adding a dynamic method handler? (long post)


Mark Hubbart


I've been using method_missing overly much in my code lately, and it's
prompted me to think a lot about it's limitations. I've been wishing
for a version of method_missing that allows the dynamic methods to act
more like they are real methods on the object. I think this could be
done by implementing a new method hook especially for dynamic methods:

dynamic_method would be called before method_missing if a method
lookup fails. If dynamic_method fails to handle the message,
method_missing will recieve the message for handling.

A couple of the immediate benefits afforded by a good implementation
of a dynamic method handler:
- the object will respond_to? the method
- you can call method:)foo) to get a copy of the dynamic method.

dynamic_method would be used something like this:

class Foo
def dynamic_method(name)
if name.to_s =~ /^foo/
# create the method (as a proc)
return lambda do |*args|{|arg| name.to_s.sub(/^foo/, arg.to_s) }

f =
f.respond_to? :foobar
f.respond_to? :barfoo
f.foobar(*%w[one two three])
==>["onebar", "twobar", "threebar"]
f.barfoo(*%w[one two three])
NoMethodError: undefined method `barfoo' for #<Foo:0x589a58>

f.method:)foobaz).call(*%w[one two three])
==>["onebaz", "twobaz", "threebaz"]

As you can see, a user-defined dynamic_method returns either a
callable object (Proc, Method, etc) or nil. If dynamic_method(message)
returns nil, it is assumed that the object does not
respond_to?(message), and method(message) should raise a

And here's a lightweight example implementation:

module Kernel
alias_method :eek:ld_method_missing, :method_missing
def method_missing(name, *args, &block)
m = dynamic_method(name)
if m*args, &block)
m = Kernel.instance_method:)old_method_missing)
m.bind(self).call(name, *args, &block)

alias_method :eek:ld_respond_to?, :respond_to?
def respond_to?(msg)
(old_respond_to?(msg) || dynamic_method(msg)) ? true : false

alias_method :eek:ld_method, :method
def method(name)
rescue NameError => e
m = dynamic_method(name)
raise e unless m

def dynamic_method(name)

Here's a lightweight version of OpenStruct written using dynamic_method:

class OpenStruct
def initialize(hash = {})
@table = {}
hash.each do |key, value|
@table[key.to_sym] = value

def dynamic_method(name)
if name.to_s =~ /\=\z/
lambda{|val| @table[name.to_s.chop.intern] = val }
elsif @table.keys.include?(name)
lambda{ @table[name] }

And using it:

os =
==>#<OpenStruct:0x511454 @table={}> = 23
==>23 = 42
==>42 = 56
os.respond_to? :blue
os.respond_to? :periwinkle
os_blue = os.method:)blue)
==>#<Proc:0x0038743c@(eval):13> = 1024

This is not a complete idea (let alone implementation) at this time...
I just wanted to see if anyone had an opinion on whether the idea was
worth anything, or could make suggestions to improve the interface.

Now here's me second-guessing myself: The implementation is pretty
complicated; adding another dynamic message handler may not be worth
the confusion. It would be one more thing to explain to people, and
while method_missing is an elegant addition to a language, I'm not
sure this would be. Especially considering the need to add more
complexity to method lookups.

Still, I think that even if this idea here isn't worthy, putting it
out there might help someone else come up with a more elegant

So, any thoughts?


Robert Klemme

Mark Hubbart said:

I've been using method_missing overly much in my code lately, and it's
prompted me to think a lot about it's limitations.

So, any thoughts?

I'm wondering in which situation you need this. Although I understand the
benefits of your approach I don't see the use case for this.

Kind regards


Mark Hubbart

I'm wondering in which situation you need this. Although I understand the
benefits of your approach I don't see the use case for this.

Basically this is for any time that you want the code re-use and ease
of implementation afforded by method_missing, but the benefits of
still having the methods behave mostly as if they were actually
defined, rather than handled dynamically. This is useful for quickly
defining wrapper objects, or objects that delegate to multiple other

The idea is that this would be a way of dynamically creating methods
for an object, without resorting to relatively permanent methods like
"class << self; define_method:)foo){...}; end".


Sam Roberts

I'm wondering in which situation you need this. Although I understand the
benefits of your approach I don't see the use case for this.

I think I see what Mark was getting at. As I understand it, if I defined
a proxy object that used method_missing to forward all method calls to
an underlying object, I could call


and if the underlying object was an Array, this would work.

However, if I passed that into a library that was using duck-typing, and
that lib did

proxy.responds_to? :to_ary

the answer would be false. So, my Array proxy doesn't look as much like
an Array as it needs to.

Do I understand correctly?


