Airplane Program with Linked Lists. The linked list portion is veryconfusing to me.



Earlier I posted up an Airplane Program using 2 dimensional arrays,
and I totally appretiate all of the help I received from everyone. Now
I have this program and we are instructed to use Linked Lists. I
understand that in my struct I need a struct that is a pointer that is
in the struct. In mine it is called *next. In my updated code passing
through some of the functions with the plane struct causes errors on
the clearPlane function. The Linked list version has an array of bools
showing if the seat is taken or not instead of having the bool in the
array. I just need some direction for using the linked lists instead
of the 2 dimensional arrays. Both versions are provided. Any help is
greatly appretiated.


2 Dimensional Airplane

Linked List Airplane


Earlier I posted up an Airplane Program using 2 dimensional arrays,
and I totally appretiate all of the help I received from everyone. Now
I have this program and we are instructed to use Linked Lists. I
understand that in my struct I need a struct that is a pointer that is
in the struct. In mine it is called *next. In my updated code passing
through some of the functions with the plane struct causes errors on
the clearPlane function. The Linked list version has an array of bools
showing if the seat is taken or not instead of having the bool in the
array. I just need some direction for using the linked lists instead
of the 2 dimensional arrays. Both versions are provided. Any help is
greatly appretiated.


2 Dimensional Airplane

Linked List Airplane

Readers of the NG may not wish to follow links for security reasons.
Post a minimal working demonstration of the problem in code directly.

Also, have you followed what the code does with paper and pen?
When learning linked lists in school, it is very helpful to draw boxes
representing what the pointers point to and illustrate step by step
what happens.


Yes I know what the code is supposed to do, my diagrams have been
drawn out and everything its just a bit confusing to me how I can
match the seat number and row of the bool double array to the linked
list information a long with my errors. The full code is really needed
to show what the program actually does and is supposed to do. In the
"clearPlane" calling in main() it is saying that my calling of the
struct is changing its reference from SEAT *& to SEAT .

This is the code:


using namespace std;

struct SEAT {
// bool occupied; // initially, false
string first,last; // passenger name
int numBags; // max of 4
char mealType; // (r)egular, (v)egetaria, (o)ther
SEAT *next;

const int ROWS= 30;
const int COLS= 6;

int menuchoice();
void clearPlane(SEAT *&p , bool o[][COLS]);
void showPlane(bool o[][COLS]);
bool getSeat(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS]);
void getSeatFromUser(int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS]);
void getInfo(SEAT *&s, int, int);
void showInfo(SEAT *&s, int, int);
void makeReservation(SEAT p, bool o[][COLS]);
void cancelReservation(SEAT p, bool o[][COLS]);
void viewReservations(SEAT p, bool o[][COLS]);
void orderedInsert(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col);

int main()
int choice; // user's menu choice
SEAT plane; // reservation info for entire plane
bool occupied[ROWS][COLS];
clearPlane( plane, occupied);
showPlane( occupied);
choice= menuchoice();
switch (choice) {
case 1: makeReservation(plane, occupied); break;
case 2: cancelReservation(plane, occupied); break;
case 3: viewReservations(plane, occupied); break;
case 4: break;
}while(choice !=4);

return 0;

/* menuchoice
** displays menu and get's user's choice
int menuchoice()
int choice;

cout << endl << endl;
cout << "+------------------------+\n";
cout << "| Main Menu |\n";
cout << "+------------------------+\n";
cout << "| [1] Reserve a Seat |\n";
cout << "| [2] Cancel Reservation |\n";
cout << "| [3] List Reservations |\n";
cout << "| [4] Exit Program |\n";
cout << "+------------------------+\n";
do {
cout << "Choice: ";
cin >> choice;

} while (choice < 1 || choice > 4);

return choice;

/* showPlane
** displays grid showing open/taken seats
void showPlane(bool o[][COLS] )
int i,j;
cout << " 1 2
cout << " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for (j=0; j<COLS; j++) {
cout << (char) (j+65);
for (i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
if (o[j]==true)
cout << " x";
cout << " ";
cout << endl;

/* clearPlane
** empties all reservations in airplane
void clearPlane(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int i,j;

for (i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
for (j=0; j<COLS; j++)
o[j]= false;

