Alp Hisim Resume


Sunil Kumar


Please find attached resume of the candidate “Alp Hisami”.

He is available immediately on corp. to corp. basis @ $ 55/hour.

Thanks and Have a Nice Day

Sunil Kumar
Arish Inc
Ph: 703-738-1170
Fax: 206-203-2532
Email: (e-mail address removed)

Alp Hisim


• Five years of enterprise application and product design, development
and support experience.
• Experience in all phases of Software Delivery Life Cycle, from
analysis, design, implementation, transition to support.
• Experience in delivering project using RUP.
• Experience in Java/J2EE technologies like EJB 2.0, JDBC, RMI,
Servlets, JSP, JNDI, JMS, XML, XSLT, Internationalization, Swing, Java
• Jakarta Struts, Spring, Hibernate, iBatis
• Experience developing services within a Service Oriented
Architecture (SOA)
• Experience in developing applications with Rich Internet
Applications like AJAX, JavaScript, HTML
• Experience in application servers like WebLogic, Websphere, JBoss
and Oracle9iAS.
• Experience in databases like Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g and
SQL Server 2000, PostgreSQL 7.3
• Experience in web servers like Apache Tomcat and Apache

Computer Skills

J2EE Technologies Java, EJB 2.0, JSP, JDBC, RMI, Servlets, JNDI,
Internationalization, Swing, JMS, Hibernate, iBatis, XML, XSL, XSLT,
Frameworks Spring, Struts
Web Authoring HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX
Languages SQL, PL/SQL, Java, C, C++
Databases Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g, Oracle 11g, SQL Server 2000,
Application Servers BEA WebLogic, Websphere, JBoss, Oracle AS, Tomcat
Webservers Apache Tomcat and Apache
Operating Systems HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Windows NT, Windows 2000
Professional, Windows XP Professional, Windows 2003 Server, Red Hat
Configuration VSS, CVS, SVN
Methodology OOAD/OOD (UML, Design Patterns), and RUP

Dev Tools Eclipse, Toad, SQL Plus, Jalopy, IBM Rational
Application Developer, JDeveloper, Oracle SQL Developer,

Build Tools Ant, Maven
Test Tools JUnit, TestNG
Professional Experience

Proximities (Oct 2008 to Current)

Client Proximities
Involvement Project Lead, Lead Designer and Technical Architect
Tools and Technology Java, J2EE, Spring, JSP, Hibernate
Application Server Tomcat (Dev), Websphere

Work profile:
• Developed the front end of the application using EJB 2 and JSP.
• Integrated parts of the application to the Struts Framework.
• Worked on the messaging layer and the client interface ( developed
in Java Swing)
• Database used was Oracle 10G
• Application Server used was Jobs 4
• Web Server used Apache (HTTPS/HTTP)
• Reporting done using Jasper Reports
• Custom Messaging Layer (over HTTPS), Security Implementation
(Encryption/DSA/RSA), Ant, Interfaces (Credit Card/Age Verification)

Carey CES and TwoWay System (Jan 2008 to Sep 2008)

Client Carey International
Involvement Project Lead, Lead Designer and Technical Architect
Tools and Technology Java, J2EE, Spring, JSP, Hibernate, iBatis
Application Server Tomcat (Dev), Websphere

Carey Internationals is a transport service provider in USA. Was
responsible for Technical design and implementation of The Carey CES
system, which is a fleet management and integrated billing solution
for travel management solution offerings of the company. Also designed
and implemented The Carey TwoWay system to help chauffeurs and
dispatchers keep in touch through all stages starting from assigning
the chauffeur through pickup and Drop Off of the passenger to
invoicing. Third party software was used on the chauffeur cell
phones, which in turn sent in status information over the wireless
network in XML format. This XML was then transformed using XSLT and
then converted to objects using JAXB. Once converted to objects the
data then traversed regular routes to reach the database to be
persisted using Hibernate.
• Developed the architecture of a dual channel messaging framework
(XML based) to integrate with handheld devices.
• Participated in the estimation/requirement gathering/design and
communicating with the clients
• Designed and developed services to transform Third party XML to our
format using XSLT
• Used JAXB 1.5 to load the XML data into Java objects. Spearheaded up
gradation of the application from JAXB 1.5 to JAXB 2
• Implemented queuing allowing real time message to be pushed from XML
server to all connected clients and consequently handled the events
appropriately. The client does not have to poll for updates.
• Designed and developed Dispatch, Billing services for CES system
using Service oriented architecture.
• Worked extensively on Hibernate, iBatis
• Designed and developed the Dispatch and Resource Management frontend
using JSP, Servlets, Spring, Ajax
• Designed and implemented Reporting, Search and Scheduling frameworks
that led to reduced development time and low application maintenance
• Led the team to handle TwoWay performance related issues.
• Also worked on the build file of the project using ANT.

