Awsome Python - chained exceptions


Steven D'Aprano

As an antidote to the ill-informed negativity of Ranting Rick's
illusionary "PyWarts", I thought I'd present a few of Python's more
awesome features, starting with exception contexts.

If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
*buggy* exception handler:

def getitem(items, index):
# One-based indexing.
return items[index-1]
except IndexError:
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!

Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
original exception is lost:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

But never fear! In Python 3.1 and better, Python now shows you the full
chain of multiple exceptions, and exceptions grow two new special
attributes: __cause__ and __context__.

If an exception occurs while handling another exception, Python sets the
exception's __context__ and displays an extended error message:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 3.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in getitem
IndexError: list index out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

Python 3 also allows you to explicitly set the exception's __cause__
using "raise...from" syntax:

py> try:
.... len(None)
.... except TypeError as e:
.... raise ValueError('bad value') from e
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
ValueError: bad value

Note the slight difference in error message. If both __cause__ and
__context__ are set, the __cause__ takes priority.

Sometimes you actually want to deliberately catch one exception and raise
another, without showing the first exception. A very common idiom in
Python 2:

except SomeInternalError:
raise PublicError(error_message)

Starting with Python 3.3, there is now support from intentionally
suppressing the __context__:

py> try:
.... len(None)
.... except TypeError:
.... raise ValueError('bad value') from None # Python 3.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
ValueError: bad value

You can read more about exception chaining here:

Terry Reedy

As an antidote to the ill-informed negativity of Ranting Rick's
illusionary "PyWarts", I thought I'd present a few of Python's more
awesome features, starting with exception contexts.

You do not need Rick to justify such an informative post.
If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
*buggy* exception handler:

def getitem(items, index):
# One-based indexing.
return items[index-1]
except IndexError:
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!

Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
original exception is lost:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

But never fear! In Python 3.1 and better, Python now shows you the full
chain of multiple exceptions, and exceptions grow two new special
attributes: __cause__ and __context__.

Some thought was given to having only one special attribute, but in the
end it was decided to have __context__ be the actual context and
__cause__ be the programmer set and displayed 'context'.
If an exception occurs while handling another exception, Python sets the
exception's __context__ and displays an extended error message:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 3.1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in getitem
IndexError: list index out of range

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

Python 3 also allows you to explicitly set the exception's __cause__
using "raise...from" syntax:

py> try:
... len(None)
... except TypeError as e:
... raise ValueError('bad value') from e
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
ValueError: bad value

Note the slight difference in error message. If both __cause__ and
__context__ are set, the __cause__ takes priority.

Sometimes you actually want to deliberately catch one exception and raise
another, without showing the first exception. A very common idiom in
Python 2:

except SomeInternalError:
raise PublicError(error_message)

Starting with Python 3.3, there is now support from intentionally
suppressing the __context__:

py> try:
... len(None)
... except TypeError:
... raise ValueError('bad value') from None # Python 3.3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
ValueError: bad value
The new features are explained in the Library manual, Ch. 5, Exceptions,
but without so many clear examples. The 'from None' option has not yet
been added to the Language reference section on raise statements (an
issue on the tracker), so it is easy to miss if one does not also read
the Library chapter.

Zero Piraeus


As an antidote to the ill-informed negativity of Ranting Rick's
illusionary "PyWarts", I thought I'd present a few of Python's more
awesome features [...]

You could call them PyW00ts.


Rick Johnson

[snip inflammatory remarks]
I thought I'd present a few of Python's more
awesome features, starting with exception contexts.

Well that's great idea, however, in order to find this very "valuable" information the searcher must not only remember an unintuitive search tag, he must also remember /exactly/ how you misspelled the unintuitive search tag! I sure hope you have more of these "Awsome Python"'s to share because i fear this one will surely be forgotten in 2 days.
If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
*buggy* exception handler:

def getitem(items, index):
# One-based indexing.
return items[index-1]
except IndexError:
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!

Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
original exception is lost:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

But that's exactly what any sane person wants to happen. And i don't know why your error messages are so vague because i got this message (using IDLE):

py> getitem([1,2,3], 5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
getitem([1,2,3], 5)
File "<pyshell#1>", line 5, in getitem
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

Which (by showing the offensive line) is quite clear to me. I even tried a simplified version on the command line (to make sure IDLE was not injectinganything) and got a better exception message, but sadly without the offending line:

py> try:
.... l[10]
.... except IndexError:
.... "{0}".format(blah)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 4, in <module>
NameError: name 'blah' is not defined

But in either case, both forms of the message i got are far more helpful than the exception you posted. Did you trim the exception in an attempt to sensationalize the problem?