Robert Klemme

Mark Hubbart said:
Basically this is for any time that you want the code re-use and ease
of implementation afforded by method_missing, but the benefits of
still having the methods behave mostly as if they were actually
defined, rather than handled dynamically. This is useful for quickly
defining wrapper objects, or objects that delegate to multiple other

The idea is that this would be a way of dynamically creating methods
for an object, without resorting to relatively permanent methods like
"class << self; define_method:)foo){...}; end".

I'm sorry if I am being stubborn (or dump), but this is still pretty much
abstract. I'd like to know which concrete use case made this behavior

Kind regards


Mark Hubbart

Mark Hubbart said:
I'm sorry if I am being stubborn (or dump), but this is still pretty much
abstract. I'd like to know which concrete use case made this behavior

Maybe stubborn, but that's not always a bad thing. There are many
things I'm very glad Matz is stubborn about :)

I don't think I ever implied that this behavior was *necessary*. You
can implement similar functionality with what is currently available.
It's just a pain in the neck to do it; You either have to break down
and def a bunch of methods, or override respond_to? and method in your
class. And sometimes neither of those is the *best* solution.

I did give a specific use case where it would be very useful, though.
When wrapping a class, or doing runtime refactoring (like what
pathname does, which is, for the most part, a refactored wrapper for
File and Dir), this could be very handy. Like method_missing, it would
allow you to handle large amounts of similar methods at once, letting
you condense code; while still getting almost all the benefits of
actually defining each individual method.

class DirectoryItem
def initialize(path)
@path = path
def dynamic_method(name)
@@file_methods = (File.methods - Object.methods).map{|s|s.to_sym}
@@dir_methods = (Dir.methods - Object.methods).map{|s|s.to_sym}
if @@file_methods.include? name
if File.method(name).arity == 1
lambda{ File.send(name, @path) }
elsif name == :truncate
lambda{|len| File.send(name, @path, len) }
elsif File.method(name).arity == 2
lambda{|path| File.send(name, @path, path) }
elsif @@dir_methods.include? name
# handle Dir methods here

The equivalent portion of code using 'def' would be much, much longer,
and very repetitive. The equivalent code using method_missing would be
about the same length, but if anyone tried to check it's capabilities,
it would seem to almost be an empty object.


Mark Hubbart

I think I see what Mark was getting at. As I understand it, if I defined
a proxy object that used method_missing to forward all method calls to
an underlying object, I could call


and if the underlying object was an Array, this would work.

However, if I passed that into a library that was using duck-typing, and
that lib did

proxy.responds_to? :to_ary

the answer would be false. So, my Array proxy doesn't look as much like
an Array as it needs to.

Do I understand correctly?

Yes, that's the general rationale I had for this. Getting more of the
reflection methods to work for dynamically defined methods.


Robert Klemme

Mark Hubbart said:
Mark Hubbart said:
it's understand

I'm sorry if I am being stubborn (or dump), but this is still pretty much
abstract. I'd like to know which concrete use case made this behavior

Maybe stubborn, but that's not always a bad thing. There are many
things I'm very glad Matz is stubborn about :)

I don't think I ever implied that this behavior was *necessary*. You
can implement similar functionality with what is currently available.
It's just a pain in the neck to do it; You either have to break down
and def a bunch of methods, or override respond_to? and method in your
class. And sometimes neither of those is the *best* solution.

I did give a specific use case where it would be very useful, though.
When wrapping a class, or doing runtime refactoring (like what
pathname does, which is, for the most part, a refactored wrapper for
File and Dir), this could be very handy. Like method_missing, it would
allow you to handle large amounts of similar methods at once, letting
you condense code; while still getting almost all the benefits of
actually defining each individual method.

class DirectoryItem
def initialize(path)
@path = path
def dynamic_method(name)
@@file_methods = (File.methods - Object.methods).map{|s|s.to_sym}
@@dir_methods = (Dir.methods - Object.methods).map{|s|s.to_sym}
if @@file_methods.include? name
if File.method(name).arity == 1
lambda{ File.send(name, @path) }
elsif name == :truncate
lambda{|len| File.send(name, @path, len) }
elsif File.method(name).arity == 2
lambda{|path| File.send(name, @path, path) }
elsif @@dir_methods.include? name
# handle Dir methods here

The equivalent portion of code using 'def' would be much, much longer,
and very repetitive. The equivalent code using method_missing would be
about the same length, but if anyone tried to check it's capabilities,
it would seem to almost be an empty object.

Although I agree to that - wouldn't it be more efficient to define all
forwarding methods in DirectoryItem class once and for all? That way you
get these benefits:

- faster as methods can be invoked directly and no lambdas have to be
- reduced mem usage as not every instance has its own copy of the lambdas

Drawback is of course that methods added to File and Dir later don't get
invoked - but it's unlikely in this case I'd say.

