audio and IE 7 security


Andrew Poulos

I don't have IE 7 but is it true that IE 7 prevents javascript from
playing audio without the user first responding positively to a dialog box?

I have an elearning app that uses audio which is controlled by a simple
player. I know it would annoy the client if the user had to click a
'play' button and then also click 'yes' in a dialog box.

Andrew Poulos

Andrew Poulos

Randy said:
Andrew Poulos said the following on 4/17/2007 8:55 PM:

URL to a test page to find out? I don't recall ever being asked before
to click a button to have audio. The only issue I do remember though is
with the EOLAS problem and it's "solution".
I emailed a sample to a friend with IE 7 and he said that it ran fine
locally. I'll try to find somewhere to upload it and I'll let everyone
know the result.

Andrew Poulos


Andrew Poulos said:
I emailed a sample to a friend with IE 7 and he said that it ran fine locally. I'll try
to find somewhere to upload it and I'll let everyone know the result.

Only because I am keenly interested in this problem, I can host a page. If interested
just let me know and I'll create an FTP account for you to upload your pages to, and the
URL to them.

Otherwise, hurry up and sign up for GeoCities or something.



Randy Webb said:
-Lost said the following on 4/20/2007 1:31 AM:

Geocities is the *last* place you should suggest to host a page. The JS they insert can
kill almost anything. Not to mention the ads/banners.

Good point. Jeez, I totally forgot about that.

Nevermind, Andrew. Post here and I'll hook up with some ad-free, zero-insertion hosting
(sans CGI as well though).


Andrew Poulos

-Lost said:
Good point. Jeez, I totally forgot about that.

Nevermind, Andrew. Post here and I'll hook up with some ad-free, zero-insertion hosting
(sans CGI as well though).
Someone emailed me with a kind offer of some web space, and I've emailed
them a simple test piece to upload.

Andrew Poulos

Andrew Poulos

Andrew Poulos said the following on 4/17/2007 8:55 PM:
Ok, a preliminary report is in. I'm using the following code to include
the MP3 in my web page:

<object type='audio/mpeg'
style='position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;'

<param name='FileName' value='sample.mp3'>
<param name='AutoStart' value='0'>
<param name='ShowControls' value='1'>

IE 7 puts a yellow warning dialog across the top of the browser window,
warning that an ax control wants to run. You need to click this dialog
for a confirmation dialog to appear. I don't yet know if this is a once
off thing or something a user needs to do every session.

Maybe I should sidestep this by using a small SWF to play audio???

Andrew Poulos


Randy Webb said:
Andrew Poulos said the following on 4/20/2007 11:01 PM:

It depends on the security settings of the user and whether they choose to prompt, allow
or deny ActiveX as to whether they are going to have to click it every time or not.

And, whilst I do not have IE7, I can say that IE6 requires that click on the security bar
every session.

Speaking of which, what was the setting again that made that box permanently disappear? I
thought it was "Allow active content to run in files on My Computer."


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