But who cares about the exception message python returned when there are /so/ many abominations in this code sample. I mean, i know this is an example, but it should not be an example of "how not to code"+"ANYTHING"+"!"*10

Some of the problems include:

1. You are using the print function (so we can assume you are using Python 3.x) but then you go and use that old ugly "%" string interpolation syntax crap! when you should have used the format method of strings.

print("Item at index {0} is missing".format(index-1)) # Oops!

....Oh Steven, if you only knew how we interpreted the "Oops!", more like "Doh!".

2. Your stdout message is not only confusing, it's a freaking lie!

"Item at index %d is missing".

....Steven, i can assure you that if "list[index]" raises an IndexError, theitem is NOT /missing/. Neither the item OR the index even /exist/ as far as the sequence is concerned. Contrary to your naive beliefs, Python sequences are not initialized with every possible integer index (that the current machine can represent) just sitting around twiddling their thumbs complaining of boredom whilst waiting for a value to come along they can point to; can you imagine the memory usage of such a design (flaw)?

3. Your claim that the broken code in the "exception block" masks the exception that would have been raised by the code in the "try block" is false, because if it's true, then you'd better find the fool who told Python to mask the try block in the first place!

Got any more bright ideas DeAprano? (Oh gawd that felt good!)

Rick Johnson

You could call them PyW00ts.

+1 on the name
-INFINITY on the execution

Actually i am happy that DeAprano used the unintuitive tag now. Bad enough to use an unintuitive tag. Worse to misspell it. But it would been a crime to tarnish such an intuitive tag as "PyW00ts" with the clumsy teachings provided.

Rick Johnson

You could call them PyW00ts.

+1 on the name
-INFINITY on the execution

Actually i am happy that DeAprano used the unintuitive tag now. Bad enough to use an unintuitive tag. Worse to misspell it. But it would been a crime to tarnish such an intuitive tag as "PyW00ts" with the clumsy teachings provided.

Chris Angelico

If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
*buggy* exception handler:

def getitem(items, index):
# One-based indexing.
return items[index-1]
except IndexError:
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!

Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
original exception is lost:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

Which (by showing the offensive line) is quite clear to me.

No, the offending (not offensive) line is "return items[index-1]",
which doesn't feature in your traceback at all. It DOES, however,
feature in the Py3.1 double traceback (it's listed as line 4)..
1. You are using the print function (so we can assume you are using Python 3.x)

He is? Could just as easily be the print statement with a single
argument, with unnecessary parentheses around that argument. Which, if
I recall correctly, is one of the recommended approaches for making
2/3 bi-compatible code.
but then you go and use that old ugly "%" string interpolation syntax crap! when you should have used the format method of strings.

print("Item at index {0} is missing".format(index-1)) # Oops!

...Oh Steven, if you only knew how we interpreted the "Oops!", more like "Doh!".

No. Definitely not. Percent interpolation isn't going anywhere - core
devs have said so - and there are many occasions when it is at least
as well suited to the task as .format() is. Also, it's a notation
that's well understood *across languages* and in a variety of message
interpolation systems. Anyone who's worked with *any* of them will
understand that %s inserts a string, %d a number (in decimal), etc,
etc. Granted, the exact details after that may change (eg Python has
%r to emit the representation, while Pike uses %O for "any object",
with similar notation), but the format specifiers and modifiers that
came from C are fairly stable, readable, and compact.

In what way is a trivial example like this improved by the use of
format()? The ONLY thing I can think of is that, by forcing you to put
parentheses around the argument, it avoids the issue from the original
post, which is one of operator precedence - but that's something
that's fairly easy to spot when you know what you're looking for, and
is definitely not specific to string formatting.


Michael Torrie

Which word? "we"? I'm not entirely sure, given that non-monospaced
fonts get in the way. Normally people would put exactly as many >
carets/tildes as there are letters in the word, but aligning the text
in a mono font puts the carets under "we", so that clue isn't there.

