scrolling the data from excel


Erwin Moller

Diwakar said:
i want a javascript code that will scroll the data from an excel file

Diwakar, you might consider a few more lines of text where you actually
describe what you tried, what didn't work, etc.

WHAT is it excactly you want?

Some things you might consider:

1) Javascript cannot access your excelfile because javascript is crippled
intentionally for local fileaccess.
So you need the excel file on your server, and produce some dynamical
generated javascriptcode. So you need a scriptinglanguage like
Perl/PHP/VBscript/etc to help you out.

2) What dou you mean by scrolling?
Suppose managed step 1, and you produce a large table that resembles your
excelsheet, what then?
If it doesn't fit on the screen, your browser will produce scrollbars for
you. So what do you want javascript to do here?

Erwin Moller

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