starter kits


Lee Connell

I have posted on forums and I havn't gotten a response yet. I have
installed the Commerce starter kit on my win2k3 server, and I am trying to
open and debug the project, but I get an error saying to check the
web.config file and make sure its valid and that debug="true" etc.... Is
there something that I need to set differently? I also cannot debug the
project locally.



open the web.config file. it should be located in the
root application folder. when the file is opened, you
should see settings in xml strin format. look for the xml
tag called compilation. now, set the compilation tag's
debug="true". something like this:
<compilation defaultLanguage="vb" debug="true" />

hope that helps,

Lee Connell

This is the web.config file of the starter kit. I am still getting the "not
configured to be debugged error".

Thank you!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<!-- application specific settings -->


<add key="ConnectionString"
value="server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=true;database=Commerce" />


<!-- forms based authentication -->


<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" />

<pages validateRequest="true" />

<!-- enable Forms authentication -->

<authentication mode="Forms">

<forms name="CommerceAuth" loginUrl="login.aspx" protection="All" path="/"


<!-- enable custom errors for the application -->

<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="ErrorPage.aspx" />

<!-- disable session state for application -->

<sessionState mode="Off" />

<globalization fileEncoding="utf-8" requestEncoding="utf-8"


<!-- set secure paths -->

<location path="Checkout.aspx">



<deny users="?" />




<location path="OrderList.aspx">



<deny users="?" />




<location path="OrderDetails.aspx">



<deny users="?" />






one problem could be that u don't have the web.config in
the right folder. make sure it is on the root virtual
folder. try moving the web.config around until you get
the desire effect. remember that web.config can be
overidden. meaning that u can have different web.config
in every folder and/or sub-folder. meaning that u can
several web.config for every folder and/or sub-folder.

if that doesn't work. search for machine.config in ur
local machine. this is the master configuration file.
this will effect every web application in ur system. so
be very careful. make a backup copy before doing
anything. okay, find and open machine.config and change
the compilation tag.
<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" />
like so.

hope that works,

Lee Connell

I will try this thanks. Should I do this on the server right? How about
the client? I'm gonna try and reinstall this starter kit and see what
happens. Also in the project properties enable debugging is true.

Aymer said:
one problem could be that u don't have the web.config in
the right folder. make sure it is on the root virtual
folder. try moving the web.config around until you get
the desire effect. remember that web.config can be
overidden. meaning that u can have different web.config
in every folder and/or sub-folder. meaning that u can
several web.config for every folder and/or sub-folder.

if that doesn't work. search for machine.config in ur
local machine. this is the master configuration file.
this will effect every web application in ur system. so
be very careful. make a backup copy before doing
anything. okay, find and open machine.config and change
the compilation tag.
<compilation defaultLanguage="c#" debug="true" />
like so.

hope that works,

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