Sorry I assumed that on a technical list like this one folks would be
viewing emails as the internet gods intended, in a nice monospace font.

I don't see how leading carets would help in a proportional font; it just
doesn't work well for quoting emails I think. Maybe that's why email from
html clients seem to do a lot of top posting and ditch quoting (and I fear
reading) emails all together.

Apologies if the quoted stuff is messed up in this email. Darn phones are
not good at doing proper emailing.

Rick Johnson

If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
*buggy* exception handler:

def getitem(items, index):
# One-based indexing.
return items[index-1]
except IndexError:
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!

Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
original exception is lost:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

Which (by showing the offensive line) is quite clear to me.

No, the offending (not offensive) line is "return items[index-1]",
which doesn't feature in your traceback at all.

Do you realize that you are quoting DeAprano and not me? Whether you realize this fact or not, consider the next two questions.

Q1: How could a line in the "try" block ever be considered
offensive? Because it throws an error? Are you serious?

Q2: Why would the line in the try block be shown as
a "feature" of the traceback when the whole intent of
exception handling is to hide the error in the try
block! If you want to raise the exception in the try block
then you place a naked raise statement in the exception
block, BUT THEN, why even wrap the code in a try/except
in the first damn place!?

Man, you and DeAprano must be cut from the same block; or more correctly, carved by the same shaky hand of a creator suffering the late-stage effects of Alzheimers disease.
It DOES, however,
feature in the Py3.1 double traceback (it's listed as line 4)..

He is? Could just as easily be the print statement with a single
argument, with unnecessary parentheses around that argument. Which, if
I recall correctly, is one of the recommended approaches for making
2/3 bi-compatible code.


Because if he did in-fact write the print statement using parenthesis (in some foolish attempt to make his code forward-compatible) that would mean i should add /another/ coding abomination to my earlier list of abominations.The proper method of using a forward compatible print function is by /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function
No. Definitely not. Percent interpolation isn't going anywhere - core
devs have said so - and there are many occasions when it is at least
as well suited to the task as .format() is.

In other words: Screw consistency and to hell with the zen?
Also, it's a notation
that's well understood *across languages* and in a variety of message
interpolation systems. Anyone who's worked with *any* of them will
understand that %s inserts a string, %d a number (in decimal), etc,

Oh yes, because indexing the list of arguments in the format method is SO much more overhead! Heck, Python>=2.7 (read the docs for exact release number) will allow you to implicitly pass the index:

print "{} is one more than {}".format("five", "four") # 3.something equivalent to:

print "{0} is one more than {1}".format("five", "four")

....but what about when you need to substitute the /same/ substring in more than one location? Using the old nasty interpolation you are foced to writethis:

print "Chris is a %s who is very %s-ish"%('troll', 'troll')

....ewwww yuck! String.format() to the rescue!

print "Chris is a {0} who is very {0}-ish".format('troll')

In fact all of these posted examples work in Python>=2.7.

So the moral is: You can pass no indexes and the format method will intuit the indexes from their linear position in the string, or you can pass indexes and be explicit (plus you can reference a value more than once!), or youcan choose one of the many other great options available of the format method.
etc. Granted, the exact details after that may change (eg Python has
%r to emit the representation, while Pike uses %O for "any object",
with similar notation), but the format specifiers and modifiers that
came from C are fairly stable, readable, and compact.

The fact is that "str.format(args)" beats the pants off string interpolation any day and anybody arguing for keeping string interpolation is not thinking clearly (especially when they first claim consistency between languagesand them expose that claim as a lie) and is also anti-pythonic! To continue to propagate foolish language designs simply because other people have been brainwashed by them is, well, foolish. Would you propagate propaganda using the same excuse?
In what way is a trivial example like this improved by the use of
format()? The ONLY thing I can think of is that, by forcing you to put
parentheses around the argument,

You think the only difference between string.format() and string interpolation is parenthesis? Chris, just because you don't understand how to use str..format() (or interpolation!) correctly does not mean other python programmers are unable too.
it avoids the issue from the original
post, which is one of operator precedence - but that's something
that's fairly easy to spot when you know what you're looking for, and
is definitely not specific to string formatting.

So as you say: str.format() solves a bug in the code, but that is not enough excuse to stop using the old cryptic and bug inducing interpolation syntax. I see[1].

