[ANN] Gosu 0.7.7 (includes Chipmunk & ruby-opengl integration demos)


Julian Raschke


the new, Leopard-compatible Gosu 0.7.7 has been available as a ZIP
download for two weeks, but there were problems with the RubyGems
distribution up until last night (that's where the weird gem version
numbers come from), so I'd like to belatedly announce it now! :)

Gosu is a cross-platform, 2D game development library for C++ and
Ruby, available via 'gem install gosu' and its website on Google Code:

While most of the time was spent on code cleanup and re-organisation
in 0.7.7, there are two new example games available that may be of
interest to anyone who wants to build really rich Ruby games:
* The tutorial game rewritten to use the Chipmunk[1] physics library,
with an extensive, accompanying Wiki page that explains everything[2],
by Dirk Johnson.
* A similarly simple 2D Gosu game that includes a 3D OpenGL
background, drawn using ruby-opengl and incorporated using Gosu's new
gl/gl_tex_info methods.

Other changes include:
* Gosu now uses doubles as Z positions, not weirdly restrictive
* Gosu now cooperates with Ruby's multitasking
* Mac, Linux: Additive drawing fixed

The next version will focus on stability, improved input code and more
support for actually releasing Ruby-powered games. I have my hopes up
for some cool gamedev in Ruby! :)

[1] http://wiki.slembcke.net/main/published/Chipmunk
[2] http://code.google.com/p/gosu/wiki/RubyChipmunkIntegration

Daniel Waite

Julian said:
While most of the time was spent on code cleanup and re-organisation
in 0.7.7, there are two new example games available that may be of
interest to anyone who wants to build really rich Ruby games:
* The tutorial game rewritten to use the Chipmunk[1] physics library,
with an extensive, accompanying Wiki page that explains everything[2],
by Dirk Johnson.
* A similarly simple 2D Gosu game that includes a 3D OpenGL
background, drawn using ruby-opengl and incorporated using Gosu's new
gl/gl_tex_info methods.

The next version will focus on stability, improved input code and more
support for actually releasing Ruby-powered games. I have my hopes up
for some cool gamedev in Ruby! :)

Ditto! I've got a couple screen shots up on Flickr of a quick demo that
only took a few hours...


I'm interested in seeing what can be done with Chipmunk.

Thanks for the update, Julian!

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