Asm code to C code



Hi, please forgive me if i'm sending this post in the wrong place, and
please don't tell me to post it in another group, because if i found a
better one i'd have already done it. I'm writing a thesis and i'm in
real hurry. I have an old c code which i cannot compile correctly. I
am using the Dev-Cpp 4 compiler. Anyway, my question is: i have
already solved most of the problems deleting some parts of the code
which used graphics i don't need (and by the way cannot even see using
winxp) but i have a function i cannot delete which is written in ASM.
I know what are you thinking: "use an assembler to compile it first
and then link the two files together.". But I don't want to make it as
it would take me much more time to find an assembler, learn to use it
and then learn to compile and link separately.
So please, if anyone knows how to do it, i need the ASM code to be
rewritten in C code.
I am sending the whole ASM source file, because i don't know which are
the important parts of it. I only need the TTY function.
Thank You very, very much!!!

;º Miscellaneous auxiliary assembler routines
;º B. Mueller, J. Reinhardt: Neural Networks
;º (C) Springer Verlag 1990


include asmuti.h ; useful assembler macros

ASSUME CS:_TEXT ; Segmentname fuer C-Programm

;³ Write a string into text screen
;³ Usage: TTY(row,col,attrib,string,textscreen)
;³ row,col: screen position
;³ attrib: character attribute (color, highlighted, blinking)
;³ string: outputstring
;³ textscreen: memory address of the text screen (b000 or b800)
pBegin _TTY
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
push ds
push es

mov ax,[bp+argbase] ; Zeile
mov bl,160
mul bl ; *160
mov bx,[bp+argbase+2] ; Spalte
shl bx,1 ; *2
add ax,bx ; DI:Offset = 160*Zeile + 2*Spalte
mov di,ax

xor ax,ax
mov ax,[bp+argbase+4] ; AH:Attribute
mov ah,al

mov si,[bp+argbase+6] ; ds:si is pointer to string
mov ds,[bp+argbase+8] ; ds: String-Segment

mov dx,[bp+argbase+10] ; DX: Video-RAM-Segment
mov es,dx

hneu: mov al,[si]
or al,al ; Set zero flag
jz hende
stosw ; Copy AX to es:di, increment di
inc si
jmp hneu

hende: pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
mov sp,bp
pop bp
pEnd _TTY

;³ Routine to clear the Hercules graphics screen
;³ Usage: HERCLEAR(pattern,page)
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
push es

mov bx,[bp+argbase+2]
cmp bx,0h
jne pagelbl
mov ax,0b000h
jmp weiter
pagelbl:mov ax,0b800h
weiter: mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,04000h
mov ax,[bp+argbase] ; Byte pattern to be displayed
repz stosw

pop es
pop si
pop di
mov sp,bp
pop bp

;³ Clear the CGA graphics screen
;³ Usage: CGACLEAR(pattern)
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
push es

mov ax,0b800h
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,02000h
mov ax,[bp+argbase] ; Pattern to be displayed
repz stosw

pop es
pop si
pop di
mov sp,bp
pop bp


;³ Clear the EGA graphics screen
;³ Usage: EGACLEAR()
push bp
mov bp,sp
push di
push si
push ds
push es

mov dx,3c4h
mov al,2
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,0ffh
out dx,al ; Enable access to all 4 planes

mov dx,3ceh
mov al,8
out dx,al
mov al,0ffh
inc dx
out dx,al ; Enable access to all 8 bits

mov ax,0A000h ; Starting address
mov es,ax
xor ax,ax
mov di,ax
mov cx,28000
rep stosb ; Cclear screen

mov dx,3ceh
mov al,5 ; Mode Register 5
out dx,al
mov dx,3cfh
mov al,0 ; Write Mode 0
out dx,al

mov dx,3ceh
mov al,1 ; Enable Set/Reset register 1
out dx,al
mov dx,3cfh
mov al,0fh ; Enable all planes
out dx,al

pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop di
mov sp,bp
pop bp

;³ Routine to analyze the video screen adapter cards and displays
;³ in an IBM compatible system.
;³ Adapted from a program by Dan Jacobs and Joel Rosenblum (1986)

