Be Honest: Do you implement hashCode(), equals(), and toString() for every class you write?


Manish Pandit

I use toString for the transfer objects, and put the Apache Commons
ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this) in the overriden method.
However, this is very expensive operation and I control this via log4j
levels, like logger.debug(myObject) instead of going lose cannon
system.out.println :)

I use equals rarely, when I have to compare DTOs based on a set of
attributes - for example, comparing 2 persons based on their firstNames
being same, ignoring other attributes.

hashCode - never.



Manish said:
I use equals rarely, when I have to compare DTOs based on a set of
attributes - for example, comparing 2 persons based on their firstNames
being same, ignoring other attributes.

hashCode - never.

You know what you should do ...


Mark Jeffcoat

Danno said:
Just curious

You'll know when you need equals()... most things
don't get compared, so there's usually no reason to

Once you've put in your own equals() method, you really
need to override hashCode(), too. But pre-mature optimization
is evil, so here's the one I always use pre-profiling:

public int hashCode() {
return 0;

I'm not kidding.

Patricia Shanahan

Danno said:
Just curious

Definitely not. I implement toString when there is a short, but
interesting, String representation. I stay with the Object equals and
hashCode unless the class has a strong natural concept of value
equality, which generally involves immutability.



Patricia said:
Definitely not. I implement toString when there is a short, but
interesting, String representation. I stay with the Object equals and
hashCode unless the class has a strong natural concept of value
equality, which generally involves immutability.


You are more eloquent than I am Patricia, that is exactly what I do.

Chris Uppal

[In general it is a bad idea to put the question into the subject line without
repeating it in the main body of the text].
Just curious

No, certainly not. That would be a very bad mistake.

It's always worth /considering/ overriding toString(), but rarely actually
worthwhile. It would often be an /error/ to override equals()/hashCode().

-- chris


toString() methods is overriden very frequently. but equals() and
hasshCode() depends upon the need and use fo the class. 90% i have
skipped both functions.

Chris said:
[In general it is a bad idea to put the question into the subject line without
repeating it in the main body of the text].
Just curious

No, certainly not. That would be a very bad mistake.

It's always worth /considering/ overriding toString(), but rarely actually
worthwhile. It would often be an /error/ to override equals()/hashCode().

-- chris

Daniel Dyer

You'll know when you need equals()... most things
don't get compared, so there's usually no reason to

Once you've put in your own equals() method, you really
need to override hashCode(), too. But pre-mature optimization
is evil, so here's the one I always use pre-profiling:

public int hashCode() {
return 0;

Personally, I'd never implement hashCode this way because the effort to do
it properly is so minimal. Premature optimisation may be evil but, if
there are two ways to do something, choosing the better way is not
necessarily premature optimisation - it could just be doing things right
first time around.

If you are going to be putting these objects into a hashed collection
(maps and sets), you're effectively turning that collection into a list
with this hashCode implementation, and I'm assuming that you're not using
lists everywhere until the profiler tells you that you need a better data

You can generally write a reasonable hashCode implementation in a few
lines following the approach that Josh Bloch outlines in Effective Java.
IDEs such as IDEA can automatically generate matching equals and hashCode
methods for you. Since this is a general purpose approach and trivial to
do I don't see it as premature optimisation. If you were talking about
writing a hashCode implementation that is optimised to the specific usage
patterns of your application, then I would agree that that would probably
qualify as optimisation that is best left until there is a demonstrated


Chris Uppal

Mark said:
Once you've put in your own equals() method, you really
need to override hashCode(), too. But pre-mature optimization
is evil, so here's the one I always use pre-profiling:

public int hashCode() {
return 0;

I'm not kidding.

You should be.

/Anything/ would be better than that. Throw a runtime exception -- at least
that would guarantee that you weren't depending on having a working hashCode()
without realising it.

-- chris

Patricia Shanahan

Chris said:
You should be.

/Anything/ would be better than that. Throw a runtime exception -- at least
that would guarantee that you weren't depending on having a working hashCode()
without realising it.

It is a functionally correct hashCode. If a and b reference equal
instances of the class, a.hashCode() is equal to b.hashCode(). If there
is any problem with it, it will show as poor hash structure performance.

I assume that if Mark found poor hash table performance during
profiling, he would upgrade the hashCode() method for the key class.

That said, when I'm writing an equals(), I know exactly which features
must be equal for two instances to be considered equal, which is the
only difficult part of writing a good hashCode(). I just write the two
methods together.


Matt Humphrey

I assume that if Mark found poor hash table performance during
profiling, he would upgrade the hashCode() method for the key class.

That said, when I'm writing an equals(), I know exactly which features
must be equal for two instances to be considered equal, which is the
only difficult part of writing a good hashCode(). I just write the two
methods together.

I agree with this approach in that objects for which content equality is
meaningful (which must be implemented and therefore understood) have an
easily implementable hashCode.

My question is, what is a good first implementation of compound hashCode?
For objects that have simple fields a, b, c I tend to use

a.hashCode ^ b.hashCode ^ c.hashCode

And for compositions, accumulating hashCodes of elements over ^.

The idea is to get the greatest possible spread while ensuring that two
objects that are equal will produce the same value.

Are there better functions to use? What are your rules of thumb?

Matt Humphrey (e-mail address removed)

Thomas Hawtin

Matt said:
My question is, what is a good first implementation of compound hashCode?
For objects that have simple fields a, b, c I tend to use

a.hashCode ^ b.hashCode ^ c.hashCode

That doesn't work well if the hash codes of a, b and c are often equal,
a, b and c are often permutations, or whatever.

You could take you lead from String and do something like:

public int hashCode() {
int h = a.hashCode();
h = h*31 + b.hashCode();
h = h*31 + c.hashCode();
return h;

Tom Hawtin


toString(): Often, especially for DTO's etc

equals(), hashcode(): Seldom. I may override equals(), again probs for
DTO's. If I override equals() then I will always override hashcode()


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