Help with code

Jun 14, 2018
Reaction score
wondering if anyone could help (yes i'v tried)
i'm trying to bring the songs request underneath the weather
but everytime i try n put it there my tabs keep moving?

all i want is for the tabs to be each side in-line

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    <script type="text/javascript">
var thedate = new Date();
var dayofweek = thedate.getDay();
var hourofday = thedate.getHours();

var GMT = new Date().getTimezoneOffset();
var offsetGMT = +1 new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/01:00;
      // Sun=0 1 2 3 4 5 Sat=6
      var DayOfWeek = new Array('Weekend', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Weekend');
      var NoShow = 'No Show Scheduled<br />for COOLVIBES';
      var DH = new Array(7);
      for (d = 0; d < 7; d++) {
        DH[d] = new Array(24);
        for (h = 0; h < 24; h++) {
          DH[d][h] = '';
      DH[1][10] = 'Monday at 3 pm<br>AUTOMIX<br>with auto';
      DH[1][08] = 'Monday at 12 AM<br>AUTOMIX<br>with auto';
      DH[1][12] = 'Auto mix<br>with auto parrott<br>Monday at Noon<br>No Genre';
      DH[1][14] = 'auto<br>with auto parrott<br>Monday at 2 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[1][16] = 'No Show Name<br>with Katy Cox<br>Monday at 4 PM<br>Rap';
      DH[1][17] = 'The Greatest<br>with DJ Fresh<br>Monday at 5 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[1][18] = 'Revolution Corner<br>with Randy Underwood<br>Monday at 6 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[1][20] = 'Daily Affirmation<br>with DJ Hightower<br>Monday at 8 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[1][22] = 'No Show Name<br>with David Doggett<br>Monday 10 to Midnight<br>No Genre';
      DH[1][23] = 'No Show Name<br>with David Doggett<br>Monday at 11 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[2][13] = 'Mix&Match<br><br><img src="" width="194" height="120" />';// this will display an image at 1pm on tuesday <br />
      DH[2][08] = 'No Show<br>with Automix<br>Tuesday at 8 AM<br>Mix n Match';
      DH[2][16] = 'No Show Name<br>with Sweet Action Jackson<br>Tuesday at 4 PM<br>Rock';
      DH[2][20] = 'The Rock Hour<br>with Dan the Man<br>Tuesday at 8 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[3][10] = '80,s Show<br>with DJ Rose<br>Wednesday at 8 PM<br>No Genre';                               
      DH[3][11] = 'Westcoast Wednesdays<br>with DJ Smoove<br>Wednesday at 11 AM<br>No Genre';
      DH[3][15] = 'The Storm Hour<br>with the Weatherman and Reba<br>Wednesday 3 to 5 PM<br>Classic Rock';
      DH[3][16] = 'The Storm Hour<br>with the Weatherman and Reba<br>Wednesday at 4 PM<br>Classic Rock';
      DH[3][22] = 'EZ Does It<br>with DJ EZ<br>Wednesday at 10 PM<br>Rap';
      DH[4][12] = 'automix<br>with autodj<br>Thursday Noon to 2 PM<br>mix';
      DH[4][22] = 'Request Show<br>with Jukebox<br>Thursday 6 to 7 PM<br>Mix n Match';
      DH[4][13] = 'automix<br>with autodj<br>Thursday at 1 PM<br>mix';
      DH[4][14] = 'The Hour<br>with DJ V-Jeezy<br>Thursday at 2 PM<br>No Genre';
      DH[4][18] = 'Request Show<br><br><img src="" width="194" height="120" />';// this will display an image at 6pm on thursday <br />
      DH[5][10] = 'The Hour Show<br>with Auto<br>Friday at 5:20 PM Till 6:20 PM<br>All In One';
      DH[5][11] = 'Friday at 11 AM<br>Christian Music<br>with Jammin J';
      DH[5][12] = 'Friday at Noon<br>automix<br>with autodj';
      DH[5][13] = 'Friday at 1 PM<br>Dance<br>with Deano';
      DH[5][09] = 'Friday at 9 AM<br>Mix n Match<br>with Autobox';
      DH[5][14] = 'Friday at 2 PM<br>automix<br>with autodj';
      DH[5][15] = 'Friday at 13:20 Till 15:20 PM<br>Mix n Match<br>Request Show';
      DH[5][16] = 'Friday at 4 PM<br>automix<br>with autodj';
      DH[5][17] = 'Friday at 5 PM<br>automix<br>with autodj';
      DH[5][19] = 'Friday at 7 PM<br>Mix n Match<br>with Autobox';
      DH[5][22] = 'Friday at 10 PM<br>Dance/Trance<br>with Dean';
      DH[5][23] = 'Friday at 11 PM<br>automix<br>with autodj';
      DH[6][18] = 'Saturday at 8 PM<br>80,s Show<br>with DJ Rose';
      DH[6][19] = 'Saturday at 7 PM<br>Dance/Trance<br>with Dean';
      DH[6][13] = 'Saturday at 1 PM<br>Old School/Reggae<br>with El Carlito';
      DH[6][22] = 'Saturday at 10 PM<br>mix<br>with autodj';
      DH[6][23] = 'Saturday at 11 PM<br>mix<br>with autodj';
      DH[7][22] = 'Sunday at 5:20 PM Till 6:20 PM<br>Mix n Match<br>auto Show<br>with auto';
      DH[7][18] = 'Request Show<br><br><img src="" width="194" height="120" />';// this will display an image at 6pm on sunday <br />';
      // Add more when schedule is known. Note: there may be better ways to do this when information is known.
      function OnNow() {
        var thedate = new Date();
        var dayofweek = thedate.getDay();
        var hourofday = thedate.getHours();
        var showOn = DH[dayofweek][hourofday];

      function NowON() {
        var thedate = new Date();
        var dayofweek = thedate.getDay();
        var hourofday = thedate.getHours();
        var showOn = DH[dayofweek][hourofday];
        if (showOn == '') {
          showOn = thedate + '<p />No Show Scheduled';
        document.getElementById('NowOn').innerHTML = showOn;

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