; video mode equates
UNKNOWN equ 00H ; Unknown board type
CGA equ 01H ; IBM Color graphics adapter (CGA)
MONO equ 02H ; IBM Monochrome card
HERCULES equ 04H ; Hercules monochrome graphics card
EGA_MONO equ 10H ; IBM Enhanced graphics adapter (EGA)
EGA_COLOR equ 20H ; EGA w/color display
EGA_HIGH equ 40H ; EGA w/high resolution color display

; global equates
VIDEO_IO equ 10H ; BIOS video i/o interrupt number
GET_MODE equ 0FH ; video i/o get mode function

video_type db ? ; place to accumulate the video type

push bp ; save the frame pointer
mov bp, sp

; This method of checking the EGA requires the use of BIOS

mov ax, 1200H ; video alternate select
mov bl, 10H ; return EGA info
mov bh, 0FFH ; invalid data for test
mov cl, 0FH ; reserved switch setting
int VIDEO_IO ; returns with bh = color or
mono mode
; bl = memory
; ch = feature
; cl = switch

cmp cl, 0CH ; test switch setting
jge ega_done ; above max setting
cmp bh, 01H ; test range 0 - 1
jg ega_done ; above range
cmp bl, 03H ; check memory value for 0 - 3
jg ega_done ; above range

; if it gets here, there is a EGA card present
; now test for the attached monitor

and cl, 0EH ; trim the switch to the bits
we need
cmp cl, 1010B ; monochrome monitor attached
je is_m
cmp cl, 0100B ; secondary mono setting ?
jne ecolor ; nope check color display
is_m: or cs:video_type, EGA_MONO ; set EGA card with monochrome
jmp short ega_done
ecolor: cmp cl, 1000B ; primary color display ?
je is_c
cmp cl, 1110B ; secondary color ?
jne enh_d ; check for high resolution
is_c: or cs:video_type, EGA_COLOR ; EGA card with color
jmp short ega_done
enh_d: cmp cl, 1100B ; primary high resolution
display ?
je is_enh
cmp cl, 0110B ; secondary high resolution
display ?
jne ega_done
is_enh: or cs:video_type, EGA_HIGH ; EGA card w. high resolution
color display


; check for Hercules card is present by checking the status
; at 3BAH for the vertical retrace bit.

mov dx,3BAH ; address of status port
in al,dx
and al,80h ; vertical retrace bit
mov ah,al ; Save bit 7 for test

mov cx,8000h ; count for delay loop
in al,dx ; Take another reading
and al,80h ; Isolate bit 7
cmp al,ah
jne is_hercules ; If bit 7 changes then it
loop examine ; is a Hercules Graphics Card

jmp check_color ; After this long, it must be
; something else.
or cs:video_type, HERCULES
jmp short check_done ; don't check for mono or
; board if Hercules present

test cs:video_type, EGA_COLOR + EGA_HIGH
jnz check_mono ; can't have a color card with
; EGA in color mode

; next check for a Color Graphics Adapter by the checking for
; presence of the cursor register at 0x3D4
mov dx, 03D4H
call CURSOR_REG ; carry flag set if not there
jc check_mono
or cs:video_type, CGA ; there is a color graphics

test cs:video_type, EGA_MONO ; can't have mono card in
jnz check_done ; with EGA in mono

; first check for a monochrome board by checking for the
; presence of the cursor register at 0x3B4
mov dx, 03B4H
call CURSOR_REG ; carry flag set if not there
jc check_done
or cs:video_type, MONO ; there is a monochrome
adapter card

xor ax, ax ; clear ah
mov al, cs:video_type

pop bp ; restore frame pointer



checks to see if there is a cursor register at the
address passed in dx

carry clear - if cursor register present
carry set - no cursor register here

CURSOR_REG proc near

mov al, 0FH ; set the index to the cursor register
out dx, al
inc dx ; increment to data register
in al, dx ; get the original value
xchg al, ah ; save it for later
mov al, 5AH ; test value
out dx, al ; set cursor control register
jmp $+2 ; waste some time
jmp $+2
jmp $+2
in al, dx
cmp al, 5AH ; same as written ?
xchg al, ah ; restore saved value
out dx, al
je yup ; it was the control register
stc ; no cursor return code
yup: clc ; is there return code



Alf P. Steinbach

Hi, please forgive me if i'm sending this post in the wrong place, and
please don't tell me to post it in another group, because if i found a
better one i'd have already done it.