/* getSeat
** obtains desired row and column number for a seat; the seat can be
** selected by the user or can be selected automatically by the
** computer; the function return true if an open seat was found;
** false otherwise.
bool getSeat(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS])
bool allTaken; // true if all seats on plane are occupied
char method; // (a)utomatic or (m)anual seat selection

allTaken= true; // make sure at least
for (row=0; row<ROWS && allTaken; row++) // seat is available
for (col=0; col<COLS && allTaken; col++)
if (!o[row][col])
allTaken= false;
if (allTaken) return false; // if not return false

do {
cout << "Would you like to select a seat (a)utomatically or
(m)anually: ";
cin >> method;
} while (tolower(method)!='a' && tolower(method)!='m');

switch (tolower(method)) {
case 'a': for (row=0; row<ROWS; row++) // (a)utomatic seat
for (col=0; col<COLS; col++)
if (!o[row][col])
return true;
break; // this break is redundant, we hope
case 'm': getSeatFromUser(row,col,o); // (m)anual seat
return !o[row][col];

return false; // we should never get here

/* getSeatFromUser
** obtains desired row and column number for a seat; this function
** will be called from getSeat when requesting a seat for making
** reservations and will be called directly when selecting a
** seat for cancellation.

void getSeatFromUser(int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS])
char let;

showPlane (o);
do {
cout << "Enter row (1.." << ROWS << "): ";
cin >> row;
} while (row < 1 || row > ROWS);

do {
cout << "Enter col (A.." << (char) (COLS+64) << "): ";
cin >> let;
let= toupper(let);
} while (let < 'A' || let > (COLS+64));

col= let-65;


/* getInfo
* --------------------------------------------------------
* Accepts the SEAT struct then the user enters in their
* information.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/
void getInfo(SEAT *&s, int row, int col)
string answer;

cout<<"\nEnter in this information:\n\n";

cout<<"Enter your first and last name: ";



cout<<"How many bags will you be bringing?(limit of 4) ";

cout<<"What type of meal would you like?((r)egular, (v)egatarian,
or (o)ther) ";
}while(s->mealType!='r' && s->mealType!='v' && s->mealType!= 'o');

showInfo(s, row, col);
cout<<"Is this information correct?(yes,no)";
}while(answer!="yes" && answer!="no");



* Displays the information they just entered.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void showInfo(SEAT *&s, int row, int col)
string regular="Regular";
string vegetarian="Vegetarian";
string other="Other";

cout<<"\nSeat: "<<row+1<<", "<<(char)(col+65)<<"\n";
cout<<"Name: "<<s->first<<" "<<s->last<<"\n";
cout<<"Number of bags: " <<s->numBags<<"\n";

cout<<"Meal Type: "<<regular<<"\n\n";
cout<<"Meal Type: "<<vegetarian<<"\n\n";
cout<<"Meal Type: "<<other<<"\n\n";

* Calls showPlane and then will ask what seat they want
* and will call getInfo
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void makeReservation(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int row;
int col;
getSeat(p,row, col,o);



* User enters in a seat row and column and if it is empty
* it will display that. If it is occupied then it will
* make the array empty.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void cancelReservation(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int row;
int col;
getSeatFromUser(row, col, o);
cout<<"\nThe reservation is empty.";


* For loop that will go through each seat and if it is
* occupied it will display the SEAT struct for that one
* then move on.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void viewReservations(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int i;
int n;
for(i=0; i<30; i++)
for(n=0; n<6; n++)
showInfo(p, i, n);


void orderedInsert(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col)
SEAT *nextSEAT= new SEAT;
getInfo(nextSEAT, row, col);



In the "clearPlane" calling in main() it is saying that my calling of the
struct is changing its reference from SEAT *& to SEAT .

