77,000 and still counting - unbelievable

  • Thread starter Tina - AffordableHOST, Inc.
  • Start date

Pistol Grip

The worldwide daily death toll from HIV averages more than 8,000

Maybe if they started throwing them out windows and getting it live on
camera, Tina could tell us how awful it is and what we can do to prevent
Every day 24,000 people die from hunger and related causes according to
United Nations figures

Perhaps Tina could lay off the tofu and wheatgrass for a week in
"protest" and let the rest of us know where we can mail our leftovers...

Tina needs more friends to commiserate with away from her "glow screen".
Posting 'sadness' on an NG doesn't cut the shit. Boo hoo. How awful. How
pointless. Doing real, practical, humanitarian work requires a closed
mouth, lack of pretense and shitloads of elbow grease - not writing
cheques to some 'agency'. That's the lazy assed, complacent, "I'm doing
my bit while I hawk cheap web hosting" Westerner way. You can really
sense her compassion, can't you?

Besides which - strictly speaking - her "misery" ought to be marked O.T.

Up next - Tina shares with us the ongoing tragedy of a kitty-kat up a
tree... and where to send those extra cat toys you've been meaning to

Rastin Mehr | rmd Studio

Well that shows how insignificant we are on earth. If you compare the
average life of a human 85 years compare to the earth's age 60 billion
years old. Human life is nothing but sparks of light on this planet.

In this case earth was going to it's routine. For mother nature this
earth quake was as normal as rain, snow, and sunny days!!!!


Rastin Mehr | rmd Studio

True, True, True,

I guess if we had earthquakes everyday, people would stop caring.



Why donate? They reported on the news that people are dressing up like
releif workers and police and going through DEAD peoples pockets and luggage
and taking cash and other valuables.

Oh puhleeze Viper... like after the hurricanes in Florida or tornadoes
hitting parts of "tornado alley" hasnt' had people sneaking around and
Bush said the US may end up giving $1Billion!!! Couldnt the HOMELESS and
POOR here in the USA use that?

YOu do realize that some US citizens were in those areas and were
killed or injured in that tsusami? So part of the money will be used
to help bury our dead, help the injured folks, and et al. Plus help
provide assistance to those areas.



Pistol Grip said:
Besides which - strictly speaking - her "misery" ought to be marked O.T.

Ranting snipped. Did *you* mark it as OT? (Throwing stones and such...)

Matt Probert

Once upon a time, far far away, the king summoned Rastin Mehr | rmd
Studio said:
Well that shows how insignificant we are on earth. If you compare the
average life of a human 85 years compare to the earth's age 60 billion
years old. Human life is nothing but sparks of light on this planet.

In this case earth was going to it's routine. For mother nature this
earth quake was as normal as rain, snow, and sunny days!!!!


Quite so, nature is trully humbling is she not?

The reality is, natural "disasters" occur all the time, some kill lots
of people, some just shake people up - the 1987 storms in Britain for


Matt Probert

Once upon a time, far far away, the king summoned "Viper"
Why donate? They reported on the news that people are dressing up like
releif workers and police and going through DEAD peoples pockets and luggage
and taking cash and other valuables. Plus with all the cheating that area of
the world does at PPC and PTRE sites and the jobs they have taken from the
US they should have more than enough.

Sad, but usual
Bush said the US may end up giving $1Billion!!! Couldnt the HOMELESS and
POOR here in the USA use that?

Same here in the UK.

Though quite why our armed forces cant assist - rather than killing
people - is beyond me.


Sid Ismail

: Action Against Hunger
: 247 West 37th Street, Suite 1201
: New York, NY 10018
: 212-967-7800
: http://www.aah-usa.org
: American Jewish World Service

Whatever gave you an idea that only Americans make use of Newsgroups??!