Better groups are in [*].

Repost your question there, and also read up on netiquette in general
and the FAQ for this group.

Follow-up set to [] (that means
that any answers to this posting will end up there).

I'm writing a thesis and i'm in real hurry.

Your chances of ending up with a satisfactory thesis are very low,
since (1) you're in a hurry, (2) you show disregard for commonly
accepted rules, (3) you're unable to solve a trivial problem, and...

I have an old c code whichi cannot compile correctly. I
am using the Dev-Cpp 4 compiler. Anyway, my question is: i have
already solved most of the problems deleting some parts of the code
which used graphics i don't need (and by the way cannot even see using

(4) you base your work on modification of what others have done, and...

but i have a function i cannot delete which is written in ASM.
I know what are you thinking: "use an assembler to compile it first
and then link the two files together.". But I don't want to make it as
it would take me much more time to find an assembler, learn to use it
and then learn to compile and link separately.
So please, if anyone knows how to do it, i need the ASM code to be
rewritten in C code.

(5) you think you know what you need as an answer, instead of
figuring out what the problem is.

I only need the TTY function.

See the comment above that function to find out what it does.

Note that it was written for MS-DOS.

Find a corresponding API function for the platform you're using,
the follow-up redirection assumes Windows.

Thank You very, very much!!!

[snipped umpteen lines of asm code]

Pieter Droogendijk

On 15 Aug 2003 04:17:57 -0700
Hi, please forgive me if i'm sending this post in the wrong place

You are forgiven.
please don't tell me to post it in another group, because if i found a
better one i'd have already done it.

You somehow missed comp.lang.asm.x86? How did you manage to do that?
I'm writing a thesis and i'm in real hurry.

Then you should have started earlier, and if you can't write the thesis by
yourself, you shouldn't have started with it.
I have an old c code which i cannot compile correctly.

Then you either have a bad compiler or the program isn't using standard C.
I am using the Dev-Cpp 4 compiler. Anyway, my question is: i have already
solved most of the problems deleting some parts of the code which used
graphics i don't need (and by the way cannot even see using winxp) but i have
a function i cannot delete which is written in ASM.

Dev-Cpp is a compiler, off-topic. Next to that, it's a C++ compiler, and
this is a standard C newsgroup. In this newsgroup we DISCUSS standard C, we
don't rewrite programs in other languages, or do other people's homework, both
of which you're asking us to do. Assembler is off-topic.
I know what are you thinking: "use an assembler to compile it first and then
link the two files together.".

Actually, I was thinking 'what the hell was this guy thinking when he posted to
c.l.c?' but yeah, yours is pretty close. Why haven't you done this yet?
But I don't want to make it as it would take me much more time to find an
assembler, learn to use it and then learn to compile and link separately.

Ah, so that's why. You're too lazy. See your reason is bogus, you can find out
how to use an assembler and a linker in two minutes these days, thanks to
google. Rewriting this assembler program into C is a lot more work, and
pointless at that, since you're either too lazy to learn how to use things you
should have known already if you've ever coded in c or assembler (or writing a
thesis having anything to do with either), or too lazy to do actual work for you
So please, if anyone knows how to do it, i need the ASM code to be rewritten
in C code.

Doing that is tedious and boring. And in this case, it's pointless since the
solution is right in front of you.
I am sending the whole ASM source file, because i don't know which are the
important parts of it. I only need the TTY function. Thank You very, very

You're welcome.

<snip assembler>

This newsgroup is for discussing Standard C. It's about that for a reason. And
other topics are not handled, for a reason. If everyone would post questions
about all topics in random newsgroups, things would quickly get out of hand,
would they not? Kind of defeating the purpose of Usenet?

Oh, and if you want someone to do your homework, threaten to beat up the skinny
kid with the glasses who always sits in the corner of your classroom. He'll do

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