This is the code: [snip]
struct SEAT {
// bool occupied; // initially, false
string first,last; // passenger name
int numBags; // max of 4
char mealType; // (r)egular, (v)egetaria, (o)ther
SEAT *next;

void clearPlane(SEAT *&p , bool o[][COLS]); [snip]

int main()
{ [snip]
SEAT plane; // reservation info for entire plane [snip]
clearPlane( plane, occupied);
[big snip]

Ok, that part of the problem is easy. You declared the function
clearPlane as taking a parameter that is a reference to a pointer to a
SEAT. However, when you call it, you are passing a SEAT. The easy fix
and probably not the best, is pass the address of the seat instead:

clearPlane( &plane, occupied);

However, if you are using a linked list, you would most likely rather
have a SeatList class that has some CreateSeat Method, which take a
const reference to a Seat, then allocates memory for a copy of it,
creates the node, and inserts it properly.

As far as I can tell you simply made a node structure and not the list
itself, which leaves you to the problems of handling memory allocation
and release. That defeats the purpose of the linked list in the first

Secondly, I do not see why you chose to pass references to pointers in
all these functions. Why would passing a pointer not suffice?

Thirdly, I would not suggest making pointers to nodes publically
accessable to a user of your code. You should hide the implementation
details in a List class, which is the only place the pointers would be
used. The List class would simply make copies of the data into nodes
and return copies of data from the nodes. While handling all the nodes

Hope that helps.


Yes I know what the code is supposed to do, my diagrams have been
drawn out and everything its just a bit confusing to me how I can
match the seat number and row of the bool double array to the linked
list information a long with my errors. The full code is really needed
to show what the program actually does and is supposed to do. In the
"clearPlane" calling in main() it is saying that my calling of the
struct is changing its reference from SEAT *& to SEAT .

This is the code:


using namespace std;

struct SEAT {
// bool occupied; // initially, false
string first,last; // passenger name
int numBags; // max of 4
char mealType; // (r)egular, (v)egetaria, (o)ther
SEAT *next;


const int ROWS= 30;
const int COLS= 6;

int menuchoice();
void clearPlane(SEAT *&p , bool o[][COLS]);
void showPlane(bool o[][COLS]);
bool getSeat(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS]);
void getSeatFromUser(int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS]);
void getInfo(SEAT *&s, int, int);
void showInfo(SEAT *&s, int, int);
void makeReservation(SEAT p, bool o[][COLS]);
void cancelReservation(SEAT p, bool o[][COLS]);
void viewReservations(SEAT p, bool o[][COLS]);
void orderedInsert(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col);

int main()
int choice; // user's menu choice
SEAT plane; // reservation info for entire plane
bool occupied[ROWS][COLS];
clearPlane( plane, occupied);
showPlane( occupied);
choice= menuchoice();
switch (choice) {
case 1: makeReservation(plane, occupied); break;
case 2: cancelReservation(plane, occupied); break;
case 3: viewReservations(plane, occupied); break;
case 4: break;
}while(choice !=4);

return 0;


/* menuchoice
** displays menu and get's user's choice
int menuchoice()
int choice;

cout << endl << endl;
cout << "+------------------------+\n";
cout << "| Main Menu |\n";
cout << "+------------------------+\n";
cout << "| [1] Reserve a Seat |\n";
cout << "| [2] Cancel Reservation |\n";
cout << "| [3] List Reservations |\n";
cout << "| [4] Exit Program |\n";
cout << "+------------------------+\n";
do {
cout << "Choice: ";
cin >> choice;

} while (choice < 1 || choice > 4);

return choice;


/* showPlane
** displays grid showing open/taken seats
void showPlane(bool o[][COLS] )
int i,j;
cout << " 1 2
cout << " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
for (j=0; j<COLS; j++) {
cout << (char) (j+65);
for (i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
if (o[j]==true)
cout << " x";
cout << " ";
cout << endl;


/* clearPlane
** empties all reservations in airplane
void clearPlane(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int i,j;

for (i=0; i<ROWS; i++)
for (j=0; j<COLS; j++)
o[j]= false;