Alan Apperson

Very good list, may I suggest one more.
United Methodist comitee on relief
Donations to UMCOR's "South Asia Emergency" relief efforts can be made
through local churches or sent directly to UMCOR, 475 Riverside Drive, Room
330, New York, NY 10015. Checks should be designated for UMCOR Advance
#274305."South Asia Emergency." Credit-card donations may be made by calling
1-800-554-8583, or you can use UMC.org's secure server to make an online
donation. https://secure.umcom.org/giving/default.asp?causeID=9522

One hundred percent of your gift goes to relief and recovery efforts.
Thank you for your generosity. If you should have further questions
regarding this email, please call the number listed above.

Note... so far Church World Service announced Dec. 29 that it is expediting
more than $900,000 in relief supplies and sending emergency assistance teams
to Sri Lank and Indonesia. UMCOR is one of several denominational relief
agencies supporting the initial relief effort.


Matt said:
Once upon a time, far far away, the king summoned "Viper"

Sad, but usual

Same here in the UK.

Though quite why our armed forces cant assist - rather than killing
people - is beyond me.


The US sent ships. I didnt hear if the UK did/was.
I too would donate if I had the cash and knew it was going to the needy
there and not the pockets of the people running the charity.


Once said:
Why donate? They reported on the news that people are dressing up like
releif workers and police and going through DEAD peoples pockets and luggage
and taking cash and other valuables.

Didn't occur to you that those people that do that, have lost
everything they had only a couple of days ago? The only chance they
have to survive until some "order" has established in the mess, may be
to take what they find.

A lot of Swedish tourists was in the area at the time, a lot have died
and others are wounded. They said they where forced to "steal" some
water, food and clothing until they could find help. Still a lot of
them who came back home first was coming in only dressed in their
bathing suits, shorts and t-shirts, to a country where we have a cold
wether and snow at this time.
Bush said the US may end up giving $1Billion!!! Couldnt the HOMELESS and
POOR here in the USA use that?

Amazingly you and other Bush fans only seams to think of the poor and
homeless in US in times like that?


The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything and the
young know everything. (Oscar Wilde)


Tina said:
I'm posting this message to all of the groups I frequent, in hopes that it
might make a difference.

The tradgedy that is happening in Asia right now, due to the quake and
subsequent tsunami, is something that I've been trying to comprehend for the
past several days. I'm trying to fathom the number of people and families
who were here, on this earth, just last week and are now gone. I'm trying
to grasp the number of people who've lost loved ones and still don't know if
they are alive or dead. I'm thinking of the next several weeks and months,
when more people are definitely going to die of hunger and disease from the
aftermath of this event. I think about the total number of people that live
in the five cities surrounding my home...and how the number is smaller than
those that have already died. I'm completely overwhelmed by it.

I also think about how many people on this planet are currently reading
these newsgroups and how we could make a small dent in the suffering if we
all contribute even a little bit. Personally, I've donated to the Red Cross
International Disaster Fund ( http://www.redcross.org )...mainly because its
the one I know. I am asking everyone who reads this to contribute
*something* to any organization that is providing assistance to the people
affected by this horror. Feel free to reply to this message with links to
other organizations raising money for the victims.

My heart just aches right now for all those people going through what must
be pure hell right now...knowing that its going to get worse before it gets
better. I hope we can all take 10 minutes out of our discussions, flamings
and debates to go make an online donation that could just save the life of
someone's child.


Man I thought the other thread brought out some bitter replies, but this
one is just... horrible. Anyway, I agree with you all the way. I'm going
to try get some of the bands I work with to let me add links to their
pages today and tomorrow, and I'm going to raid a savings account. This
is too terrible to do nothing.


x theSpaceGirl (miranda)

# lead designer @ http://www.dhnewmedia.com #
# remove NO SPAM to email, or use form on website #

Chris Hope

Viper said:
The US sent ships. I didnt hear if the UK did/was.
I too would donate if I had the cash and knew it was going to the
needy there and not the pockets of the people running the charity.

