George Moschovitis
Hello everyone,
new versions of Nitro and Og were just released.
Homepage + Downloads: http://nitro.rubyforge.org
This release fixes *important* bugs amd improves various aspects of the
platform. Moreover, we included some great *new* features for your
Most notable additions:
* Fixed IMPORTANT bug in property inheritance.
* Fine grained caching. Nitro allows you to cache
whole pages (output caching), actions and fine-grained
class MyController < Controller
cache_output :my_action
def my_action
Stores the whole page created by the my_action method
to the disk to be displayed by the web server thus completely
Nitro and Ruby.
<strong>Here is some cached code</strong>
<?r for a in Article.all ?>
<li>#{a.title}: #{a.body}</li>
<?r end ?>
<strong>Another one</strong>
<?r cache('variant', :admin => session[:admin]) do ?>
<?r end ?>
Cached fragments can be stored in memory, filesystem.
While this feature is fully operational, the API will be finalised in
the next version.
* Introduced support for Og mixins. In this version a List
mixin is provided:
class Article
has_many :comments, Comment,
rder => 'position DESC'
class Comment
belongs_to :article, Article
acts_as_list :scope => :article
An AR compatible API is provided. An alternative
API is planned for the near future to give you more choice.
* Reimplemented filtering infrastructure, allows
for inheritance, conditional application of filters
only/:except) modifiers, more performant Filters
as Strings and more.
* Fixed multipart support in fastcgi, added file upload
example (tiny example).
* The webrick adapter reuses the fastcgi infrastructure, making
the adapters more compatible with each other.
* Added many useful Og enchant methods.
* Cleaned up configuration files for lighttpd/apache.
* More compatible with win32.
* Fixed examples and all reported bugs.
Nitro is an efficient, yet simple engine for developing professional
Web Applications using the Ruby language. Nitro aims to provide a
robust infrastructure for scalable web applications that can be
distributed over a server cluster. However, Nitro can also power simple
web applications for deployment on intranets or even personal
computers. Nitro integrates the powerful Og Object-Relational mapping
Nitro is a multiparadigm application framework and will integrate ideas
from Rails, Wee, PHP, JSP and .NET
Nitro integrates the Og (ObjectGraph) object-relational mapping
library. Og provides transparent serialization of object graphs to an
RDBMS backend. Unlike other similar libraries Og maps standard Ruby
objects to SQL tables and not vice versa. Og provides a meta language
to describe the relations between objects, a flexible and intuitive api
for querieng the database, raw access to the SQL language if needed
(for example to fine tune the automatically generated SQL tables, or
for custom queries), suports deserialization to Ruby objects or tuples,
automatically generates join tables for many_to_many relations and
provides a collection of usefull Mixins to synthesize common Entities.
Og is a combination of the best features of Active Record and the
former O-R mapping library included in Nitro (NDB). Adapters for
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and Oracle are included.
I hope this software will be useful for you, and I would love to
receive your suggestions, ideas and bug reports.
have fun,
George Moschovitis
new versions of Nitro and Og were just released.
Homepage + Downloads: http://nitro.rubyforge.org
This release fixes *important* bugs amd improves various aspects of the
platform. Moreover, we included some great *new* features for your
Most notable additions:
* Fixed IMPORTANT bug in property inheritance.
* Fine grained caching. Nitro allows you to cache
whole pages (output caching), actions and fine-grained
class MyController < Controller
cache_output :my_action
def my_action
Stores the whole page created by the my_action method
to the disk to be displayed by the web server thus completely
Nitro and Ruby.
<strong>Here is some cached code</strong>
<?r for a in Article.all ?>
<li>#{a.title}: #{a.body}</li>
<?r end ?>
<strong>Another one</strong>
<?r cache('variant', :admin => session[:admin]) do ?>
<?r end ?>
Cached fragments can be stored in memory, filesystem.
While this feature is fully operational, the API will be finalised in
the next version.
* Introduced support for Og mixins. In this version a List
mixin is provided:
class Article
has_many :comments, Comment,
class Comment
belongs_to :article, Article
acts_as_list :scope => :article
An AR compatible API is provided. An alternative
API is planned for the near future to give you more choice.
* Reimplemented filtering infrastructure, allows
for inheritance, conditional application of filters
as Strings and more.
* Fixed multipart support in fastcgi, added file upload
example (tiny example).
* The webrick adapter reuses the fastcgi infrastructure, making
the adapters more compatible with each other.
* Added many useful Og enchant methods.
* Cleaned up configuration files for lighttpd/apache.
* More compatible with win32.
* Fixed examples and all reported bugs.
Nitro is an efficient, yet simple engine for developing professional
Web Applications using the Ruby language. Nitro aims to provide a
robust infrastructure for scalable web applications that can be
distributed over a server cluster. However, Nitro can also power simple
web applications for deployment on intranets or even personal
computers. Nitro integrates the powerful Og Object-Relational mapping
Nitro is a multiparadigm application framework and will integrate ideas
from Rails, Wee, PHP, JSP and .NET
Nitro integrates the Og (ObjectGraph) object-relational mapping
library. Og provides transparent serialization of object graphs to an
RDBMS backend. Unlike other similar libraries Og maps standard Ruby
objects to SQL tables and not vice versa. Og provides a meta language
to describe the relations between objects, a flexible and intuitive api
for querieng the database, raw access to the SQL language if needed
(for example to fine tune the automatically generated SQL tables, or
for custom queries), suports deserialization to Ruby objects or tuples,
automatically generates join tables for many_to_many relations and
provides a collection of usefull Mixins to synthesize common Entities.
Og is a combination of the best features of Active Record and the
former O-R mapping library included in Nitro (NDB). Adapters for
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and Oracle are included.
I hope this software will be useful for you, and I would love to
receive your suggestions, ideas and bug reports.
have fun,
George Moschovitis