N4, 6*null ] } // "a"
N2 = { false, [ null, 8*null, N5, 5*null, N6, 11*null ] } // "n"
N3 = { false, [ null, 13*null, N7, 12*null ] } // "an"
N4 = { true, [ null, 26*null ] } // "at"
N5 = { false, [ null, 11*null, N8, 14*null ] } // "ni"
N6 = { true, [ null, 19*null, N9, 6*null ] } // "no"
N7 = { true, [ null, 26*null ] } // "and"
N8 = { true, [ null, 26*null ] } // "nil"
N9 = { true, [ null, 26*null ] } // "not"

For a Map, replace the boolean with a field holding the value.

Possible improvements:

- Since we have three (32bit VM) or seven (64bit VM) padding bytes
in each Node, we could use two of them to hold a short indicating
the maximum length of Strings in the subtree.

- Instantiate Node[] only if actually needed to hold a child, and only
large enough to hold all currently known children. Use one of the
padding bytes to hold an index offset, such that a Node with only
a single child only holds a Node[1]:
N4 = { true, 0, null }
N6 = { true, 20, [ N9 ] }

- Use an interface and specialized concrete classes for
- leaf node (no fields at all, because boolean will always be true)
- single child node { boolean, Node }
or even "true" and "false" single child nodes
- ...
but this will considerable increase preprocessing cost.

- If many of your words contain non-[a-z] characters, provide array
positions for the most common of these, or use a linear probing
hash table for the non-[a-z] children.

- If the tree is very sparse, doing so even for the [a-z] children
might be better in the long run because more of it fits into caches.

This surely has been invented before and given a nice name...
Apache's or Google's collection libraries might even feature
high quality implementations.

Roedy Green

Another way of looking at the problem is it would be nice to have a
HashSet implementation that was considerably faster than a HashMap.
IIRC, currently HashSet is implemented as a HashMap.

A a 3- valued HashSet.contains would still be useful
no -- not in set
yes - in set
maybe -- don't know

At least you could eliminate the no's from further processing.

Roedy Green

Look into the literature on fast text searching (for instance bit-parallel
matching). It's not entirely clear to me what Roedy is trying to do, but it
sounds as if "bulk" matching/searching might be relevant.

Yes a Boyer-Moore to simultaneously search for the whole list of
words, then when it has a hit see if it has word in isolation rather
than a word fragment.

Robert Klemme

Yes a Boyer-Moore to simultaneously search for the whole list of
words, then when it has a hit see if it has word in isolation rather
than a word fragment.

Here's another approach:

1. fill a HashMap with the translations.
2. Create a tree or trie from the keys.
3. Convert the trie to a regular expression optimized for NFA automata
(such as is used in Java std. library).
4. Surround the regexp with additional regexp to ensure word matches and
probably exclude matching inside HTML tags
5. Scan the document with Matcher.find()

The idea of item 3 is to create a regexp with as little backtracking as
possible. For example, from


you make


Not sure though whether it is dramatically faster or slower than a
standard string search like Boyer-Moore - probably not.

Kind regards


Knute Johnson

A a 3- valued HashSet.contains would still be useful
no -- not in set
yes - in set
maybe -- don't know

At least you could eliminate the no's from further processing.

What about a sorted map? I would think searching a sorted map would be
much quicker than an unsorted one.

Arne Vajhøj

Look up "perfect hash". The idea is that, given a set of strings, you
can calculate a hash function that maps each of those strings to a
different bucket. That avoids any chain searching due to bucket
collisions, and simplifies the data structures.

I would expects gains by using a better hash function
compared to the standard Java one to be very small for
String's containing words (English and Java code).


Arne Vajhøj

The following is not the real problem, but it might more simply
illustrate what I am asking.

Think of an ordinary HashMap<String,String>

What it does is translate a few English words with French derivation,
putting the French accents on them. e.g. naive -> na&iuml;ve Napoleon
-> Napol&acute;on

Let us say you have 100 such words you want to transform. (In my
actual problem I have about 1500 words).

You go through the files for a website looking at each word of text
(avoiding HTML markup) in the HashMap. If you find it you replace it.

Most of the time word you look up is not in the list.

This is a time-consuming process. I would like to speed it up.

Reading the HTML files, splitting them up in words and discarding
HTML seems more likely to be the bottleneck than the lookups in a

What does your measurements show CPU time and wall time
distributed between the different activities?

You did measure right??
My lookup has two properties that might be exploited in some variant

1. nearly always the lookup fails. The code should be optimised for
this case. If it has some fast way of knowing the elt is not there,
it should do that first.

HashMap should already do that.
2. the list of words to lookup does not change after initial
preparation. I can afford to do some special calculation to prime the
lookup. For example, I once heard of some tweaking to avoid long
collision chains for a C implementation of HashMap.

If you have long collision chains then you can obviously improve
by choosing a better hash functions.

But do you have long collision chains?

Java String hash is not that bad.

You can easily test number of collisions.
Another way of looking at the problem is it would be nice to have a
HashSet implementation that was considerably faster than a HashMap.
IIRC, currently HashSet is implemented as a HashMap.