[1] Read as: "I see that you are a lost cause". Hopefully you will grow a brain and read the format docs, and then try to apply it in your code, then MAYBE you will understand why i support str.format as the only method to format a string.

PS: Why do keep posting email addresses on the list? Does your client not trim, or at least warn, about these?

Rick Johnson

If you've ever written an exception handler, you've probably written a
*buggy* exception handler:

def getitem(items, index):
# One-based indexing.
return items[index-1]
except IndexError:
print ("Item at index %d is missing" % index - 1) # Oops!

Unfortunately, when an exception occurs inside an except or finally
block, the second exception masks the first, and the reason for the
original exception is lost:

py> getitem(['one', 'two', 'three'], 5) # Python 2.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 6, in getitem
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'

Which (by showing the offensive line) is quite clear to me.

No, the offending (not offensive) line is "return items[index-1]",
which doesn't feature in your traceback at all.

Do you realize that you are quoting DeAprano and not me? Whether you realize this fact or not, consider the next two questions.

Q1: How could a line in the "try" block ever be considered
offensive? Because it throws an error? Are you serious?

Q2: Why would the line in the try block be shown as
a "feature" of the traceback when the whole intent of
exception handling is to hide the error in the try
block! If you want to raise the exception in the try block
then you place a naked raise statement in the exception
block, BUT THEN, why even wrap the code in a try/except
in the first damn place!?

Man, you and DeAprano must be cut from the same block; or more correctly, carved by the same shaky hand of a creator suffering the late-stage effects of Alzheimers disease.
It DOES, however,
feature in the Py3.1 double traceback (it's listed as line 4)..

He is? Could just as easily be the print statement with a single
argument, with unnecessary parentheses around that argument. Which, if
I recall correctly, is one of the recommended approaches for making
2/3 bi-compatible code.


Because if he did in-fact write the print statement using parenthesis (in some foolish attempt to make his code forward-compatible) that would mean i should add /another/ coding abomination to my earlier list of abominations.The proper method of using a forward compatible print function is by /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function
No. Definitely not. Percent interpolation isn't going anywhere - core
devs have said so - and there are many occasions when it is at least
as well suited to the task as .format() is.

In other words: Screw consistency and to hell with the zen?
Also, it's a notation
that's well understood *across languages* and in a variety of message
interpolation systems. Anyone who's worked with *any* of them will
understand that %s inserts a string, %d a number (in decimal), etc,

Oh yes, because indexing the list of arguments in the format method is SO much more overhead! Heck, Python>=2.7 (read the docs for exact release number) will allow you to implicitly pass the index:

print "{} is one more than {}".format("five", "four") # 3.something equivalent to:

print "{0} is one more than {1}".format("five", "four")

....but what about when you need to substitute the /same/ substring in more than one location? Using the old nasty interpolation you are foced to writethis:

print "Chris is a %s who is very %s-ish"%('troll', 'troll')

....ewwww yuck! String.format() to the rescue!

print "Chris is a {0} who is very {0}-ish".format('troll')

In fact all of these posted examples work in Python>=2.7.

So the moral is: You can pass no indexes and the format method will intuit the indexes from their linear position in the string, or you can pass indexes and be explicit (plus you can reference a value more than once!), or youcan choose one of the many other great options available of the format method.
etc. Granted, the exact details after that may change (eg Python has
%r to emit the representation, while Pike uses %O for "any object",
with similar notation), but the format specifiers and modifiers that
came from C are fairly stable, readable, and compact.

The fact is that "str.format(args)" beats the pants off string interpolation any day and anybody arguing for keeping string interpolation is not thinking clearly (especially when they first claim consistency between languagesand them expose that claim as a lie) and is also anti-pythonic! To continue to propagate foolish language designs simply because other people have been brainwashed by them is, well, foolish. Would you propagate propaganda using the same excuse?
In what way is a trivial example like this improved by the use of
format()? The ONLY thing I can think of is that, by forcing you to put
parentheses around the argument,

You think the only difference between string.format() and string interpolation is parenthesis? Chris, just because you don't understand how to use str..format() (or interpolation!) correctly does not mean other python programmers are unable too.
it avoids the issue from the original
post, which is one of operator precedence - but that's something
that's fairly easy to spot when you know what you're looking for, and
is definitely not specific to string formatting.