/* getSeat
** obtains desired row and column number for a seat; the seat can be
** selected by the user or can be selected automatically by the
** computer; the function return true if an open seat was found;
** false otherwise.
bool getSeat(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS])
bool allTaken; // true if all seats on plane are occupied
char method; // (a)utomatic or (m)anual seat selection

allTaken= true; // make sure at least
for (row=0; row<ROWS && allTaken; row++) // seat is available
for (col=0; col<COLS && allTaken; col++)
if (!o[row][col])
allTaken= false;
if (allTaken) return false; // if not return false

do {
cout << "Would you like to select a seat (a)utomatically or
(m)anually: ";
cin >> method;
} while (tolower(method)!='a' && tolower(method)!='m');

switch (tolower(method)) {
case 'a': for (row=0; row<ROWS; row++) // (a)utomatic seat
for (col=0; col<COLS; col++)
if (!o[row][col])
return true;
break; // this break is redundant, we hope
case 'm': getSeatFromUser(row,col,o); // (m)anual seat
return !o[row][col];

return false; // we should never get here


/* getSeatFromUser
** obtains desired row and column number for a seat; this function
** will be called from getSeat when requesting a seat for making
** reservations and will be called directly when selecting a
** seat for cancellation.

void getSeatFromUser(int &row, int &col, bool o[][COLS])
char let;

showPlane (o);
do {
cout << "Enter row (1.." << ROWS << "): ";
cin >> row;
} while (row < 1 || row > ROWS);

do {
cout << "Enter col (A.." << (char) (COLS+64) << "): ";
cin >> let;
let= toupper(let);
} while (let < 'A' || let > (COLS+64));

col= let-65;


/* getInfo
* --------------------------------------------------------
* Accepts the SEAT struct then the user enters in their
* information.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/
void getInfo(SEAT *&s, int row, int col)
string answer;

cout<<"\nEnter in this information:\n\n";

cout<<"Enter your first and last name: ";



cout<<"How many bags will you be bringing?(limit of 4) ";

cout<<"What type of meal would you like?((r)egular, (v)egatarian,
or (o)ther) ";
}while(s->mealType!='r' && s->mealType!='v' && s->mealType!= 'o');

showInfo(s, row, col);
cout<<"Is this information correct?(yes,no)";
}while(answer!="yes" && answer!="no");




* Displays the information they just entered.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void showInfo(SEAT *&s, int row, int col)
string regular="Regular";
string vegetarian="Vegetarian";
string other="Other";

cout<<"\nSeat: "<<row+1<<", "<<(char)(col+65)<<"\n";
cout<<"Name: "<<s->first<<" "<<s->last<<"\n";
cout<<"Number of bags: " <<s->numBags<<"\n";

cout<<"Meal Type: "<<regular<<"\n\n";
cout<<"Meal Type: "<<vegetarian<<"\n\n";
cout<<"Meal Type: "<<other<<"\n\n";


* Calls showPlane and then will ask what seat they want
* and will call getInfo
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void makeReservation(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int row;
int col;
getSeat(p,row, col,o);




* User enters in a seat row and column and if it is empty
* it will display that. If it is occupied then it will
* make the array empty.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void cancelReservation(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int row;
int col;
getSeatFromUser(row, col, o);
cout<<"\nThe reservation is empty.";


* For loop that will go through each seat and if it is
* occupied it will display the SEAT struct for that one
* then move on.
* ------------------------------------------------------*/

void viewReservations(SEAT *&p, bool o[][COLS])
int i;
int n;
for(i=0; i<30; i++)
for(n=0; n<6; n++)
showInfo(p, i, n);


void orderedInsert(SEAT *&p, int &row, int &col)
SEAT *nextSEAT= new SEAT;
getInfo(nextSEAT, row, col);


Also, as far as the confusion you have about the rows and columns:
Do not keep track of this in an array. Keep track of it in the List
class that you make. It looks like your instructor intended for you to
make a List of Lists, but I cannot know without seeing the
requirements. At any rate, when you make the List class, it should
have some kind of size method that returns the number of Nodes in the
List. So, you would have a List that represents the rows, with each
row being a List of Seats. Depending on the requirements, the List
might be some static number of Nodes, one for each seat, and the seat
could have some boolean saying if it is empty or not.

Christopher Pisz

and return copies of data from the nodes.

edit: return references to the data in the nodes

I never understood why professor teach students to make a linked list from
scratch before showing them the STL Linked List first, so the student at
least has some clues to how it should work. They seem to make the student
create a linked list from scratch, leaving them to discover for themselves
the STL, and most likely never having to do such a thing again.