Not carrying data will not make it considerable faster.

Hashing and lookup are the same.



My question had two purposes. To see if there was something available
off the shelf, and to stimulate thought on some new algorithm that
could have wider application that just my problem.

I think it's unlikely that you're going to get a better algorithm than
Boyer-Moore or some other standard algorithm. Those are standard
algorithms for a reason: no one's come up with anything better.

You might try compiling a regex to do it. Regex can be pretty efficient
in many cases. Nothing can beat a hand code parser though, so if you
really need speed, that's the ticket.

Example regex:


You also might consider the case where you do have several matches in
your character buffer. If you use a string and standard replacement,
you'll copy the entire buffer for each match. If the buffer is large,
that's a lot of time spent just copying the same bytes around. Look
into making your own buffer/string that doesn't require making copies
for each replacement. However if you really do seldom have a match,
this might not be worth your time investment.

Knute Johnson

What about a sorted map? I would think searching a sorted map would be
much quicker than an unsorted one.

Actually it's not faster, I tried it.


Robert Klemme

Robert Klemme wrote:
Alternatively, use a real DFA matcher which will do all of that work for you as
it creates a minimal (or maybe only nearly mininal) DFA.

Right, that's probably an even better option. :)
As I mentioned elsewhere BM is no longer considered the best (there's a nice,
albeit somewhat specialised, book by Navarro and Raffinot "Flexible Pattern
Matching in Strings").

Thank you for that pointer, Chris!
But my gut feeling (another way of saying that I
haven't bothered to test it) is that IO would probably dominate the exection
time whatever algorithm was used (assuming it wasn't implemented

Yes, that seems likely.

Kind regards



Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

The use case you describe sounds like a good fit for a character trie.
The root represents the empty input string and each node has a child
node for each character extension of its current input path that needs
to be mapped. A node can optionally have a replacement string if it
marks the end of a word-to-be-mapped. If it doesn't than it marks a
sub-word only.
You simply read word characters and step down into the trie. If you walk
off the tree halfway through a word or if you end on a node that has no
replacement value then the word does not exist and you need to copy it
to your output. If the last character of a word leads to a node with a
replacement string than that is what you output.

Setting up the trie might take more time than setting up a plain word
map but the processing should be a lot faster.


Jim Janney

Roedy Green said:
Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

In this case, where you are always looking up a newly created string,
it's likely that computing the hash code takes more time than the actual
lookup: java.lang.String.hashCode() looks at every character in the
string. You could experiment with a weaker hash code that is cheaper to
compute but generates more collisions, for example only hash the first n
characters for some small value of n.

Or take the length of the string (very cheap to compute) and check it
against a BitSet. Or do the same with the first (or last) character.
How well these strategies work will depend very much on the actual data.

Daniele Futtorovic

The following is not the real problem, but it might more simply
illustrate what I am asking.

Think of an ordinary HashMap<String,String>

What it does is translate a few English words with French derivation,
putting the French accents on them. e.g. naive -> na&iuml;ve Napoleon
-> Napol&acute;on

Let us say you have 100 such words you want to transform. (In my
actual problem I have about 1500 words).

You go through the files for a website looking at each word of text
(avoiding HTML markup) in the HashMap. If you find it you replace it.

Most of the time word you look up is not in the list.

This is a time-consuming process. I would like to speed it up.

You might want to intern() the input to avoid having to recompute the
hash every time (if applicable). Other than that, you'll either be
wanting a better hashing algorithm, to avoid collisions, or indeed
something altogether fancier (but riskier in terms or RoI).


Robert Klemme

On 24/11/2012 07:42, Roedy Green allegedly wrote:

You might want to intern() the input to avoid having to recompute the
hash every time (if applicable). Other than that, you'll either be
wanting a better hashing algorithm, to avoid collisions, or indeed
something altogether fancier (but riskier in terms or RoI).

How would interning help? The input is read only once anyway and if you
mean to intern individual words of the input then how does the JVM do
the interning? My guess would be that some form of hashing would be
used there as well - plus that internal data structure must be thread

Kind regards


Daniel Pitts

Is there something like HashMap but that optimised when nearly always
the thing you are looking up is not in the list, and when you can add
the list of words to look up and then freeze it.

I have to scan an entire website looking up every word.

I don't think your use-case needs this kind of (read "micro")
optimization. However, I have often wished for a way to get a Map.Entry
for a key, which could then be used to insert a new value efficiently.

Map.Entry<K,V> getOrAddEntry(K key);

Map.Entry<K,V> e = map.getOrAddEntry(myKey);

if (e.getValue() == null) {


Alas, not exactly possible to add it now.

Eric Sosman

I don't think your use-case needs this kind of (read "micro")
optimization. However, I have often wished for a way to get a Map.Entry
for a key, which could then be used to insert a new value efficiently.

Map.Entry<K,V> getOrAddEntry(K key);

Map.Entry<K,V> e = map.getOrAddEntry(myKey);

if (e.getValue() == null) {


Alas, not exactly possible to add it now.

java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap has putIfAbsent().

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