How to build a database-driven web page

Aug 22, 2023
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This can be achieved using a collection of algorithms in PHP, & SQL. They can then be referred to in HTML5 to be manipulated using various APIs.
Here it is visualized using a step-by-step approach:
HTML: Refer Data To PHP
PHP: Refer Data To SQL
SQL: Create Database, Refer To PHP
PHP: Refer To HTML for Manipulation
Jul 4, 2023
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  1. Choose a Database Management System (DBMS):
    Popular options include MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB, etc.
    Choose one based on your requirements, scalability needs, and familiarity.
  2. Set Up Your Database:
    Install the chosen DBMS on your server or local machine.
    Create a new database and define tables with appropriate fields using SQL commands or a graphical interface provided by the DBMS.
  3. Design Your Web Page:
    Decide what content you want to display on your web page.
    Create a basic HTML structure for your web page.
  4. Choose a Server-Side Language:
    Common choices are PHP, Python (with frameworks like Django or Flask), Node.js, etc.
    Ensure that your chosen language has libraries or modules to interact with your chosen DBMS.
  5. Connect Your Web Page to the Database:
    Write server-side code to connect to the database and retrieve data.
    Execute SQL queries to fetch data from the database based on user requests.
    Format the retrieved data and embed it into your HTML page dynamically.
  6. Implement CRUD Operations:
    Create functions or routes to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on your database.
    These operations allow users to interact with your database through the web page.
  7. Handle Security:
    Sanitize user inputs to prevent SQL injection attacks.
    Implement user authentication and authorization if necessary.
  8. Deploy Your Application:
    Choose a hosting provider and deploy your web application.
    Configure the server environment to run your server-side code and connect to the database.

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