I could be wrong, but I would imagine that part of the $1bn sum in aid
mentioned actually includes the cost of sending the ship(s) there and
associated manpower (ie the crew) etc. In the case of this sort of aid
expense, the money would have been spent anyway as those ships still
would have used fuel, paid the crew their wages etc.

Charles Sweeney

Tina - AffordableHOST, Inc. wrote
think about the total number of people that live in the five cities
surrounding my home...and how the number is smaller than those that
have already died. I'm completely overwhelmed by it.

I go to the football. We get 60,000 in there. Every time I hear the
figures, I imagine it terms of the packed stadium. Huge. As you say, that
doesn't count the many more, the families, who are affected in the


Tina said:
I'm posting this message to all of the groups I frequent, in hopes that it
might make a difference.

The tradgedy that is happening in Asia right now, due to the quake and
subsequent tsunami, is something that I've been trying to comprehend for the
past several days. I'm trying to fathom the number of people and families
who were here, on this earth, just last week and are now gone. I'm trying
to grasp the number of people who've lost loved ones and still don't know if
they are alive or dead. I'm thinking of the next several weeks and months,
when more people are definitely going to die of hunger and disease from the
aftermath of this event. I think about the total number of people that live
in the five cities surrounding my home...and how the number is smaller than
those that have already died. I'm completely overwhelmed by it.

I also think about how many people on this planet are currently reading
these newsgroups and how we could make a small dent in the suffering if we
all contribute even a little bit. Personally, I've donated to the Red Cross
International Disaster Fund ( http://www.redcross.org )...mainly because its
the one I know. I am asking everyone who reads this to contribute
*something* to any organization that is providing assistance to the people
affected by this horror. Feel free to reply to this message with links to
other organizations raising money for the victims.

My heart just aches right now for all those people going through what must
be pure hell right now...knowing that its going to get worse before it gets
better. I hope we can all take 10 minutes out of our discussions, flamings
and debates to go make an online donation that could just save the life of
someone's child.


Here's a list of the British charities, via the BBC;



x theSpaceGirl (miranda)

# lead designer @ http://www.dhnewmedia.com #
# remove NO SPAM to email, or use form on website #

Hywel Jenkins

I hate to rain on anyones parade, but as bad as that was, here are some
daily figures worldwide to gain perspective and no one is getting all
weepy eyed about this:

The worldwide daily death toll from HIV averages more than 8,000

Every day 24,000 people die from hunger and related causes according to
United Nations figures

This one is more a thought exercise, but it could be correct.

146,000 people per day

Those figures are all well and good, but the issues with the tsunami-
struck areas need immediate resolution or thousands more people will
die. Those deaths can be prevented. AFAIK, we can't, yet, stop people
from dying from AIDS, though we can prolong their lives. We had the
"weepy eye" thing with AIDS more than 15 years ago, and it's still a
massive task on the WHO's agenda, and those of most countries around the
world. Fact is, we're already doing all we can on that.

We're already trying to help those dying from hunger. 20 years ago we
(in the UK) had Band Aid. The US had something similar but with a worse
song. In the UK we're doing it again, though the Band Aid single is
available almost world-wide except in the US. Every year in the UK we
have Christian Aid week when little envelopes are dropped through your
door into which people put money. Those envelopes are collected in
person, so unless you're out when the collector calls it's difficult to
avoid putting something in.

The third figure, well, that's just guff, isn't it? In the context of
this incident the figure has no meaning whatsoever.

The two things with the tsunami incident that tick me off are that every
local news station in the UK has a feature on someone who once met
someone who knew someone else's son/daughter/niece/nephew/whatever that
was in the area when the wave hit. Hardly surprising - it hit a massive
area of over 4,000km in across. If Sumatra, Thailand and Malaysia
weren't in the way it could, perhaps, have been worse.

The other is that people are complaining that the aid isn't reaching the
places it's needed quickly enough. FFS, if the stuff was held locally
it would have been washed away, which is why it has to be transported
from the UK, Europe, Asia, and Oceania. That takes time, longer now
that Concorde has been decommissioned.

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