Asp.NET, Ajax, Usercontrols, Event bubbling



Hello folks, I'm in trouble with an application using methodologies in

The idea is to have a single-page application. The host aspx page
coordinates all visualizations, loading and populating different
usercontrols on a status basis.

To listen for changes I'm bubbling up events from the usercontrols.
Each event raises up to the host aspx page, which decides what to do,
what to load etc.

I have to say that this works on a non-ajax environment.

My problem is that, using updatepanels, the result I get is similar to
a full-postback, everything is updated after an event, even those
updatepanels I want to keep not up-to-date.
This, I suppose, is due to the fact that, having to recreate runtime
usercontrols on page_init (otherwise events are not listened),
everything is seen as modified and posted back to client. This is what
I think but maybe I'm wrong.

I tried to do a proof-of-concept of this situation, maybe something is
missing but reproduces the problem.

I can't attach from this interface, so you can find the zip file on
following url:

As you can see, even being in separated updatepanels, everything is
updated on postback

Thanks in advance,

bruce barker

you need to understand the update panel model. with an update panel, all
data is posted back, and a complete page processing cycle is done. the
only trick, with a panel, is only the html in the panel(s) is sent back
to the client, and the panels inner html is updated.

-- bruce (

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