Request for FAQ



Can folks recommend methods of posting / reading this news group? Google Groups is just useless and I can't find another site open to new users (yet).. Google would / could forward me the messages via email but I'm worried that that is going to flood me with spam. I'll try that for a bit and see how that goes.

Thank you,


Can folks recommend methods of posting / reading this news group?

The perceived wisdom is to read it with a newsreader. I use the
commercial "Agent" program by Forte, but you can get by with Outlook
Express (emphasis on the "Express", not just Outlook).

For a newsreader to work, you need a news server. Your ISP may offer a
free one, or other people may recommend free ones.

The problem with free newsservers is that people like the price, so it
gets overloaded. As a matter of principle, I never advertise the name
of the free newsserver that I use, because then it would become

You can find commercial newsservers that charge a small amount per

Tim Slattery

pedz said:
Can folks recommend methods of posting / reading this news group?
Google Groups is just useless and I can't find another site open to
new users (yet). Google would / could forward me the messages via
email but I'm worried that that is going to flood me with spam.
I'll try that for a bit and see how that goes.

Go to and register. Then get a newsreader:
Thunderbird (, Agent
(, or many others. Aim your newsreader at, and there you go.

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

Swifty said:
The perceived wisdom is to read it with a newsreader. I use the
commercial "Agent" program by Forte, but you can get by with Outlook
Express (emphasis on the "Express", not just Outlook).

And if you must use Outlook Express, which has been a nuisance for years
because of its many nasty bugs (development is has been discontinued since
Windows Vista in favor of Windows Mail), please follow the instructions at
<> where you can see that the newest security fix was
released in 2006, more than 5 years ago (which might cause you to

Forté Agent has not had a stable release since November 2009, too.

By contrast, Mozilla Thunderbird is actively developed, and security fixes
are released according to the Mozilla schedule. Last I checked, Thunderbird
was lacking in its built-in filtering and crosspost-regonizing capabilities,
but there might be extensions to augment it with that by now.

For (Debian) GNU/Linux, KNode, which is provided by a KDE package, suffices
for me.


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