cacheing (is that a word) remote data in browser



Right...have loads of C++, SQLServer experience but about 5 minutes of
JavaScript, ASP etc.

Spent a frustrating 2 days deciding the best way to get some data from
a SQL database, then cached in the browser so it could be used by a
number of pages without repeated database querying. No idea which is
the most current v obsolete technology.

Remote scripting seemed feasible but is this on the way out. Tried
implementing it but got some java file access denied issues - "access
denied (
read)" that left me stumped.

My simple plan was to get a chunk of data from a database, presumably
using ASP. This would then be stored in some local array to be accessed
at leisure by client side Javascript. Am I missing the point. Is this



If SQL data must be unique for each user session, then you have three
options to choose from:

1. Set session cookie. It holds up to 1Kb guaranteed. So unless you
have some MEMO fields like Full_Story_Of_My_Life, it should be fair
enough for anything.

2. Use the shame of frames (pls don't)

3. Create server-side session .js files and then
<script src="id0u3u4ud9g7j4.js"></script>
It raises the questions though 1) of server clean up after and 2)
possible privacy exposure via cache (fixable but extra headache).

Tell me what you like the most.


VK said:
If SQL data must be unique for each user session, then you have three
options to choose from:

1. Set session cookie. It holds up to 1Kb guaranteed. So unless you
have some MEMO fields like Full_Story_Of_My_Life, it should be fair
enough for anything.

2. Use the shame of frames (pls don't)

3. Create server-side session .js files and then
<script src="id0u3u4ud9g7j4.js"></script>
It raises the questions though 1) of server clean up after and 2)
possible privacy exposure via cache (fixable but extra headache).

Tell me what you like the most.
JavaScript code. No problem on cleaning up the .js file afterwards then.


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