Use of the {@code } tag


Dave Searles

Lew said:
Lew said:
rossum said:
[personal attack deleted]
[off-topic blather deleted]


[attacks Twisted]

PostgreSQL: [off-topic blather deleted]

None of this crap belongs in Maybe some to
comp.db.postgresql or whatever, some to alt.flame.twisted, etc.

Dave Searles

Tom said:
Lew said:
rossum wrote:
[personal attack deleted]
[off-topic blather deleted]


[attacks Twisted]

I confess that it is true. And yes, there are others who respond more
than you - Arne, i think. But Arne responds to everything, and once in
motion, cannot be stopped, like some kind of programming Juggernaut.

More like some kind of assholery Juggernaut.
[personal attack deleted]


Dave Searles

Arne said:
Dave said:
Yet, you did. At best, your statement beginning "I cannot see ..."
implied that what I claimed to have seen wasn't real, i.e. that either
I was lying or I'm crazy.

Neither is the case.

[personal attack deleted]

Yes, Arne, you are indeed crazy, and you should not miss your
appointment with the nice doctor.

Dave Searles

Robert said:
Yet, you did. At best, your statement beginning "I cannot see ..."
implied that what I claimed to have seen wasn't real, i.e. that either
I was lying or I'm crazy.

There are other possible interpretations as well: Maybe you [personal
attack deleted]. Maybe you [another personal attack deleted]. Maybe you
[yet another personal attack deleted] - whatever.

Or maybe none of the above.
[personal attacks deleted]
Neither is the case.

[personal attack deleted]


Dave Searles

Arne said:
Robert said:
On 02.10.2009 15:39, Dave Searles wrote:
[misquotes me]

Do not misquote me.
Since I'm not a native speaker I could have missed something. I do
not know why you chose to translate that as "says I'm a liar". I did
not call you a liar - I did not even want to insinuate that you are.
I am sorry if my wording caused such a perception.

[personal attacks deleted]


Dave Searles

Arne said:
Robert said:
Arne Vajhøj wrote:
Dave Searles wrote:
Lew wrote:
Martin wrote:
can someone tell me which style is preferred or recommended for
use of
code keywords? I used to use <code> as suggested in the javadoc API
and other sources. However, I just found that, for example, the
java.util.Vector class makes use of the {@code } tag. Is that a new
one not yet documented?

It's not new and it is documented, as you would know if you read
the documentation.

How rude.

[says I'm a liar]

[says I'm a liar]
No, you are.

[personal attack deleted]

[personal attack deleted]

Get a room, you two.

Dave Searles

Arne said:
Dave said:
You seem to think that everyone not only should read the
documentation, but that they should reread it rather frequently.

[personal attack deleted]
Most of us have jobs that kinda require us to spend a lot of time
actually coding, or doing other things, rather than reading, and so
tend to read something only once, and maybe again if we get a clear
indication that it may have changed since the last time.

[personal attack deleted]


Dave Searles

Lew said:
Arne said:
Dave said:
You seem to think that everyone not only should read the
documentation, but that they should reread it rather frequently.

[personal attack deleted]
Most of us have jobs that kinda require us to spend a lot of time
actually coding, or doing other things, rather than reading, and so
tend to read something only once, and maybe again if we get a clear
indication that it may have changed since the last time.

[personal attack deleted]

[personal attack deleted]


Robert Klemme


Among the many databases, some
of which are free, and some quite dear,
with varied levels of support, there's one
that from the rest stands out, the winner clear.

Its syntax is robust, performance, too.
To choose among them you would sure do well
to pick the one that scales, is free, and fast -
that RDBMS, PostgreSQL.

Nice! Now, can you turn that into a valid SQL statement? :)



Arne Vajhøj

Peter said:
Why are you even bothering to respond to this?

Why not.

You are not seriously expecting him to go away just because
people do not reply.

All due respect, yes. I think that's a reasonable expectation. We have
seen repeatedly that ignoring the particular persona of the week, that
persona will eventually fade away, at least to some semblance of
background noise.

Yes, eventually he comes back with a new one. But in the meantime,
there is a LOT less junk on the newsgroup when no one replies to the

I mean really...when the number of useless, unproductive posts generated
by that sort of back-and-forth bickering exceeds all of the off-topic,
tangential, or otherwise meandering messages from Roedy, you know you're
cluttering up the newsgroup. :p
We have seen numerous times that this is not the case.

I beg to differ. There has uniformly been at least a temporary
improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio by ignoring this person.

That is a very short pause.

And after that it hits a new thread.
all, we hardly ever hear from the Jerry Gerrone alter ego these days.

Well - I have seen a lot of posts from him lately.
It need not be in any thread. Just kill-file the guy and move on.

That does not really fix the S/N just what one see.



That does not really fix the S/N just what one see.

That depends on which S/N you care about. By killfiling the so-called "Dave
Searles" I improve the signal-to-noise markedly, I think by about 50 noise
posts out of about 120 in the past 24 hours, when I'm using Thunderbird.
(Alas, GG doesn't sport that feature.)

What's that? You say it hasn't affected the S/N from your perspective? And
why should I care about the S/N as you see it?

Arne Vajhøj

Lew said:
That depends on which S/N you care about. By killfiling the so-called
"Dave Searles" I improve the signal-to-noise markedly, I think by about
50 noise posts out of about 120 in the past 24 hours, when I'm using
Thunderbird. (Alas, GG doesn't sport that feature.)

What's that? You say it hasn't affected the S/N from your perspective?
And why should I care about the S/N as you see it?

You could care about cljp looks overall to those dropping in that
do not know who to killfile.

Besides the killfile need to be updated quite frequently.



Arne said:
You could care about cljp looks overall to those dropping in that
do not know who to killfile.

I could, but I don't.

I use a news server that eliminates a lot of the spam, and I use the crude but
reasonably effective killfile capability of Mozilla Thunderbird. Anyone else
who cares about S/N here can do the same, and thus I need not worry about
them. I know that they have the power to fix the "problem" if they choose. I
do not deny them the right to choose otherwise. I do not sympathize if they
fail to follow safe surf practices. It's a big world and we have to be
responsible for ourselves.

My social responsibility has now been discharged by dint of having shown the
way for anyone who wishes to cancel the blather from the "Dave Searles"s of
the newsgroup.

I won't killfile you, because your noise is not unpleasant and your signal is
Besides the killfile need to be updated quite frequently.

Really? I only need to adjust it a couple of times a month. Is that "quite
frequently" to you?

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