So as you say: str.format() solves a bug in the code, but that is not enough excuse to stop using the old cryptic and bug inducing interpolation syntax. I see[1].

[1] Read as: "I see that you are a lost cause". Hopefully you will grow a brain and read the format docs, and then try to apply it in your code, then MAYBE you will understand why i support str.format as the only method to format a string.

PS: Why do keep posting email addresses on the list? Does your client not trim, or at least warn, about these?

Rick Johnson

The proper method of using a forward compatible print
function is by /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function

Urm... of course the proper /PROPER/ way would be to NOT throw an import error!

from __future__ import print_function


Rick Johnson

The proper method of using a forward compatible print
function is by /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function

Urm... of course the proper /PROPER/ way would be to NOT throw an import error!

from __future__ import print_function


Chris Angelico

No, the offending (not offensive) line is "return items[index-1]",
which doesn't feature in your traceback at all.

Do you realize that you are quoting DeAprano and not me? Whether you realize this fact or not, consider the next two questions.

I knew who I was quoting.
Q1: How could a line in the "try" block ever be considered
offensive? Because it throws an error? Are you serious?

You're the one who said offensive. I specifically corrected you to
"offending", which is the appropriate word in that situation.
Q2: Why would the line in the try block be shown as
a "feature" of the traceback when the whole intent of
exception handling is to hide the error in the try
block! If you want to raise the exception in the try block
then you place a naked raise statement in the exception
block, BUT THEN, why even wrap the code in a try/except
in the first damn place!?

You seriously need to get into the real world and do some actual
debugging work. Here, let me give you an example of what you might
come across in the real world:

1) The program doesn't exhibit the failure symptoms until it's been
running for a couple of days.
2) Sending the program a SIGHUP influences the symptoms in peculiar ways.
3) The main symptom visible is that something that ought to have 2-3
threads actually has several hundred.
4) Your boss is paranoid about security, so the script files on the
running nodes have all been minified - no comments, no linebreaks,
short variable names, etc.
5) The exact nature of the bug depends on the interactions of up to 12
computers, all running similar code but doing different tasks.

Now tell me, what's the first thing you do? There are many right
answers to this question, but most of them involve one thing: Get more
information. Turn on verbose logging, add a monitoring wrapper, insert
output statements in various places... and make sure your exception
tracebacks give ALL the information.
Man, you and DeAprano must be cut from the same block; or more correctly,carved by the same shaky hand of a creator suffering the late-stage effects of Alzheimers disease.

D'Aprano (note, that's a 39 not a 101) and I both happen to have some
real-world experience. A bit of a rough teacher, and the tuition fees
are ridiculously high, but you learn things that aren't taught
anywhere else.

Because if he did in-fact write the print statement using parenthesis (insome foolish attempt to make his code forward-compatible) that would mean i should add /another/ coding abomination to my earlier list of abominations. The proper method of using a forward compatible print function is by /importing/ the feature.

from future import print_function
_Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 65536)

Which works back as far as 2.6 but that's all. Simply putting parens
around the argument works all the way back to... hmm. Further back
than I've ever had to support, but then, I only started using Python
seriously a few years ago. Steven?
In other words: Screw consistency and to hell with the zen?

Percent interpolation is plenty obvious, it's simple, it's clean, and
you're welcome to hate it if you like. Doesn't bother me.
...but what about when you need to substitute the /same/ substring in more than one location? Using the old nasty interpolation you are foced to write this:

print "Chris is a %s who is very %s-ish"%('troll', 'troll')

...ewwww yuck! String.format() to the rescue!

print "Chris is a {0} who is very {0}-ish".format('troll')

Yeah, in Pike I'd just use %<s to reuse the argument, or %[0]s to
explicitly set the index. If Python didn't have .format() and the
percent-haters like you, those features could easily be implemented.
If all you're doing is concatenating five strings, three of them
constants, there are plenty of other ways to do it; are you going to
start hating on str.format because you could use concatenation or
str.join()? Which is the one obvious way to do it?

