Software Needs Philosophers


Mumia W.

Mitch said:
John Bokma wrote:
You're mistaken. All you need to do is report it. After some time Xah
will either walk in line with the rest of the world, or has found
somewhere else to yell. As long as it's not my back garden and not
around 4AM, I am ok with it.

Walk in line with the rest of the world? Pah.

This is no-ones back garden.

But it is a place where John Bokma can engage in a little power play.

Notice how John Bokma pretends to own these newsgroups. In every
analogy, Bokma uses "ownership" concepts to support his harassment of Xah.

John Bokma conceptualizes these newsgroups as something that he
dominates. Without other people to recognize his power, it's empty, so
he bashes and then trashes Xah, and in doing so, proves that he is
dominant here.

Don't let it happen. Write the abuse address at Dreamhost, and try to
help Xah out.


Let's not drop to his level.

I agree. I never actually said that anyone should report him. I simply
wanted to illustrate his hipocrisy.

[Although John insinuated I did say that, which I find defamitory, and
is clearly a violation of his TOS ;-) ]

Kent Paul Dolan

Mitch said:
The argument isn't against protecting intellectual
property, just the way in which it is implemented.

IMNSHO, software patents suffer most from being
intellectual property protection at the _wrong level
of granularity_. Patenting a single bit, as Dennis
Richie once did, is sheerest nonsense.

Today's software patent laws are much like allowing
copyright of three word phrases would be.

Copyrighting a whole work of software, on the other
hand, protects an _entire effort_ as the
accomplishment of the author, not the little, easily
re-invented portions that patents "protect", but
that impede free development of software by others.

What software engineers engender when innovating
isn't inventions, more insights.



Xah said:
I'm sorry to trouble everyone.

Liar. You were never sorry when you troubled us with your posting
excrements in the past, you are not sorry now.
But as you might know, due to my
controversial writings and style,

Liar. You are a net abuser, a kook and a troll. It has nothing to do
with your writings and style. It has everything to do with your
vialoation of netiquette, with you x-posting of off-topic messages,
with your trolling and kookery.
recently John Bokma lobbied people to
complaint to my web hosting provider.

Liear. John asked people do do their duty as net citizens and to report
a serial net abuser.
After exchanging a few emails, my
web hosting provider sent me a 30-day account cancellation notice last

Shit. So they gave you 30 more days to abuse the net. Shit, shit, shit.
They should have pulled the plug immediately.
I'm not sure I will be able to keep using their service, but I do hope

Lets hope not.
I do not like to post off-topic messages,

Liar. Your whole usenet "career" is build around the posting of
off-topic messages.
but this is newsgroup
incidence is getting out of hand,

Liar. You were getting out of hand for some time now.
and I wish people to know about it.

People know very well about you, Xah Lee, the serial newsgroup abuser,
troll, liar, and kook.

More lies.
If you believe this lobbying to my webhosting provider is unjust,
please write to my web hosting provider (e-mail address removed)

I believe it is justified, and I wrote dreamhost to thank them. You now
reap what you saw. You refused to play nice with us in the past, now
don't be surprised that people don't come to your aid.
Your help is appreciated. Thank you.

I appreciate the courage of John and friends to stand up against
someone who is out of control. You are not even affraid off accusing
John of a crime (harrasment) and starting a smear campaing on your web
site. You have sunken so low that you are fast approaching the earth's
metal core.

*Thanks John for making usenet a better place!*

George Sakkis

Geoffrey said:
Bill Atkins said:
John MexIT:
personal page:
Experienced programmer available:
Happy Customers:

Interesting. Doesn't your signature contain advertisements for your
website? Aren't you posting to five different groups?

Shh! Pointing out ironic hypocrisy never works.

You can say that again:


Larry Elmore

Bill said:
You win my unofficial contest for "Usenet Tool of the Year." It is
not difficult to skip to the next file or to add a sender to a
killfile. It is certainly less of a hassle than all this complaining
you do.

No shit. Lately it seems that for every "spam" post of Xah's, there's
at three or more by John *to all the same newsgroups* bitching about
Xah's use of bandwidth. Pot, meet kettle. I'm killfiling Xah for being
a useless twit and killfiling John for being a prick about it.



