What am I doing wrong? -Chat server code-


Curtis Zimmerman

I am running ruby 1.8.6 on WinXP.

I get the following error when I try to run this code:

httpserv.rb:22:in `runme': undefined local variable or method
`connection_accept' for #<ServerBrutus:0x282af80> (NameError)

Here's the code (taken from a tutorial site by IBM):



require 'socket'

class ServerBrutus

def initialize(servAddr, servPort)
@servPort = servPort
@servAddr = servAddr
@socketThreads = Array::new
@cx = TCPServer.new("", servPort)
printf("Server started on port: %d\n", servPort)
end # initialize

def runme
while 1
conChk = select(@socketThreads, nil, nil, nil)
if conChk != nil then
for socket in conChk[0]
if socket == @cx then
if socket.eof? then
str = sprintf("Client left
broadcast_string(str, socket)
str = sprintf("[%s|%s]:
broadcast_string(str, socket)
end # if cx
end # for sock
end # if conChk
end # while infinite
end # runme

def broadcast_string(str, omit_sock)
@socketThreads.each do |clientSocket|
if clientSocket != @cx && clientSocket != omit_sock
end # broadcast_string

def connection_accept
newSocket = @cx.accept
newSocket.write("You're connected to the server!\n")
str = sprintf("Client joined
broadcast_string(str, newSocket)
end # connection_accept

end # class ServerBrutus

servAddr = 'localhost'
servPort = 180
myChatServer = ServerBrutus.new(servAddr, servPort)


What am I doing wrong? I'm using FreeRIDE, but it poops the same error
on the command prompt. If I do not include the last 'end', it generates
a syntax error on the last line ('myChatServer.runme').

Any help please? Thanks ahead of time! :)

Curtis Zimmerman

First of all, thanks for helping me out. I had a problem that I
personally couldn't solve, and needed help. Second, I hadn't touched
Ruby before about six hours ago, so this is completely new territory.
Despite the fact that it was a miserably simple mistake, it didn't pop
right out at me. Third, I'm not sure where you're going with your
insistence about querying the origins of this code? Would I imply that I
(me, myself) was doing something wrong if the code had been taken
*directly* from an IBM site? I didn't bill myself as being in any way
associated with IBM. I thought this was "rather obvious" that it was
"transcribed", modified code, that it wasn't taken directly from an IBM

Alex Young

Curtis said:
I am running ruby 1.8.6 on WinXP.
Really? What does ruby -v say?
I get the following error when I try to run this code:

httpserv.rb:22:in `runme': undefined local variable or method
`connection_accept' for #<ServerBrutus:0x282af80> (NameError)

Here's the code (taken from a tutorial site by IBM):



require 'socket'

class ServerBrutus

def initialize(servAddr, servPort)
@servPort = servPort
@servAddr = servAddr
@socketThreads = Array::new
@cx = TCPServer.new("", servPort)
printf("Server started on port: %d\n", servPort)
end # initialize

def runme
while 1
conChk = select(@socketThreads, nil, nil, nil)
if conChk != nil then
for socket in conChk[0]
if socket == @cx then
if socket.eof? then
str = sprintf("Client left
broadcast_string(str, socket)
str = sprintf("[%s|%s]:
broadcast_string(str, socket)

end # if eof?

I think that's what you're missing. Without it, broadcast_string and
connection_accept end up being interpreted as nested methods within
runme, which is why you get an unrecognized method error.

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