GOTM RFID IDK (Jan 2007 to Dec 2007)

Client Proximities
Involvement Project Lead, Lead Designer and Technical Architect
Tools and Technology Oracle 10G, Struts, JSP, Servlets, EJB 2.0, Java
Swing, Jasper Reports,
Application Server JBoss
Web Server Apache

The goal of GO RFID IDK is to be the runtime library used to integrate
GO Wristbands as an additional tender type into a Third Party POS
System. The GO RFID IDK abstracts and isolates all the GO Server
communications, GO Wristband reading and writing via RFID readers,
transaction processing, and all business logic associated with using a
GOTM Wristband in a Third Party POS system. The GO RFID IDK will be
used by third party vendors to integrate Proximities’ GO Wristbands
for RFID cashless payments into their existing POS (Point of Sale)
• Responsible for designing and implementing the front end using
Struts and JSP.
• Designed and implemented backend services using J2EE
• Participated in the estimation/requirement gathering/design and
communicating with the clients.
• Led the team to handle all performance related issues and
performance tuning

BPO Workflow and Operations Management System (July 2006 to Jan 2007)

Client Scandent Group, USA
Involvement Lead Designer, Team Lead and Developer
Tools and Technology Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, XML, XSLT
Server Tomcat
Database SQL Server2000

Project involved creation of a workflow and operations management
system that automates and manages the operational areas including
Resource Management, Timesheet Management, Expense Management, Project
Tasks Management, Quality Control, Pricing and Costing, Billing, TAT
and SLA tracking, Infrastructure management of BPOs. The system had a
flexible workflow service and configurable dashboards

• Designed and implemented the front end of the system (Timesheet
Management, Project Task Management, Data Archiving, Pricing Costing,
Billing) using JSP and Servlets.
• Created a Custom Workflow engine Transflow based on XML, XSLT as a
part of a 4 member team.
• Used Tomcat to host the application
• Used SQL Server2000 as database.

ImageWare AG Document Management Systems (Nov04 to Jun06)

Client ImageWare AG

Involvement: Progress4GL, Document Management Systems, Knowledge
Management, Workflow, and Hummingbird DMS trainee, DMS deployment team
member, lead developer on a light-weight database application for PDAs

Tools and Technology MSSQL Server 2000, MS Visual Studio.NET, Visual
Basic.NET, C#, ADO.NET, Progress4GL, Hummingbird DMS

Application Server .NET framework

Web Server IIS

The Source Code and Documentation Control (SCDC) Hummingbird DM System
is a document management system that supports a version-controlled
document creation and revision process. The system also serves as an
online document library, allowing easy enterprise wide, read-only
access to draft or test versions of documents for selected reviewers
and to the final production versions of documents for the general
enterprise population. As such, the system architecture currently
serves two customer bases, those that are creating, modifying, or
approving documents and those that are accessing the documents to view

• Participated in the company orientation about the fundamentals of
Document Management Systems, particularly Hummingbird DM, Knowledge
Management, Workflow systems
• Trained in the fundamental aspects of Progress 4GL, and designed
basic applications
• Participated in the requirement gathering, design, communicating
with the clients, and deployment to distributed systems
• Participated in a team to handle performance related issues and
performance improvements
• Worked in translation of user manuals.
• Developed a light-weight database application for PDAs using ADO.NET

Education B Sc. 2004

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