Xah said:
I do not like to post off-topic messages

Oh REALLY? That's strange, because I don't recall ever seeing an
on-topic message (a Perl message in a Perl newsgroup) from Xah. Every
one of the many Xah post I've ever seen (including the "Philosopher"
message that this thread morphed into) was off-topic for a Perl
programming newsgroup.

Wolf Kirchmeir

Mitch wrote:
[...] has some good (read short but clear)
articles on why patents aren't necessarily a good idea. The main one I
find is that they aren't needed. Everything you write is already
copyright and this is plenty of protection, and more importantly /free/
protection. Patents require resources that many don't have, and thus
restricts the protection available to those with the money (read corps).

The argument isn't against protecting intellectual property, just the
way in which it is implemented.


YMMV and usual disclaimers.


Bob Felts

John Bokma said:
That's because you're clueless.

Count me among the clueless, then. I just wrote to DreamHost and asked
that they reverse their decision to terminate his account.

Xah may be annoying; but he's harmless. Certain self-elected net
nannies, however, are not.

John Bokma

Count me among the clueless, then. I just wrote to DreamHost and asked
that they reverse their decision to terminate his account.

I am sure that DreamHost has quite a nice /dev/null for clueless idiots
like you and your sock puppets :-D.

Ben Bullock

Ken Tilton said:
Are you joking. "Just change your provider?" Do you have a little button
on your computer that says "Change provider"? Cool! :)

No, but if you go any look at the website of Xah Lee, he seems to have spent
enough time and energy complaining that it would be overwhelmingly greater
than the time it would take him to apply for a new provider.

marc spitzer

I am sure that DreamHost has quite a nice /dev/null for clueless idiots
like you and your sock puppets :-D.

point of order, rudness is always off topic. Since you want to have
such high standards for others you might want to start applying them
to your self as well.


David Steuber

I'm loath to crosspost this but I don't know which (if any) news group
Xah actually reads. I also don't want to make just a private response
to Xah's email to a public post. Anyway, the TOS of is

Two important sections I'll quote:



Electronic forums such as mail distribution lists and Usenet news
groups all have expectations regarding subject area and appropriate
etiquette for posting. Users of these forums should be considerate of
the expectations and sensitivities of others on the network when
posting material for electronic distribution. The network resources of
DreamHost Webhosting may not be used to impersonate another person or
misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or DreamHost
Webhosting. All messages transmitted via DreamHost Webhosting should
correctly identify the sender; users may not alter the attribution of
origin in electronic mail messages or posting.
Users must not attempt to undermine the security or integrity of
computing systems or networks and must not attempt to gain
unauthorized access. This includes (but is not limited to) such things
as port scanning of either DreamHost or external computers and Denial
Of Service attacks of any kind.


This contract may be terminated by either party, without cause, by
giving the other party 30 days written notice. DreamHost Webhosting
will accept termination by electronic mail. Notwithstanding the above,
DreamHost Webhosting may terminate service under this contract at any
time, without penalty, if the Customer fails to comply with the terms
of this contract, including non-payment. DreamHost Webhosting reserves
the right to charge a reinstatement fee.


IANAL, but it looks like you can have your account canceled, Xah.
Although to tell the truth, even though I find your crossposting
excessive and your rants uninteresting I don't think it is frequent
enough to bitch about. I do hope that no refund policy doesn't apply
when they terminate your account.

You would probably stand a good chance of keeping your account if you
stop crossposting so much. Dreamhosting has defined internet
etiquette for you. Stick within those bounds and you can defend
yourself against people who complain.

Good luck


We seem to have strayed a long way from Voltaire's
"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it."

Not at all. My problem with Xah Lee is that he is abusing the Usenet as
a personal BLOG. He has a web site to post these articles and he can
certainly put up a discussion board there if he wants a vigorous
discussion of his ideas. It's worse. He does not even respond to
questions directly posed to him in the thread of his "articles". Just
imagine if every blogger on the Internet started using Usenet instead
and cross-posting at that.


Wolf said:
Mitch wrote:
[...] has some good (read short but clear)
articles on why patents aren't necessarily a good idea. The main one I
find is that they aren't needed.
The argument isn't against protecting intellectual property, just the
way in which it is implemented.