Also, a suggestion for improvement: wrap dynamic_method with a method
similar to this, which will reduce the number of created lambdas:

# untested
def dyn_create(name)
m = dynamic_method(name)
class<<self;self;end.class_eval do

Then invoke this method via respond_to?, method_missing and method. Then
the method is defined on first access. What do you think?

Kind regards



Mark said:
I've been wishing
for a version of method_missing that allows the dynamic methods to act
more like they are real methods on the object.

I am not sure what you mean by dynamic methods. But in case only Structs are
concerned wouldn't it make more sence to redefine method_missing for
*Structs(Open-Super, ...).?



benny said:
I am not sure what you mean by dynamic methods. But in case only Structs
are concerned wouldn't it make more sence to redefine method_missing for
*Structs(Open-Super, ...).?


Oh, I am sorry: this was kind of stupid, since method_missing belongs to
Kernel :(



benny said:
Oh, I am sorry: this was kind of stupid, since method_missing belongs to
Kernel :(

I had expected it to be part of Object (would be way more flexible IMHO)


Mark Hubbart

Mark Hubbart said:

I've been using method_missing overly much in my code lately, and
prompted me to think a lot about it's limitations.


So, any thoughts?

I'm wondering in which situation you need this. Although I understand
benefits of your approach I don't see the use case for this.

Basically this is for any time that you want the code re-use and ease
of implementation afforded by method_missing, but the benefits of
still having the methods behave mostly as if they were actually
defined, rather than handled dynamically. This is useful for quickly
defining wrapper objects, or objects that delegate to multiple other

The idea is that this would be a way of dynamically creating methods
for an object, without resorting to relatively permanent methods like
"class << self; define_method:)foo){...}; end".

I'm sorry if I am being stubborn (or dump), but this is still pretty much
abstract. I'd like to know which concrete use case made this behavior

Maybe stubborn, but that's not always a bad thing. There are many
things I'm very glad Matz is stubborn about :)

I don't think I ever implied that this behavior was *necessary*. You
can implement similar functionality with what is currently available.
It's just a pain in the neck to do it; You either have to break down
and def a bunch of methods, or override respond_to? and method in your
class. And sometimes neither of those is the *best* solution.

I did give a specific use case where it would be very useful, though.
When wrapping a class, or doing runtime refactoring (like what
pathname does, which is, for the most part, a refactored wrapper for
File and Dir), this could be very handy. Like method_missing, it would
allow you to handle large amounts of similar methods at once, letting
you condense code; while still getting almost all the benefits of
actually defining each individual method.

class DirectoryItem
def initialize(path)
@path = path
def dynamic_method(name)
@@file_methods = (File.methods - Object.methods).map{|s|s.to_sym}
@@dir_methods = (Dir.methods - Object.methods).map{|s|s.to_sym}
if @@file_methods.include? name
if File.method(name).arity == 1
lambda{ File.send(name, @path) }
elsif name == :truncate
lambda{|len| File.send(name, @path, len) }
elsif File.method(name).arity == 2
lambda{|path| File.send(name, @path, path) }
elsif @@dir_methods.include? name
# handle Dir methods here

The equivalent portion of code using 'def' would be much, much longer,
and very repetitive. The equivalent code using method_missing would be
about the same length, but if anyone tried to check it's capabilities,
it would seem to almost be an empty object.

Although I agree to that - wouldn't it be more efficient to define all
forwarding methods in DirectoryItem class once and for all? That way you
get these benefits:

- faster as methods can be invoked directly and no lambdas have to be
- reduced mem usage as not every instance has its own copy of the lambdas

Drawback is of course that methods added to File and Dir later don't get
invoked - but it's unlikely in this case I'd say.

Also, a suggestion for improvement: wrap dynamic_method with a method
similar to this, which will reduce the number of created lambdas:

# untested
def dyn_create(name)
m = dynamic_method(name)
class<<self;self;end.class_eval do

Then invoke this method via respond_to?, method_missing and method. Then
the method is defined on first access. What do you think?

That's an interesting way of doing it. I suppose if at a later time
the method needs to be modified, you could always undef it and let the
dyn_create method catch it the next time through.

On the other hand, the more I think about this, the more complicated
it seems to get. I'm not really as gung ho on the idea as when I first
thought of it. Maybe if it was worked into the syntax somehow, it
would be worthwhile; but I wouldn't know where to start. Perhaps a
better way to go would be to make it easier to wrap respond_to?() and
methods(). Which is coming in 2.0 anyway :)


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