So let's look at a more useful example. You need to tabulate some
data. For each line of output, you have a descriptive string, a
number, and a floating point value, and you want to output them like

Normal 73 105.23
Disconnected 32 14.00
Shutting down 0 0.00
Busy 3 1333.33
Overloaded 1 1942.07

Your input is a list of lists or tuples with those three types: str,
int, float. You need to format them. Code golf mode, or maximum
clarity mode, up to you. Here are my options:

# Python, str.format()
for row in data:

# Python, percent-formatting
for row in data:

//C++ - using a struct rather than a mixed array
for (record *row=data;row->desc;++row)

//Pike, direct translation
foreach (data,array row)

//Pike, making use of array-output feature

Note how easily tabulated data can be produced, *across languages*,
with the exact same syntax. Actually, str.format borrows heavily from
printf notation, and I was able to make it look almost the same; all
it does is replace the percent sign with {:}. (Oh, and it defaults to
left-justifying strings, so I don't need the minus sign to do that.
Big deal.)
(especially when they first claim consistency between languages and them expose that claim as a lie)

I think the comparison above shows my claim to be not a lie.
[1] Read as: "I see that you are a lost cause". Hopefully you will grow abrain and read the format docs, and then try to apply it in your code, then MAYBE you will understand why i support str.format as the only method to format a string.

I've been working on that whole "growing a brain" thing, and I've
pretty much mastered it. My last troll almost grew one before he
committed suicide in shame. Would you like me to try the technique on
your body? It has a 90% chance of success.
PS: Why do keep posting email addresses on the list? Does your client nottrim, or at least warn, about these?

They're in the headers. What's the big deal? This is an email mailing
list, not just a newsgroup.


Steven D'Aprano

Here is one example of using raise to re-raise an exception you have just

import errno
paths = ["here", "there", "somewhere else"]
for location in paths:
filename = os.path.join(location, "prefs.ini")
f = open(filename)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # File not found.

You seriously need to get into the real world and do some actual
debugging work.

Amen to that brother. What is it that they say?

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, write
rants on the Internet criticising others."

_Feature((2, 6, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 65536)

Which works back as far as 2.6 but that's all. Simply putting parens
around the argument works all the way back to... hmm. Further back than
I've ever had to support, but then, I only started using Python
seriously a few years ago. Steven?

Putting parens around the argument to print works going back to at least
Python 0.9.1, which is before Python had "" delimiters:

steve@runes:~$ ./python0.9.1Parsing error: file <stdin>, line 1:
s = "string"
Unhandled exception: run-time error: syntax errorstring

You can always wrap any expression with an extra pair of round brackets.

Of course, the correct way of doing this is with "from __future__ import
print_function", but really, who cares? It's just a trivial example. If
the worst criticism someone can make of my example is that I took a short-
cut when printing, I can live with that.

Ian Kelly

+1 on the name
-INFINITY on the execution

Actually i am happy that DeAprano used the unintuitive tag now. Bad enough to use an unintuitive tag. Worse to misspell it. But it would been a crime to tarnish such an intuitive tag as "PyW00ts" with the clumsy teachings provided.

1. Subject lines are not tags. If you want to categorize the post
with a tag for later reference, then by all means do so; any halfway
decent reader will let you do this. It's not up to the post author to
tag posts for you.

2. If you're going to criticize someone for their spelling, at least
be sure to spell correctly the name of the person you are addressing.
You've consistently misspelled Steven's surname in several posts that
I've noticed.

Ulrich Eckhardt

Am 13.02.2013 um 17:14 schrieb Rick Johnson:
Q1: How could a line in the "try" block ever be considered
offensive? Because it throws an error?


See, wasn't that difficult, was it? :D

Are you serious?

No, I just couldn't resist this invitation even though I'm making a fool
of myself responding to flamers/trolls...

*le sigh*



2. If you're going to criticize someone for their spelling, at least
be sure to spell correctly the name of the person you are addressing.
You've consistently misspelled Steven's surname in several posts that
I've noticed.

The correct spelling conflicts with his intuition of how it should be
spelled. Expect a DeApranoWart post any day now.

Rick Johnson



Oops, you forgot to catch "FloatingPointError" and so your code choked in the try block -- typical newbie mistake.

Chris Angelico



Oops, you forgot to catch "FloatingPointError" and so your code choked in the try block -- typical newbie mistake.

And yet it is still a perfect example of how a line of code inside a
'try' block can indeed be offensive. This has nothing to do with
exceptions, and everything to do with societal practices and
acceptable language. The fact that you edited it out of your quote
shows just how offensive the expression is. :)

May I ring your schoolbell?


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