Recursive structures and Quartus?



Hi List

I have run into a problem with Quartus synthesis, namely recursive
intantiation. Don't have the sane issue with Synopsis, AldecHDL or
Modelsim. Here is a simple example fanout tree (Ashenden - going back
to basics to figure the issue), but first the Quartus 9.1 message:

Error (10504): VHDL error at fanout_tree.vhd(58): slice that is
assigned to target slice has 4 elements, but must have same number of
elements as target slice (2)

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fanout_tree is
height : natural
fan_i : in std_logic;
fan_o : out std_logic_vector(0 to (2**height) - 1)
end entity fanout_tree;

architecture recursive of fanout_tree is
g_tree_buff : if (height = 0) generate
fan_o(0) <= fan_i;
end generate g_tree_buff;

g_tree : if (height > 0) generate
signal buff_0_s : std_logic;
signal buff_1_s : std_logic;
buff0 : entity work.buff(rtl)
port map(
buff_i => fan_i,
buff_o => buff_0_s

subtree0 : entity work.fanout_tree(recursive)
generic map(
height => (height - 1)
port map(
fan_i => buff_0_s,
fan_o => fan_o(0 to (2**(height - 1)) - 1)
buff1 : entity work.buff(rtl)
port map(
buff_i => fan_i,
buff_o => buff_1_s

subtree1 : entity work.fanout_tree(recursive)
generic map(
height => (height - 1)
port map(
fan_i => buff_1_s,
fan_o => fan_o( (2**(height - 1)) to (2**height) - 1)
end generate g_tree;
end architecture recursive;

Can anyone confirm if Quartus is capable of recursive instantiation
with '93 settings? I'ts going to be a DSP nightmare if not!!

Best Regards


I've tried recursive instantation in Quartus, and it worked fine.
However I don't think you can use direct instantiation - you must use
component declarations (otherwise how can you instance the component
within itself?)


Since you only have one architecture (recursive), you do not need to
specify the architecture in the direct entity instantiation, just

IINM, that way you still don't have to use components/configurations.
As long as the entity itself is compiled before the entity (which is
required anyway), it should work fine. When you specify the
architecture in the entity instantiation, it too must already be



Since you only have one architecture (recursive), you do not need to
specify the architecture in the direct entity instantiation, just

IINM, that way you still don't have to use components/configurations.
As long as the entity itself is compiled before the entity (which is
required anyway), it should work fine. When you specify the
architecture in the entity instantiation, it too must already be

Andy- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Umm, as long as the entity is compiled before the ARCHITECTURE (which
is required anyway)...



Can anyone confirm if Quartus is capable of recursive instantiation
with '93 settings? I'ts going to be a DSP nightmare if not!!

Yes recursive instantiation works. In your case, it was choking on
the port map assignments of 'fan_o'...
fan_o => fan_o(0 to (2**(height - 1)) - 1)
fan_o => fan_o( (2**(height - 1)) to (2**height) - 1)

The work around is to define new vectors that are of the correct size
for the entity to be instantiated as such...

g_tree : if (height > 0) generate
signal fan_o_hm1: std_logic_vector(0 to (2**(height - 1)) - 1);
signal fan_o_hm2: std_logic_vector((2**(height - 1)) to (2**height)
- 1);

And then use the new signal in the port map like this...

subtree0 : entity work.fanout_tree(recursive)
generic map(
height => (height - 1)
port map(
fan_i => buff_0_s,
fan_o => fan_o_hm1--OLD==> fan_o(0 to (2**(height - 1)) -
subtree1 : entity work.fanout_tree(recursive)
generic map(
height => (height - 1)
port map(
fan_i => buff_1_s,
fan_o => fan_o_hm2--OLD==> fan_o( (2**(height - 1)) to
(2**height) - 1)

And lastly, hooking up the new vectors to the ports of the entity like
fan_o(fan_o_hm1'range) <= fan_o_hm1;
fan_o(fan_o_hm2'range) <= fan_o_hm2;

If you think the required work around is a bug in Quartus, you should
submit a test case to Altera.

