Selling a mobile game



Hi frnds,
I have developed a mobile game in j2me. It is a nice game
and ready to go to market. I hav applied for NOKIA SOFTWARE MARKET and
get an account in the same. Recently I got somthing abt N Gage Games.
I want to apply for this please help me I want to know is the nokia
software market is the best place to sell my game. How can I apply for
Sony Erricsson and other companies. What should b the price of my game
i mean in which range (IN EURO). How could I earn money from my game.
I want to know is the people bye games from nokia software market or
not. One more thing how can I made my product popular so that I got
more downloads and profit.
Rishabh Tripathi
(e-mail address removed)


I want to apply for this please help me I want to know is the nokia
software market is the best place to sell my game.

The best no, certainly not. But if you've got the certification from
Nokia it's already a place to start.

How could I earn money from my game.

Only 1/3rd of the mobile games sales now are carrier-based (that is:
only 1/3rd of the mobile games are made through the carriers's
provisionning decks).

The rest is made through online stores that do *not* depend on the
carriers. This is a very good thing for you, for making a deal with
carriers is very complicated.

So basically you want to port your game to as many devices as possible
and put it on as many online stores as possible.

To port your game to hundreds (or thousands) of devices, you want
to use a technology that automatically converts your game to
thousands of devices, from a single code base (but a different
set of resources). A company like Javaground does just that:
that's how they automatically port blockbuster mobile titles
(like "Wheel of fortune", don't laugh) to thousands of devices.
They even take the Java bytecode and automatically convert it to other
languages, which is how they ported Wheel of Fortune to the

(as far as I know they're infringing on the "java" TM but
as far as I know they're in good terms with Sun too so
it's been years they're infringing and the lawsuit ain't
coming ;)

They're also launching their own appstore, currently in beta,
but it already has a lot of titles:

I want to know is the people bye games from nokia software market or
not. One more thing how can I made my product popular so that I got
more downloads and profit.

Yes some people do... You can make a few hundreds sales
from Nokia's software market if your game is any good.

Honestly, if you want to make money selling mobile applications
you have to target as many devices as possible and you simply
cannot do that by porting the game yourself manually to lots
of J2ME devices. Because J2ME isn't WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere).

The specs are too loose and the various "J2ME VM" (KVMs) have
a gigantic of different bugs and these bugs will be different
from one device to another (even if these devices have the same

Which is the very reason companies like Javaground
exist and are making a killing: they work around all
these bugs.

You have to look for automated ported solution. An open-source
competitor to Javaground is j2mepolish, but the level of amateurism
of their solution is saddening.

Or you simply decide to dump J2ME and focus on Objective-C,
to target directly the iPhone, where the real online mobile
sales are...


The best no, certainly not.  But if you've got the certification from
Nokia it's already a place to start.

Only 1/3rd of themobilegames sales now are carrier-based (that is:
only 1/3rd of themobilegames are made through the carriers's
provisionning decks).

The rest is made throughonlinestoresthat do *not* depend on the
carriers.  This is a very good thing for you, for making a deal with
carriers is very complicated.

So basically you want to port yourgameto as many devices as possible
and put it on as manyonlinestoresas possible.

To port yourgameto hundreds (or thousands) of devices, you want
to use a technology that automatically converts yourgameto
thousands of devices, from a single code base (but a different
set of resources).  A company like Javaground does just that:
that's how they automatically port blockbustermobiletitles
(like "Wheel of fortune", don't laugh) to thousands of devices.
They even take the Java bytecode and automatically convert it to other
languages, which is how they ported Wheel of Fortune to the

(as far as I know they're infringing on the "java" TM but
as far as I know they're in good terms with Sun too so
it's been years they're infringing and the lawsuit ain't
coming ;)

They're also launching their own appstore, currently in beta,
but it already has a lot of titles:

Yes some people do... You can make a few hundreds sales
from Nokia's software market if yourgameis any good.

Honestly, if you want to make money sellingmobileapplications
you have to target as many devices as possible and you simply
cannot do that by porting thegameyourself manually to lots
of J2ME devices.  Because J2ME isn't WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere).

The specs are too loose and the various "J2ME VM" (KVMs) have
a gigantic of different bugs and these bugs will be different
from one device to another (even if these devices have the same

Which is the very reason companies like Javaground
exist and are making a killing: they work around all
these bugs.

You have to look for automated ported solution.  An open-source
competitor to Javaground is j2mepolish, but the level of amateurism
of their solution is saddening.

Or you simply decide to dump J2ME and focus on Objective-C,
to target directly the iPhone, where the realonlinemobile
sales are...

Hello All,
Can anybody suggest me some top ranked online mobile app stores.

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