Luis Lavena
rake-compiler version 0.7.5 has been released!
* <http://github.com/luislavena/rake-compiler>
=3D rake-compiler
rake-compiler aims to help Gem developers deal with Ruby extensions, simpli=
code and reducing duplication.
It followss *convention over configuration* and sets a standardized structu=
re to
build and package both C and Java extensions in your gems.
This is the result of experiences dealing with several Gems that required n=
extensions across platforms and different user configurations where details=
portability and clarity of code were lacking.
=3D=3D An Overview
Let's summarize what rake-compiler provides:
* No custom rake tasks required. Less code duplication and errors.
* Painlessly build extensions on different platforms (Linux, OSX and Window=
* Painlessly build extensions for different Ruby implementations (JRuby,
Rubinius and MRI).
* Allow multiple extensions be compiled inside the same gem.
* Mimics RubyGems installation process, so helps as a test environment.
* Simplify cross platform compilation of extensions (target Windows from Li=
=3D=3D=3D 0.7.5 / 2010-11-25
* Enhancements:
* Promoted stable version for cross-compilation to 1.8.6-p398. Closes GH-=
* Bugfixes:
* Generate a fake.rb compatible with Ruby 1.9.2. Closes GH-25
* fake.rb will not try to mimic Ruby's own fake to the letter. Closes GH-=
* Expand symlinks for tmp_dir. Closes GH-24
* Silence make output during rake-compiler invocation.
* Usage of Gem.ruby instead of RbConfig ruby_install_name
This solve issues with ruby vs. ruby.exe and jruby.exe
* Experimental:
* Allow setting of HOST during cross-compilation. This enable usage
of mingw-w64 compiler and not the first one found in the PATH.
rake-compiler cross-ruby VERSION=3D1.9.2-p0 HOST=3Di686-w64-mingw32
rake-compiler cross-ruby HOST=3Di386-mingw32 (OSX mingw32 port)
rake-compiler cross-ruby HOST=3Di586-pc-mingw32 (Debian/Ubuntu mingw3=
Luis Lavena
Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exup=E9ry
* <http://github.com/luislavena/rake-compiler>
=3D rake-compiler
rake-compiler aims to help Gem developers deal with Ruby extensions, simpli=
code and reducing duplication.
It followss *convention over configuration* and sets a standardized structu=
re to
build and package both C and Java extensions in your gems.
This is the result of experiences dealing with several Gems that required n=
extensions across platforms and different user configurations where details=
portability and clarity of code were lacking.
=3D=3D An Overview
Let's summarize what rake-compiler provides:
* No custom rake tasks required. Less code duplication and errors.
* Painlessly build extensions on different platforms (Linux, OSX and Window=
* Painlessly build extensions for different Ruby implementations (JRuby,
Rubinius and MRI).
* Allow multiple extensions be compiled inside the same gem.
* Mimics RubyGems installation process, so helps as a test environment.
* Simplify cross platform compilation of extensions (target Windows from Li=
=3D=3D=3D 0.7.5 / 2010-11-25
* Enhancements:
* Promoted stable version for cross-compilation to 1.8.6-p398. Closes GH-=
* Bugfixes:
* Generate a fake.rb compatible with Ruby 1.9.2. Closes GH-25
* fake.rb will not try to mimic Ruby's own fake to the letter. Closes GH-=
* Expand symlinks for tmp_dir. Closes GH-24
* Silence make output during rake-compiler invocation.
* Usage of Gem.ruby instead of RbConfig ruby_install_name
This solve issues with ruby vs. ruby.exe and jruby.exe
* Experimental:
* Allow setting of HOST during cross-compilation. This enable usage
of mingw-w64 compiler and not the first one found in the PATH.
rake-compiler cross-ruby VERSION=3D1.9.2-p0 HOST=3Di686-w64-mingw32
rake-compiler cross-ruby HOST=3Di386-mingw32 (OSX mingw32 port)
rake-compiler cross-ruby HOST=3Di586-pc-mingw32 (Debian/Ubuntu mingw3=
Luis Lavena
Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exup=E9ry