Anyway, maybe you would be well served to consult a C++ reference on
std::list and look over its interface and then use your textbook and lecture
notes to implement the methods. That's how I passed data structures.


Chris Thomasson

I just need some direction for using the linked lists instead
of the 2 dimensional arrays. Both versions are provided. Any help is
greatly appretiated.

This should help get you started:
class airplane {
struct seat {
seat* next;
// [...]

struct row {
row* next;
seat* seats;

row* m_rows;

seat* find_seat(int row, int col) const {
row* r = m_rows;
while (r && row > 1) {
r = r->next;
if (r && row == 1) {
seat* s = r->seats;
while (s && col > 1) {
s = s->next;
if (s && col == 1) {
return s;
return NULL;

// [...]



Thanks that was great man. The linked list algorithm you provided in
your last message, that helped me figure out how to set up my linked
lists but in my instructions, to keep up with if the seats are
occupied or not my instructor told me to use a 2dimensional array for
the bool. The linked list is supposed to hold the information for the
people and whatever they have is supposed to correspond with the row
and column in the array. I am still a bit confused but your help
definatly cleared my mind on most of what I was having trouble with on
how to make this work.

Now that I have the clearPlane() working, when I try and compile I get
an error stating:

C:\djgpp\bin>gxx prog10.cpp
c:/djgpp/tmp/cc7nsxYP.o:prog10.cpp:(.text+0x1252): undefined reference
to `makeReservation(SEAT, bool (*) [6])'
c:/djgpp/tmp/cc7nsxYP.o:prog10.cpp:(.text+0x12b5): undefined reference
to `cancelReservation(SEAT, bool (*) [6])'
c:/djgpp/tmp/cc7nsxYP.o:prog10.cpp:(.text+0x1318): undefined reference
to `viewReservations(SEAT, bool (*) [6])'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

I checked and all of my exits and I couldn't find anything that would
do this. What excactly does this error mean and is there another easy

Your help is greatly appretiated.


Daniel T.

jawdoc said:
Earlier I posted up an Airplane Program using 2 dimensional arrays,
and I totally appretiate all of the help I received from everyone. Now
I have this program and we are instructed to use Linked Lists. I
understand that in my struct I need a struct that is a pointer that is
in the struct. In mine it is called *next. In my updated code passing
through some of the functions with the plane struct causes errors on
the clearPlane function. The Linked list version has an array of bools
showing if the seat is taken or not instead of having the bool in the
array. I just need some direction for using the linked lists instead
of the 2 dimensional arrays. Both versions are provided. Any help is
greatly appretiated.


2 Dimensional Airplane

Linked List Airplane

In the first version, you have a SEAT struct and create 30 * 6 seats in
the main() function calling them 'plane'. In the second version you have
essentially the same SEAT struct but you only create *one* seat and call
it 'plane'. I suspect this is the crux of your problem.

I suggest you do this: first convert your 2D array program so that it
uses a 1D array "seat[180]" instead of "seat[30][6]", then try to do the
conversation from the 1D array to the list. That will be much easier.

Remember, to make the list using the struct you have, you will have to
create 180 SEAT objects and link them all together properly. You should
probably make a class that handles the creation and linking (maybe
called PLANE? :)

Chris Thomasson

Chris Thomasson said:
I just need some direction for using the linked lists instead
of the 2 dimensional arrays. Both versions are provided. Any help is
greatly appretiated.

This should help get you started:
class airplane { [...]

struct row {
row* next;
seat* seats;

seat* find_seat(int row, int col) const {

WHOOPS! Humm, I think I should rename the row variable in
class airplane {
struct seat {
seat* next;
// [...]

struct row {
row* next;
seat* seats;

row* m_rows;

seat* find_seat(
std::size_t idx_row,
std::size_t idx_col
) const {
row* r = m_rows;
while (r && idx_row > 1) {
r = r->next;
if (r && idx_row == 1) {
seat* s = r->seats;
while (s && idx_col > 1) {
s = s->next;
if (s && idx_col == 1) {
return s;
return NULL;

// [...]


Sorry about that non-sense. ;^)

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