This whole buzz around software patents is there because european
companies do not want to pay american companies.

Likewise, China is developing it's own DVD technology to avoid patent

It is not about implementation, it is about money.

I remember times when Sony was sued about recording devices, not it is
sued about DRM. It is only words they say, do not buy it.

Tim X

Mitch said:
John said:
Mitch said:
John Bokma wrote:
You're mistaken. All you need to do is report it. After some time Xah
will either walk in line with the rest of the world, or has found
somewhere else to yell. As long as it's not my back garden and not
around 4AM, I am ok with it.

Walk in line with the rest of the world? Pah.

This is no-ones back garden.
Funny how people who always think they can "change Usenet" have no
clue about what Usenet is and how it works in the first place.

Who said anything about changing it? I like it just the way it is.
Usenet is just that, each server participating can be thought of as
being the back yard of the news master.

Sure, each server has terms and conditions that apply, doesn't mean
you should be able to ban people from speaking just because you don't
like what they say. My point is that this isn't *your* back garden,
it isn't *my* back garden. It isn't something I own, and it *IS*
something I can filter and/or ignore. Someone shouting in your back
garden is a whole different ball game where your desires prevail. Not
here. You know what you are getting into when you sign in, and it is
your responsibility to deal with those you don't agree with

I understand you consider his writings spam, and so can see why you
have reported him. All I'm saying is that as long as the articles are
remotely on topic, I believe he has a right to post his opinions here.
If you have no clue about how Usenet works, first read up a bit.
What a Usenet server is, a feed, and how Usenet is distributed.
And then come back if you finally have something to say that you can
back up.

Thankfully I'm aware enough of all the above that I don't feel the need.

As these are all opinions, I don't see any need to "back up" any of it.

Personally, I think this is getting a bit out of hand. Originally,
John and others suggested reporting Xah to his ISP for spamming
multiple groups. There was never any suggestion I have seen (except
from Xah himself) that the objective was to gag his "contraversial"
thoughts/comments/ideas. I have no problem with him posting comments
which are relevant to the group he posts to. However, I do object to
anyone who has the arrogance to believe their opinions are so
important they should be posted to any remotely related group they can
think of.

I don't agree with nearly 99% of what Xah says - he often raises a
well known issue (i've not seen anything original yet), outlines it
reasonably well, but then proposes solutions which strike me as being
very poorly considered or narrow of thought. He also tends to look at
something for a couple of days and then rubbish it with a tone of
authority and experience he obviously hasn't yet obtained.

However, he has just as much right to do so as anyone else and
therefore, its not because of his content he should be reported - its
because of his irresponsability in how he distributes it.

I also seem to remember a page on his website from a couple of years
back in which he admits enjoying trolling and starting flame wars -
but I can't find it now, so maybe I'm mistaken. However, I suspect
this is the main motivation for his posts rather than a genuine desire
to solve problems he perceives. At any rate, its not
like he hasn't been told his constant behavior of mass cross posting
was considered bad form - he has been told many many times and just
ignores it.

If someone wrote up there essays and got them printed on millions of
leaflets which they then dumped all over the place, would you be
outraged when they were fined for littering and claim their right to
free speech was being gagged? Of course not. This is the same. I think
most would have no problem with Xah posting if he did it in a
responsible manner.

Note that normally I try to remove all the cross posted groups in
replies to Xah's thread, but this time, I'm leaving them as I feel the
nature of this thread warrants it. If you disagree, please don't
hesitate to report me to my ISP as I'm more than willing to defend my
decision. If I lose, there not an ISP I'd want to stay with anyway!



Mitch said:
Sure, each server has terms and conditions that apply, doesn't mean you
should be able to ban people from speaking just because you don't like
what they say.

You are a silly person.



Larry said:
No shit. Lately it seems that for every "spam" post of Xah's, there's
at three or more by John *to all the same newsgroups* bitching about
Xah's use of bandwidth. Pot, meet kettle. I'm killfiling Xah for being
a useless twit and killfiling John for being a prick about it.

There is a person on USENET, particularly in hr. hierarchy that
posts under three different accounts. Sometimes he argues with
himself, and sometimes event supports himself :)

Maybe we have the similar case here.


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