[ANN] aeditor 1.5


Simon Strandgaard

AEditor is an übercool programmer's editor, written entirely in Ruby
and very easy to extend with your own customizations.


Download (Windows):
[ installation procedure on Windows, see bottom of this announcement ]

Download (UNIX):
[ installation procedure on UNIX, see bottom of this announcement ]

Changes and Features

With this 1.5 release, undo/redo and macroes has been added.
Accelerated scrolling now also works on Windows.
Improvements to the Theme dialog.

If you happen to be an expert in Fxruby, please take a look at
the todo-list and see if you can help solve some of the issues:
[ http://tinyurl.com/6f9hp ]

If you make any changes or have any ideas, please share.
Email me with any suggeundostions you have :)

Installation Procedure

The easiest way to install aeditor and its dependencies is
through rpa-base, the port/pkg manager of the Ruby Production Archive.

 1) Installing Fox Toolkit 1.0.X


    On Gentoo, you can find it under /usr/portage/x11-libs/fox
    In Debian, you'll need to:
    root$  apt-get install libfox1.0-dev

    FOX may be elsewhere on other platforms; you might be able to
    find it in your system's package manager.

 2) Installing RPA

    download and install RPA:
    after installation, be sure to update rpa-base:
    root$  rpa update
    root$  rpa install rpa-base

 3) Installing AEditor

    root$  rpa install aeditor

AEditor is now installed, and you may start it by typing:

  prompt$  aeditor

Installing the Dotfile

The syntax coloring rules are described in the dotfile; if it's missing,
no syntax coloring will take place.

You will need to fetch this file:
and place it in $HOME/.aeditor .

Simon Strandgaard

I got some problems here after installing aeditor 1.5.

config,setup and installing were clean but right after start of
eaditor I got:

[aeditor-1.5/] :aeditor
did not found a configuration file
spawning editor in window mode.
/usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/aeditor/viewfox.rb:286:in `initialize':
uninitialized constant EditorWidget::FXMenubar (NameError) from [snip backtrace]

I _thought_ I have installed everything needed, but...

Hmm.. I suspect you maybe have a different version of fox.. did you install
Fox 1.2.x ?

AEditor 1.5 doesn't work with the Fox 1.2.x (but its on my todo).

Please chect the version numbers of aeditors dependencies.

bash-2.05b$ aeditor -v
editor "1.5"
fox toolkit "1.0.43"
fxruby "1.0.25"
iterator "0.8"
ruby "1.8.1"

other info:
platform "i386-linux-gnu"

Thanks for the report.

David Ross

That most likely is a FOX 1.2.x library, when I was
hacking at the code to work nice with FOX 1.0.x, that
was the error I did get. Something is wrong with
FXMenuBar :)

--- Simon Strandgaard said:
I got some problems here after installing aeditor 1.5.

config,setup and installing were clean but right after start of
eaditor I got:

[aeditor-1.5/] :aeditor
did not found a configuration file
spawning editor in window mode.
uninitialized constant EditorWidget::FXMenubar
(NameError) from
[snip backtrace]
I _thought_ I have installed everything needed,

Hmm.. I suspect you maybe have a different version
of fox.. did you install
Fox 1.2.x ?

AEditor 1.5 doesn't work with the Fox 1.2.x (but
its on my todo).

Please chect the version numbers of aeditors

bash-2.05b$ aeditor -v
editor "1.5"
fox toolkit "1.0.43"
fxruby "1.0.25"
iterator "0.8"
ruby "1.8.1"

other info:
platform "i386-linux-gnu"

Thanks for the report.

-- Name: David Ross
-- Phone: 865.539.3798
-- Email: drossruby [at] yahoo.com

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Simon Strandgaard

Simon, I'm only a little bit visually impaired, but is there some reason
(on WinXP) your colors are all near-grey on black?

Hi Phlip,

no colors.. hmm.. syntax coloring is only enabled through the
configuration file (.aeditor); if its missing then no colors.
Thats usually the reason.. (it has happened quite a few times ;-)

<copy from announcement>

The syntax coloring rules are described in the dotfile; if it's missing,
no syntax coloring will take place.

You will need to fetch this file:
and place it in $HOME/.aeditor .

</copy from announcement>

If you are on windoes it may be necessary to set the HOME variable.
for instance

set HOME=c:\

Please tell me if this helps.. and thanks for your interest in AEditor.


Simon said:
and place it in $HOME/.aeditor .

I copied config_neoneye to c:/.aeditor
set HOME=c:\

Dunnit. I'm not talking about installing the highlighting. I'm talking about
after it works. All the colors are dark, and the background black.

Simon Strandgaard

I copied config_neoneye to c:/.aeditor

Dunnit. I'm not talking about installing the highlighting. I'm talking
about after it works. All the colors are dark, and the background black.

Very odd.. hmm

Can you change to 'turbo' theme via the View pulldown menu?

Can you mail me a screenshot?

Alexander Kellett

I copied config_neoneye to c:/.aeditor

Dunnit. I'm not talking about installing the highlighting. I'm talking about
after it works. All the colors are dark, and the background black.

try the turbo colour scheme :)


Simon Strandgaard

Okay. Turbo and Gvim themes don't suck.

Great.. im happy it works.. admitted the default theme sux..
Its just me when I make changes to the syntax coloring code.. then
I make changes to the default theme.. this way it has become ugly.
Maybe I should find a nice default theme?

If you manage to make a nice theme which you think are
suitable.. then please mail me ;-)

ok.. thanks

When I use View->Customize Theme, all the colors are drab and dark.

It's like you were CGA with the bright bit always off. (There I go showing
my age again...)

Hmm.. can you upload another screenshot where you capture
both the Customize Theme dialogbox and the mainwindow at the same time.
This sounds also odd.. The Customize Theme is suppose to reflect
the currently chosen theme. Dark colors shouldn't be there.

Show me the screenshot.. and I see what I can do ;-)

Thanks for your report.

BTW: tonight I have just released AEditor-1.6.. further details are here:

Mikael Brockman

Phlip said:
However, I can't think now, because "Jah's Music" has just started
[...] Excellent programming music, everyone!

That sounds somewhat contradictual.



Mikael said:
Phlip said:
However, I can't think now, because "Jah's Music" has just started
[...] Excellent programming music, everyone!

That sounds somewhat contradictual.

De riddims of de sacred party music gwine 'spire I-an-I de "mental state
called flow", Jah!

(With the herbal assistance of Yuban coffee mixed with Hershey's Special
Dark Chocolate. I wouldn't want y'all to think I was being a prude about

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