Ruby-C Book?


Marc Heiler

I am still trying to improve my poor C and Ruby-C knowledge,
today I managed to use rb_iv_set and rb_iv_get successfully ... wow ;)

But what I would really like to have would be a Pickaxe2-like
book dedicated to the C Side of ruby AT BEST with examples.

Pickaxe2 has a chapter, and while Pickaxe2 is one of my all-time
favourite books of programming language books (granted, many others
are so boring so maybe thats quite easy ... :D) - the chapter
about the C side is really very very short.

My current method is to dig through other people's code,
trying to understand and so on, but it would be darn awesome
if such a book would exist. In english ... :p

How high are the chances that such a book would hit the retail
stores the next uh lets say... 12 months? (Hope dies last!)

Mark Volkmann

I am still trying to improve my poor C and Ruby-C knowledge,
today I managed to use rb_iv_set and rb_iv_get successfully ... wow ;)

But what I would really like to have would be a Pickaxe2-like
book dedicated to the C Side of ruby AT BEST with examples.

Pickaxe2 has a chapter, and while Pickaxe2 is one of my all-time
favourite books of programming language books (granted, many others
are so boring so maybe thats quite easy ... :D) - the chapter
about the C side is really very very short.

My current method is to dig through other people's code,
trying to understand and so on, but it would be darn awesome
if such a book would exist. In english ... :p

How high are the chances that such a book would hit the retail
stores the next uh lets say... 12 months? (Hope dies last!)

It's not a book, but I just gave a presentation on this topic.
Perhaps my slides will help. They are at
Ruby_C_Extensions.pdf. Comments on the slides are welcomed!

Marc Heiler

It's not a book, but I just gave a presentation on this topic.
Perhaps my slides will help. They are at
Ruby_C_Extensions.pdf. Comments on the slides are welcomed!

Hi there,

its a GREAT slide, visually very appealing. I think by far the best
about Ruby + C I saw so far. :)

It for sure helps but as you said, its not a book - I guess a real book
on this subject would be a lot of work and maybe not enough people
interested (compared to general ruby stuff), plus those that are
already C gurus would maybe not need it ... :(

Anyway, thanks for this great slide!

PS: How did you make the small boxes+arrows?

Mark Volkmann

Hi there,

its a GREAT slide, visually very appealing. I think by far the best
about Ruby + C I saw so far. :)

It for sure helps but as you said, its not a book - I guess a real
on this subject would be a lot of work and maybe not enough people
interested (compared to general ruby stuff), plus those that are
already C gurus would maybe not need it ... :(

Right. If there was demand for it, I'd consider writing a book.
Anyway, thanks for this great slide!

PS: How did you make the small boxes+arrows?

I used PowerPoint.

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