Proposal for a new operator - .=


Ryan Pavlik

OK so it's late, I'm not thinking straight, and I thought I'd post

Proposal for a new operator - .=

Ruby has a number of useful operators, including some for combined
operation/assignment, such as +=, -=, etc.

This proposal is for a new operation/assignment operator, .=
(period-equals). Existing operators follow this form:

a += b # => a = a + b
a -= b # => a = a - b

The proposed .= operator would follow in an identical fashion:

a .= b # => a = a.b

For instance, some practical applications:

# We're passed an object, we want to do work on it
def foo(x)
x .= dup

# We have an operation for which there is no bang! method:
hash .= invert

# Similar to the last, we have an object which a bang method
# is impossible:
i = 5
i .= succ # => 6

# Following from that, we can't really change what an object _is_,
# but with .= we don't need to:
c = 65
c .= chr # => "A"

This has the following important advantages:

* It provides a generic operation/assignment operator

* Much like existing operation/assignment operators, it saves
space and increases readability

* It confuses Perl programmers

Support this new operator for Ruby!

(The preceding was 90% a joke. I don't actually have any serious
expectation of a .= operator in Ruby. I imagine it would be a bit
hairy to implement. I actually thought of it after doing "s = s.dup"
a few times, and there may be a few good uses for it, but... this was
for entertainment purposes only. ;-)

Robert Klemme

Ryan Pavlik said:
OK so it's late, I'm not thinking straight, and I thought I'd post

Proposal for a new operator - .=

Ruby has a number of useful operators, including some for combined
operation/assignment, such as +=, -=, etc.

This proposal is for a new operation/assignment operator, .=
(period-equals). Existing operators follow this form:

a += b # => a = a + b
a -= b # => a = a - b

The proposed .= operator would follow in an identical fashion:

a .= b # => a = a.b

For instance, some practical applications:

# We're passed an object, we want to do work on it
def foo(x)
x .= dup

# We have an operation for which there is no bang! method:
hash .= invert

# Similar to the last, we have an object which a bang method
# is impossible:
i = 5
i .= succ # => 6

# Following from that, we can't really change what an object _is_,
# but with .= we don't need to:
c = 65
c .= chr # => "A"

This has the following important advantages:

* It provides a generic operation/assignment operator

* Much like existing operation/assignment operators, it saves
space and increases readability

* It confuses Perl programmers

Support this new operator for Ruby!
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---

(The preceding was 90% a joke. I don't actually have any serious
expectation of a .= operator in Ruby. I imagine it would be a bit
hairy to implement. I actually thought of it after doing "s = s.dup"
a few times, and there may be a few good uses for it, but... this was
for entertainment purposes only. ;-)


This becomse more interesting with multiple method invocations:

foo = # becometh
foo .= bar.baz = # now is .= baz



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