ANN: Sequel Released


Sharon Rosner

Sequel version has just been released. This release includes
a number of bug fixes a minor improvements. Here's the CHANGELOG:

* Changed schema generation code to generate separate statements for
CREATE TABLE and each CREATE INDEX. This solves an issue with the
MySQL adapter where creating a table with indexes would fail (#34).

* Refactored Dataset::SQL#field_name for better support of different
field quoting standards by specific adapters.

* Sequel::Dataset:SQL#field_name can now take a hash (as well as
#select and any method that uses #field_name) for aliasing column
names. Example usage:

DB[:items].select:)a => :b).sql #=> "SELECT a AS b FROM items"

* Added #current_page_record_count for paginated datasets. The method
returns the number of records in the current page.

* Removed Database#literal and included Dataset::SQL instead.

* Moved SingleThreadedPool to lib/sequel/connection_pool.rb.

* Changed SQLite::Dataset to return affected rows for #delete and
#update (#33).

* ADO adapter: Added use of Enumerable for Recordset#Fields, playing
it safe and moving to the first row before getting results, and
changing the auto_increment constant to work for MSSQL.


Sequel project page:

Sequel documentation:

Join the Sequel-talk group:

Install the gem:
sudo gem install sequel

Or check out the source and install manually:
svn co sequel
cd sequel
rake install

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