[ANN] rpa-base 0.1.0 "kitanai"

  • Thread starter Mauricio Fernández
  • Start date

Mauricio Fernández

First public release of rpa-base.

The Ruby Production Archive (RPA) will provide packages of Ruby
libraries and programs in a form that allows production use, engineered
through a stringent process resembling FreeBSD's or Debian's.

rpa-base is a port/package manager designed to support RPA. Its scope and
purposes are different to those of other systems like RubyGems.

rpa-base 0.1.0 is now available on http://rpa-base.rubyforge.org .
Please keep in mind that this is *not* a RPA release (that is, a release
of the repository) but just a release of the rpa-base tool itself. We
have provided several sample ports/packages for testing purposes, but
they don't formally belong to RPA. Read below for information on the
libs/apps packaged so far.

rpa-base requires Ruby 1.8.1 (certainly 1.8 at least, it might work on
1.8.0); it has been tested on several Linux distributions, FreeBSD and
win32. We would appreciate feedback (both positive and negative) under
those or any other architecture.

It takes but a couple minutes to install and will allow you to do

rpa install instiki ruvi

(NOTE: ruvi, the cool pure-Ruby vim clone, won't work on win32)


rpa-base is a port/package manager designed to support RPA's client-side
package management. You can think of it as RPA's apt-get + dpkg. It
features the following (working right now):

* sane dependency management: rpa-base installs dependencies as needed,
keeps track of reverse dependencies on uninstall, and will remove no
longer needed dependencies
* atomic (de)installs: operations on the local RPA installation are atomic
transactions; the system has been designed to survive ruby crashes (OS
crashes too on POSIX systems)
* modular, extensible design: the 2-phase install is similar to FreeBSD and
Debian's package creation; rpa-base packages need not be restricted
to installing everything under a single directory ("1 package, 1 dir"
* rdoc integration: RDoc documentation for libraries is generated at install
time (currently disabled on win32)
* ri integration: ri data files are generated for all the libraries managed
by RPA; you can access this information with ri-rpa (currently disabled on
* handling C extensions: if you have the required C toolchain, rpa-base can
compile extensions as needed
* unit testing: when a library is installed, its unit tests are run; the
installation is canceled if they don't pass

Packaged software (for evaluation purposes)


- amrita 1.0.2
- bloom 0.0.1
- bluecloth 0.0.3b
- crosscase 0.2
- hashslice 1.03
- instiki 0.9.1
- iterator 0.8
- keyedlist 0.4.0
- linguistics 1.02
- log4r 1.0.5
- madeleine 0.6.1
- rake 0.3.1
- rcov 0.0.1
- rdoc 1.8.1
- redcloth 2.0.10
- ri-rpa 0.1
- rubyzip 0.5.5
- ruvi 0.4.7
- types 0.1.80

Featured apps

name: instiki
version: 0.9.1-1
description: WikiClone running on WEBrick and Madeleine with several text formats.

Instiki lowers the barriers of interest for when you might consider
using a wiki. It's so simple to get running that you'll find yourself
using it for anything -- taking notes, brainstorming, organizing a

* Regular expression search: Find deep stuff really fast
* Revisions: Follow the changes on every page from birth. Rollback to an
earlier rev
* Export to HTML in a zip: Take the entire wiki with you home or for
* RSS feeds to track recently revised pages
* Multiple webs: Create separate wikis with their own namespace
* Password-protected webs: Keep it private
* Authors: Each revision is associated with an author, so you can see who
changed what
* Reference tracker: Which other pages are pointing to the current?
* Speed: Using Madelein for persistence (all pages are in memory)
* Textile formatting2: By ways of Red Cloth
* Embedded webserver: Through WEBrick
* Internationalization: Wiki words in any language!

name: ruvi
version: 0.4.7-3
description: VIM clone

ruvi includes a large subset of vim functionality.
NOTE: ruvi won't run on win32 yet.

name: rcov
version: 0.0.1-1
description: RPA's code coverage info and profiling overview generator

rcov allows the developer to identify unused regions of code. It is especially
useful when combined with unit tests, since it will indicate which areas of
the code can't possibly have been tested.

rcov can also gather some basic profiling information (how often a line
of code is run), allowing to locate the hotspots visually.

name: rake
version: 0.3.1-1
description: A simple ruby build program with capabilities similar to make

Rake has the following features:
* Rakefiles (rake's version of Makefiles) are completely defined in
standard Ruby syntax. No XML files to edit. No quirky Makefile
syntax to worry about (is that a tab or a space?)
* Users can specify tasks with prerequisites.
* Rake supports rule patterns to sythesize implicit tasks.
* Rake is lightweight. It can be distributed with other projects as a
be installed on target systems.

name: ri-rpa
version: 0.1-3
description: Ruby Interactive reference

ri is a command line tool that displays descriptions of built-in Ruby
methods, classes, and modules. For methods, it shows you the calling
sequence and a description. For classes and modules, it shows a synopsis
along with a list of the methods the class or module implements. All
information is taken from Ruby's sources.

The RPA version includes ri information generated from the 1.9 CVS
sources, and can also be used to read the documentation of locally
installed RPA ports.

Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

...[Linux's] capacity to talk via any medium except smoke signals.
-- Dr. Greg Wettstein, Roger Maris Cancer Center

Chad Fowler

First public release of rpa-base.

The Ruby Production Archive (RPA) will provide packages of Ruby
libraries and programs in a form that allows production use, engineered
through a stringent process resembling FreeBSD's or Debian's.

rpa-base is a port/package manager designed to support RPA. Its scope and
purposes are different to those of other systems like RubyGems.

rpa-base 0.1.0 is now available on http://rpa-base.rubyforge.org .