Kevin Jennings


I've tried recursive instantation in Quartus, and it worked fine.
However I don't think you can use direct instantiation - you must use
component declarations (otherwise how can you instance the component
within itself?)

@Alan: Direct instantiation works just fine with the OP's code,
component declarations are not needed.

@Andy: The specification of the specific architecture to use works
just fine with the OP's code so even though only one architecture is
posted, it would work just fine if the entity had several
architectures and the desired one was not the last one compiled.

So, even though the OP is recursive, there are no special rules
required here in regards to instantiating the recursive entity or
selecting an architecture to use. The only Quartus hiccup was on the
mapping of a vector slice to a port on the recursively instantiated

Kevin Jennings


I'd had experiences in the past where an architecture would not
compile if it contained an entity & architecture instantiation for
which the architecture did not yet exist. Since this is a recursive
architecture, it would not compile until it had been compiled, and...

Maybe/apparentlly that has changed?



I'd had experiences in the past where an architecture would not
compile if it contained an entity & architecture instantiation for
which the architecture did not yet exist. Since this is a recursive
architecture, it would not compile until it had been compiled, and...

Maybe/apparentlly that has changed?


As Kevin figured, it was the generic that Quartus was not resolving
correctly. Here is code that Quartus can handle:

-- This document is the property of David Greig. The
document (or any part of it) must not be copied without permission
from David Greig. --
-- Any authorised copies of this document
shall include this header. Copyright © 2009 David
Greig --
-- File : fanout_tree.vhd
-- Author : David Greig
-- Description :
-- Notes :
-- Dependencies :
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fanout_tree is
height : natural
fan_i : in std_logic;
fan_o : out std_logic_vector( (2**height) - 1 downto 0 )
end entity fanout_tree;

architecture recursive of fanout_tree is
g_buff : if (height = 0) generate
fan_o(0) <= fan_i;
end generate g_buff;
g_tree : if (height > 0) generate
signal buff_s : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
signal fan0_s : std_logic_vector( ((2**(height - 1)) - 1) downto
0 );
signal fan1_s : std_logic_vector( ((2**height) - 1) downto (2**
(height - 1)) );
buff : entity work.buf_fan(rtl)
generic map(
fanout => 2
port map(
fan_i => fan_i,
fan_o => buff_s
subtree0 : entity work.fanout_tree(recursive)
generic map(
height => (height - 1)
port map(
fan_i => buff_s(0),
fan_o => fan0_s
subtree1 : entity work.fanout_tree(recursive)
generic map(
height => (height - 1)
port map(
fan_i => buff_s(1),
fan_o => fan1_s
fan_o(fan0_s'range) <= fan0_s;
fan_o(fan1_s'range) <= fan1_s;
end generate g_tree;
end architecture recursive;

-- component fanout_tree is
-- generic(
-- height : natural
-- );
-- port(
-- fan_i : in std_logic;
-- fan_o : out std_logic_vector( (2**height) - 1 downto 0 )
-- );
-- end component fanout_tree;

-- i_ : fanout_tree
-- generic map(
-- height =>
-- )
-- port map(
-- fan_i =>
-- fan_o =>
-- );

-- This document is the property of David Greig. The
document (or any part of it) must not be copied without permission
from David Greig. --
-- Any authorised copies of this document
shall include this header. Copyright © 2009 David
Greig --
-- File : buf_fan.vhd
-- Author : David Greig
-- Description :
-- Notes :
-- Dependencies :
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
entity buf_fan is
fanout : natural
fan_i : in std_logic;
fan_o : out std_logic_vector(fanout - 1 downto 0)
end entity buf_fan;

architecture rtl of buf_fan is
attribute keep : boolean; -- Prevents minimizing or removing a
particular net during combinational logic optimization
signal fan_s : std_logic_vector(fanout - 1 downto 0); attribute keep
of fan_s : signal is true;
g_fan : for idx in fan_s'range generate
fan_s(idx) <= fan_i;
end generate g_fan;
fan_o <= fan_s;
end architecture rtl;

By changing the way the genirc height is compared a reducing tree can
also be realised.

Best Regards

David Greig

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