Arranging Div Layers



I have a set of 10 div layers on a page that each contain dynamic
content pulled from a database so the size of the div layers is not
static. Each layer can be viewed or hidden by checking checkboxes at
the top of the page. The problem I'm having is that if the user wants
to view only div layers 8-10, I have a lot of dead space in the page
where div layers 1-7 are on the page but not visible in the browser.
How do I arrange these div layers so that each one opens at the top of
the page and each subsequent one is opened beneath the other so I don't
have any white space between the div layers? Thanks.


I have a set of 10 div layers on a page that each contain dynamic
content pulled from a database so the size of the div layers is not
static. Each layer can be viewed or hidden by checking checkboxes at
the top of the page. The problem I'm having is that if the user wants
to view only div layers 8-10, I have a lot of dead space in the page
where div layers 1-7 are on the page but not visible in the browser.
How do I arrange these div layers so that each one opens at the top of
the page and each subsequent one is opened beneath the other so I don't
have any white space between the div layers? Thanks.

Sounds like a CSS question (for another newsgroup).

Are you using "display:none" which reserves the space?

Try "visibility:hidden" which doesn't.

David Dorward

How do I arrange these div layers so that each one opens at the top of
the page and each subsequent one is opened beneath the other so I don't
have any white space between the div layers?

First - don't make them "layers".

Second - set the top and bottom margins of each to 0.

No need for JavaScript at all.


McKirahan said:
Sounds like a CSS question (for another newsgroup).

Are you using "display:none" which reserves the space?

Try "visibility:hidden" which doesn't.

Like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Disp() {
var disp = document.getElementById("div1").style.display;
disp = (disp == "none") ? "block" : "none";
document.getElementById("div1").style.display = disp;
function Visi() {
var visi = document.getElementById("div2").style.visibility;
visi = (visi == "hidden") ? "visible" : "hidden";
document.getElementById("div2").style.visibility = visi;
<div id="div1" style="display:block"> 1 </div>
<div id="div2" style="visibility:visible"> 2 </div>
<input type="button" value="Show/Hide 1" onclick="Disp()">
<input type="button" value="Show/Hide 2" onclick="Visi()">


I can't seem to get it right. I'm working on a combination of
suggestions here. It's still reserving that space for the hidden div

function hideLayer(whichLayer)
document.getElementById(whichLayer).style.display = 'none';
var strshowhide=0;
frmPanelStatus.location.href="panelstatus.asp?showhide=" + strshowhide
+ "&whichLayer=" + whichLayer;

function showLayer(whichLayer)
document.getElementById(whichLayer).style.display = 'inline';
var strshowhide=1;
frmPanelStatus.location.href="panelstatus.asp?showhide=" + strshowhide
+ "&whichLayer=" + whichLayer;

<div id="CompanyBoard"
<% If strshowhide = 0 Then
Response.Write "class=""divNotVisible"""
Response.Write "class=""divVisible"""
End If

<a href="javascript:showLayer('CompanyBoard');">Show</a>/<a


style.css page:

display: none;
/* visibility: hidden; */

display: inline; */
/* visibility: visible; */


I'm an idiot...I had <p>&nbsp;</p> content outside of my div tags that
was occupying the hidden space. Thanks everyone for your help.

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