We are pleased to announce rpa-base's availability as a RubyGem:

$ gem -Ri rpa-base
Attempting remote installation of 'rpa-base-0.1.0.gem'
Successfully installed rpa-base, version 0.1.0

$ rpa install rubygems
Installing ports
Installing rubygems
Error: Couldn't find port rubygems. aborting

(note: must have RubyGems 0.6.1 or later http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=126)

If we are lucky, Mauricio will release an RPA port of RubyGems, which
we can use to install RPA. ;)


Alexander Kellett

It takes but a couple minutes to install and will allow you to do

rpa install instiki ruvi

(NOTE: ruvi, the cool pure-Ruby vim clone, won't work on win32)

got it working now.
no idea how to get it working with pragmatics single click install
unfortunately. anyone know how to get pdcurses working with that?
to get rpa-base working i installed:
(from http://www.dm4lab.to/~usa/ruby/index_en.html)
then readline (for irb), zlib (for rpa), and curses (for ruvi), and openssl (for the heck of it)
extracted all the above into c:\ruby
then started a cmd, typed in
then unzip'ed
(from http://rpa-base.rubyforge.org)
into d:\rpa-base-0.1.0
cd d:\rpa-base-0.1.0
ruby install.rb (or something like that :p)
then finally :)
rpa update
rpa install ruvi instiki
ruvi blah.rb -> starts up ruvi
and actually works in win32 now :)
instiki -> starts up instiki,
go to localhost:2500 and u have a working wiki :D

ruby kicks ass :)


Mauricio Fernández

We are pleased to announce rpa-base's availability as a RubyGem:

$ gem -Ri rpa-base
Attempting remote installation of 'rpa-base-0.1.0.gem'
Successfully installed rpa-base, version 0.1.0

That's good news for Instiki users since they still couldn't install
0.9.1 with RubyGems ;-)

So now they can do

gem -Ri rpa-base
rpa update
rpa install instiki

Plus the last step is transacted (I love killing rpa while it's working
and seeing it recover gracefully :)

Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

If Bill Gates is the Devil then Linus Torvalds must be the Messiah.
-- Unknown source

Chad Fowler

That's good news for Instiki users since they still couldn't install
0.9.1 with RubyGems ;-)

I've actually had a working instiki gem for weeks, but I wanted to do
it *right* and make proper dependencies on madeleine, BlueCloth, etc.
as opposed to just redistributing them in the gem. It looks like you
did the latter.

Anyway, I believe D.H.H will be releasing Instiki as a gem when he
gets a free moment. Some of the RubyGems 0.6.1 work was done
specifically to address issues that he ran into while doing Instiki.


Mauricio Fernández

I've actually had a working instiki gem for weeks, but I wanted to do
it *right* and make proper dependencies on madeleine, BlueCloth, etc.
as opposed to just redistributing them in the gem. It looks like you
did the latter.

I had packaged madeleine, bluecloth, redcloth and rubyzip separately
(available with rpa install), but decided to keep the ones distributed
with Instiki because I didn't know if he was targeting particular versions
(nor was it very clear from the sources which ones he was using).

I have contacted David Heinemeier Hansson and he's told me Instiki will
use 'the latest of each', so I have uploaded instiki 0.9.1-2, which uses
proper dependencies and removes unneeded sources, to the test repository.

This means that now
rpa install instiki
will also fetch and install
madeleine 0.6.1-1
bluecloth 0.0.3b-1
redcloth 2.0.11-1
rubyzip 0.5.5-1

rpa-base testers can do

rpa update
rpa install instiki

to upgrade to the latest version.

Note that rpa-base's usual transaction semantics apply, which means that
this will install either all of the dependencies + instiki or nothing;
at any rate, the system should never be left in an unclean state, so
please report any anomalies in the transactional sublayer.

Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

* JHM wonders what Joey did to earn "I'd just like to say, for the record,
that Joey rules."
-- Seen on #Debian

David Heinemeier Hansson

Anyway, I believe D.H.H will be releasing Instiki as a gem when he
gets a free moment. Some of the RubyGems 0.6.1 work was done
specifically to address issues that he ran into while doing Instiki.

That is indeed so. The 0.9.2 release of Instiki will come with a GEM.
When is another question ;)
David Heinemeier Hansson,
http://www.instiki.org/ -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby
http://www.basecamphq.com/ -- Web-based Project Management
http://www.loudthinking.com/ -- Broadcasting Brain
http://www.nextangle.com/ -- Development & Consulting Services

Mauricio Fernández

We are pleased to announce rpa-base's availability as a RubyGem:

$ gem -Ri rpa-base
Attempting remote installation of 'rpa-base-0.1.0.gem'
Successfully installed rpa-base, version 0.1.0

I have realized that the gem is broken and unusable; rpa-base was not
packaged correctly (some "stubs" are missing, and it won't work on win32
either due to a bug in RubyGems 0.6.1).

This means that if you installed rpa-base with gem, it wouldn't work
properly (in particular, nearly all installations would be canceled,
because the unit tests run on install would fail). Amongst others, the
redcloth port, on which instiki depends, would fail to install.

I thus invite potential testers (and especially those who installed
rpa-base using RubyGems) to download rpa-base directly from
and install it using the canonical method until the RubyGems issues are
sorted out.

Running Debian GNU/Linux Sid (unstable)
batsman dot geo at yahoo dot com

Beeping is cute, if you are in the office ;)
-- Alan Cox

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