windows paging Q


Gerry Blais

I'm running a Python program (1000 by 1000 grid, all source shortest
path, running time currently in days) in Python 2.4 under XP.

System memory usage according to the task manager is steady at 500 MB
out of 1 GB physical memory.

My program has a memory usage of 30 MB according to the task manager,
and is doing 1000+ page faults / second (page fault delta, high speed
refresh rate).

With memory available, any idea why I'm paging so much, and what I
might do about it?

The Python script's getting 97%+ CPU use according to the TM - maybe
that suggests paging is not a factor in elapsed time, anyway?



Neil Hodgson

Gerry Blais:
My program has a memory usage of 30 MB according to the task manager,
and is doing 1000+ page faults / second (page fault delta, high speed
refresh rate).

With memory available, any idea why I'm paging so much, and what I
might do about it?

Many page faults are soft faults and don't go to disk. Others are
caused by reading files. Run perfmon for more details and from the
memory performance object select page reads to see hard page faults.


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