Boost Mutexes/Locks Question



The design philosophy behind the boost Lock concept seems to be to
implement short-lived, tightly-scoped locks which automatically unlock
the mutex when they go out of scope. This design is nice because it
clears up all the pthread_mutex_lock/unlock clutter you find in code
that needs to unlock a mutex before leaving scope.

However, I find that sometimes you need to keep a mutex locked even
after the program proceeds beyond the current scope. For example, you
may have a class which contains a mutex as a member variable, and a
function which locks the mutex, and keeps it locked until a
corresponding unlock function is called.

But as far as I can tell, boost scoped_lock provides no real way to do
this. A scoped lock will automatically unlock the mutex once the
program returns from a function, and you can't have a scoped locked as
a member variable in an object that is shared between threads, because
locks are not thread safe. Therefore, if you want to achieve a
persistent lock, you need to pass your mutex directly to
lock_ops<mutex_type>::lock(). But this comes from the detail
namespace, and presumably should only be called by boost library code,
and not by developer code.

So, what is the best way to achieve a persistent lock using boost


The design philosophy behind the boost Lock concept seems to be to
implement short-lived, tightly-scoped locks which automatically unlock
the mutex when they go out of scope. This design is nice because it
clears up all the pthread_mutex_lock/unlock clutter you find in code
that needs to unlock a mutex before leaving scope.

However, I find that sometimes you need to keep a mutex locked even
after the program proceeds beyond the current scope. For example, you
may have a class which contains a mutex as a member variable, and a
function which locks the mutex, and keeps it locked until a
corresponding unlock function is called.

But as far as I can tell, boost scoped_lock provides no real way to do
this. A scoped lock will automatically unlock the mutex once the
program returns from a function, and you can't have a scoped locked as
a member variable in an object that is shared between threads, because
locks are not thread safe. Therefore, if you want to achieve a
persistent lock, you need to pass your mutex directly to
lock_ops<mutex_type>::lock(). But this comes from the detail
namespace, and presumably should only be called by boost library code,
and not by developer code.

the scoped_lock has constructor
scoped_lock(mutex, bool = true)
pass false to the second parameter, then it won't lock as the lock is
constructed. then you can call lock()/unlock when you like.


persistent lock, you need to pass your mutex directly to
lock_ops<mutex_type>::lock(). But this comes from the detail
namespace, and presumably should only be called by boost library code,
and not by developer code.

So, what is the best way to achieve a persistent lock using boost

personally i think the lock_ops<> are designed to do this job, but
are unfortunately placed in that detail namespace.

if you look on the operations provided (lock, trylock, unlock,
and misc mutex implementations with all the functionality being
that leaves us no choice but using detail::lock_ops<>


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