Article: Why you can't dump Java (even though you want to)


Bent C Dalager


Considering AJAX heavy web sites to be terrible designed
it not exactly the trend seen on the web.

That's ok; I often find myself at odds with the general perception. :D

What I do find striking is that this is 2012, more than 15 years after
HTML had standardised forms (<input>, HTML 2.0 I believe) and they are
/still/ playing catch-up to the established GUI frameworks such as
Motif, Windows, etc. Tab order, menu and tool bars, hotkeys/shortcuts,
i18n, layout, drag and drop, list selection: mostly a hodge podge of
what the developer chanced upon in some library somewhere and what he
could be bothered to hack together himself. Just such a simple matter
as standardising how to handle the browser's "Back" button in a web
app – cutting edge rocket science, it would seem.

Usually a new technology is reasonably mature after ten years, but
getting a proper GUI on web pages is taking forever.

(Yes, I sometimes do turn on JavaScript. :D)


Bent D.

Bent C Dalager

Just be prepared that the share of web sites working without
JS will drop every year.

This is unlikely to become an actual problem before AJAX has proper
support (that developers actually /use/) for accessibility options
required by law.

And once that is in place, maybe GUI on web pages is finally mature


Bent D

Kev Warren

Usually a new technology is reasonably mature after ten years, but
getting a proper GUI on web pages is taking forever.

I thought you hated GUIs and refused to use any UI more advanced than a
screen-oriented console mode one such as a Unix shell, vi, or emacs?

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