triggering rollback manually-what methods should i use???


Greg Hauptmann


Q1. If I want to manually trigger a DB transaction roleback
progrmatically what approach/methods should I use?

Q2. Also if in the transactions I use multiple models, should I start
the transaction by (a) choosing one of the models & going
<model>.transaction do, or (b) use some other generic DB transaction
method (ie no model namc)?

* upload of records from file
* want to try each one re loading into DB, then collect errors in
array for those that fail
* then at end want to:
(a) roll back everything , but also
(b) overall method should NOT raise exception (ie why I want to
trigger rollback without relying on an exception to do this


Hello andrea,
I was trying to code the classic tictactoe in ruby.
Now it only plays itself doing random moves until someone wins, and
are still some bugs.

But the thing that really I don't understand is another,

With this line every time I pick the next move:

x, y = (0...(board.length)).to_a.choice, (0...

But I get always the same game!!:


You should add a call to srand before the call to random_play. It
will seed the random number generator so that you don't get the
same sequence of random numbers every time you run your program.

Roger Pack

Q1. If I want to manually trigger a DB transaction roleback
progrmatically what approach/methods should I use?

If it's straight mysql it's something like

If it's rails then I know raising causes one, not sure of others.
google rails how to rollback without raise

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