[ANN] Nitro + Og 0.24.0, Annotations, KirbyBase, SCGI, Og Evolution, Gen, Dynamic CSS...


George Moschovitis

Dear devs,

new versions of Nitro and Og were just released!

homepage: http://www.nitrohq.com
download: http://rubyforge.org/projects/nitro/
mailing list: http://rubyforge.org/pipermail/nitro-general/


A snapshot of the latest developments. This version features
tons of big and small features and bug fixes that were
implemented during the last month. Special thanks fly to
Tom, Chris, Guill, Rob, Aleksi, and all others that sent
patches and code.

Most notable additions:

* Totaly recoded annotation / property system. The property
system is now based on Facet annotations and inheritors.
You can now annotate every object, attribute or method
in Nitro. For example you can annotate your actions with
routing rules or sitemap strings etc, etc. One unified
system for annotations and metadata is used throughout
the whole Framework.

Here is an example:

class A
attr_accessor :val
ann :val, :klass =3D> String
ann :self, :doc =3D> 'Self annotation'

A.ann.val.class =3D> String
A.ann.self.doc =3D>

if A.ann.val[:class]

etc, etc...

* Implemented one of the most requested features. An Og
frontend for KirbyBase. The KirbyBase store does not yet
support all features, but is really useful. For example
it can power the Spark wiki example. Switching between
KirbyBase, Mysql, Postgres, Sqlite, etc by changing
one line of code is really cool ;-)

* Better Seperation of Concerns for Og managed classes. Og
can now annotate and handle classes from other libraries.
Lets say you have the following class:

class User
attr_accessor :name
attr_accessor :body

Using Ruby's open classes and Nitro's advanced annotation
system you can easily prepare this class for Og management

class User
ann :user, :klass =3D> String
ann :body, :klass =3D> String

or even better:

class User
property :user, String
property :body, String

This style promotes SOC: You define your classes in one
place and annotate them for Og in another place.

* Introduced a simple code generation framework. Two example
generators are included:

* app: generates the directory structure for a new
nitro application.

* form: generates an xhtml form for a Ruby class.
This generator leverages the annotations of the
object class.

* Improved scaffolding code and django style auto
administration system. The new scaffolder supports all
Og relation types and provides an intuitive DHTML
interface for editing.

* SCGI (http://python.ca/nas/scgi/protocol.txt) support.
Thanks to a refactoring of Nitro's cgi code this
version integrates with Zed Shaw's SCGI adapter. This
provides FastCGI's performance with an easy

* Experimental HTTP streaming support. Here is a
simple example:

def index
response.content_type =3D "text/plain"
stream do
5.times do |i|
print "#{i}"*10000 + "\n"
sleep 1

* Simple Og automatic evolution system. Lets say you have a class Article

class Article
property :title, String
property :nbody, String
property :dumy, Fixnum

lets you want to change your
class to this one:

class NewArticle
property :ntitle, String
property :nbody, String
property :new, Float

First you export the database:


Then you import the database. Some rules
are needed when renaming classes or properties.
New properties or deleted properties are handled

rules =3D {
:Article =3D> {
:self =3D> :NewArticle, # rename the class
:title =3D> :ntitle,
:body =3D> :nbody
og.import :evolution =3D> rules

Thats all. In a future version this will be integrated into
the default runner scripts.

* Og helpers to create simple rdbms management scripts. Here
is an example:

mysql "-u root -p", <<-END
drop database if exists weblog_development;
create database weblog_development;
grant all on weblog_development.* to #{`id -un`.strip}@localhost;

At the moment this is only available for Mysql.

* Added support for dynamic CSS using Nitro's advanced templating
system. Create the dynamic CSS file with an .csst extension in
your template root.

green =3D '#79b500'
background =3D '#fff'

.page {
background: #{green}

<?r 10.times do ?>
padding: 5px;
<?r end ?>

// or even

<% 3.times do %>
margin: 5px;
<% end %>

then, add this line in run.rb:

Compiler.precompile 'style.css'

The CSS file will be regenerated automatically whenever the
template changes...

* Updated to support latest Prototype, Scriptaculous etc.

* Cleaned up Og implementation.

* Fixed minor Ruby 1.8.3 compatibility issues.

* Even better integration with Ruby Facets.

* Tons of bug fixes and small but useful features.


Nitro provides everything you need to develop professional Web
applications using Ruby and Javascript.

Nitro redefines Rapid Application Development by providing a
clean, yet efficient API, a layer of domain specific languages
implemented on top of Ruby and the most powerful and elegant
object relational mapping solution available everywhere.

Nitro is Web 2.0 ready, featuring excellent support for AJAX,
XML, Syndication while staying standards compliant.

Og (ObjectGraph) is a powerful and elegant object-relational mapping
library. Og manages the lifecycle of Ruby objects and provides
transparent serialization of object graphs to stores (typically
RDBM systems).

Zed A. Shaw

Hey George,

That's great you're using the SCGI stuff. Let me know how it works for
you, and shoot me feedback on changes. Also, what version are you

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 16:55:13 +0900
George Moschovitis said:
Dear devs,
* SCGI (http://python.ca/nas/scgi/protocol.txt) support.
Thanks to a refactoring of Nitro's cgi code this
version integrates with Zed Shaw's SCGI adapter. This
provides FastCGI's performance with an easy

George Moschovitis

I use a slightly older version of your code. Will update to the latest
now that 0.24.0 is out.
Moreover, I plan to send you some general suggestions about your great
adapter, stay tuned.


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